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Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast August 7-13 2017

By on August 7, 2017 in Astrology

Weekly Planetary Astrology Forecast August 7-13 2017

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by Hillory Skott,
Contributing Writer,

The magical Eclipse portal opens on Monday August 7th at 11:11am PST as the full moon in future-loving Aquarius opposes the bright and joyful Leo Sun. Resistance is futile. This is hot hot energy cooly burning off the unnecessary. It is realignment time, an upgrade to a more resonant life is occurring for all of us.


Mercury will go retrograde this week too. Double double check all the details. The full moon in Aquarius asks you what your Heart needs to be who you really are in the world in a way that benefits all. You are a unique and beautiful snowflake, or water droplet or whatever, are you letting the world know this about you?

Eclipse energy is potent and change making. On Monday the 7th a partial Lunar Eclipse will occur with the full moon in Aquarius and in two weeks we will have a total Solar Eclipse with the new moon in Leo being called the great American Eclipse as it will be seen as it crosses the center of the USA from west to east.

The August 7th Eclipse is Lunar, emotional, it is instinctual. At the full moon we are ready to release something. With the Lunar Eclipse this effect is felt even more strongly.

The two weeks between the Eclipse is like a doorway granting access to a higher stream of energy. Bright beams of beauty beckon from beyond where you are now. It can be disorienting to travel from one reality to another. Often things will remain unclear until you are through to the other side of the changes taking place, so stay centered while you swirl around in the unknown.

Mars in Leo is opposing this Eclipse amping up our need to be creative, joyful, treasured, witnessed and even applauded. The trine to Jupiter is giving us the luck and expansive thoughts we need to anchor in the most positive timelines. We are evolving. Tap into the Higher Flow of it and let go.

With Mercury at a stand still and ready to back track starting on the 13th our minds are taxed. It is not a time to start, but rather a time to review, rework, revise your plans. Virgo is particular. Perhaps an inward look at the routines and habits that build the bones of your life is on order.


Mercury in Virgo is earthy and concerned with real world results and constant progress towards the ultimate perfection. Without this urging we might all just be lazy asses with no urge to grow and become. Dull. Unpolished.

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Mercury is at home in Virgo – let this energy point to something you need to fine-tune, something you might have missed. Also, people from the past can show up now. Often with some kind of unfinished business. Meaningful encounters are highly likely as the Eclipse gateway on the south node connects us to the past. Perhaps even past lives. Look for charged emotional reactions, odd coincidence, chance encounters, and opportunity for positive change.

The Lunar Eclipse of August 7 can help end/begin situations, it’s designed to keep you in the flow of your own highest good. Be willing to let go and let god so to speak. Whatever may be shadowing the true expression of your deepest self will have to go now. Don’t hang on.

We are still feeling the Capricorn Pluto and Jupiter in Libra square. Our ambitions are big, as they should be, said the Capricorn. Jupiter in Libra is concerned about ideas of peace and cooperation and Capricorn is busy moving ever upward in an unsentimental way. Big things are stirring.

One great gift of this Full moon Aquarius energy is that we can tap into detachment. Aquarius energy is tapped in the collective. This energy rides the edge of the world, pointing the way past the past. It’s rebellious, electric, citizen of the Universe energy. We may be able to express ourselves in ways that liberate us from previous versions of ourselves. Look to Join forces with like minded companions. Not in an ooey-gooey emotional way but in a, “we can have things together”, kind of way.

Perhaps to fully be ourselves we need others and others need us. It’s no longer appropriate to hide your light. Call in the ability to shine as your true and total self. Now is the time. Now is always the time. The present is the point of power.

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About the author: I get such lovely feedback and attract very Light conscious people, feel blessed. I was told in 2005 while at a group channeling session, that I was one of the early indigo Children, at the time I was only vaguely aware of what that meant.I was 32 and it was true. Such a gift to find that out and begin to understand my differences were common among people with similar wiring. I have been studying astrology for 21 years, teaching and practicing professionally for 14 and speaking and writing for the last 6. I am also a Mum of a 14 year old unschooled daughter and the life partner to her Dad. It’s a grand little life and I want to help other people exit the matrix and live a life of Love and Light too. My offering is the connection to the energies of the planets and the understanding of our birth charts, our blueprint for our life plans. Please visit Hillory Skott International Holistic Astrologer.

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