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5 Ways To Disengage From The Entanglements Of Others

By on August 11, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

5 Ways To Disengage From The Entanglements Of Others

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by Susan Vivyan,
Contributing Writer,

1. Not to fret or worry

Self-imposed concerns, in the grand scheme of things, mean NOTHING. Be free like a bird. Focus, yet allow your intuition to be your guide, and all will be in the flow. Others issues are THEIR ISSUES. Detangle from their own makings and free yourself from their own baggage that they carry be it self-imposed or self-perpetuating.


2. Free yourself from the burdens of others yet offer assistance when you are guided and when it is necessary for self-empowerment

DO NOT continue the cycle of self-abuse, self-neglect, addiction of any sort or self-disempowerment via actions, words, or deeds from others. You are ONLY responsible for your own actions, words, and deeds. Others have chosen their actions (for various reasons) OUTSIDE of your control and domain.

3. Disentangle; disengage from any activity, person or group which does not empower you

Even if the activity may be cloaked in words of a spiritual nature, use your own discernment in their orientation and leaning. Use your own intuition when engaging with anyone or anything. Self-regulate your own activity and engagement.

4. Silence, nature, creative activities, yoga, meditation are actions which nourish the soul

Choose wisely. Find activities, actions which nourish you. The above list is not exhaustive. You know what is best for you. Continue in this vein and you will wisely choose the road of your own making; the path of least resistance, the road to your own self-regulation and ease. Envision a path of beauty, clear markings with the ability to travel lightly, effortlessly with perceived difficulties handled effortlessly.

5. Walk softly but carry a big stick

In this regard, ease the burden off yourself while protecting your own space. Be loving toward yourself. Be vigilant and diligent in your observations, awareness, and personal space.

Susan Vivyan; M.A.T. (Art Therapy), B.S. (Art Education); Art Transformative Facilitator/Educator, Writer, Artist. You can find her Soul Essence paintings on Facebook @EssenceArtBySusanVivyan

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