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Tag: zecharia sitchen

Zecharia Sitchen Nibiru And The Anunnaki

Zecharia Sitchen Nibiru And The Anunnaki

By on December 28, 2014 in Extraterrestrials

Archeologist Zecharia Sitchen uncovers the lost and hidden archives of the Annunaki: Extra-planetary visitors who over 6,000 years ago inspired what is thought to be the earliest civilization known to man; Sumeria. From the sacred stone tablets of this culture, many of the teachings of the earliest inventors, philosophers and biblical scholars once thought mythical, […]

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Why I’m Not Buying Into The New Age Movement Anymore

Why I’m Not Buying Into The New Age Movement Anymore

By on September 2, 2014 in Exiting The Matrix

I know I may lose some “friends” here after saying what I’m about to say, but I’m not interested in compromising or hindering my own spiritual growth or human/personal growth simply because I’m too worried about what others think of me and honestly, I could really care less at this point.

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