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Akashic Records – Incoming Wave Of Promised Change

By on August 30, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Akashic Records - Incoming Wave Of Promised Change

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by Sherry Mosley, MSOM, CSP,
Body, Mind, Spirit, Soul Wellness

There is a large white ball of light headed for planet Earth to engulf it in it’s entirety, like a white blanket covering us and moving through us and the planet as a whole.


According to the Akashic Records and Beings of Light there in, here is what they share about this.

What is this wave that is coming all about?

Promised change

What do you mean by promised change?

A long time ago when the Atlanteans were going under, a promise was made to return the society to a paralleled consciousness.

This new horizon arrives in one months time.

This energy allows a portal for higher thinking for those who really wish to embrace it.

It can be new technology, a new money system or way of managing finances, a new way of obtaining food …all ways out of what is currently available and going back to an ancient knowledge.


So how will this look or manifest on a large scale in society as a planet?

People will suddenly up and leave their current way of life to go back to something they remember feeding them much more largely.

This memory is what is being downloaded in this wave to those who have prepared.

If you have not prepared for the wave this will be a confusing and frustrating time of inner chaos and turmoil as feelings arise that make sense to the current way of life.

The only way out is the way in.

Go within is the way out.

There are no substitutes.

You must allow for this change on a cellular level and to step out of the mind that will resist such what appear to be outlandish external changes.

For those who have prepared this will be a new dawn, a new coming for which they have prayed for, hoped for, dreamed for.

Then with that once recognizing the long awaited ship it will be their job, your job, to board this ship to the new land.

If you’ve prepared you are already packed and ready to go and to leave what you know you no longer need for the higher call fills all you need except that which you can easily bring with you in the transition.

There may be some division between people and tribes and families and communities very suddenly and irrationally as those who have not prepared watch those who have embark on something they see as sudden or ludicrous depending on their own acceptance of who they truly are at the time of the wave change.


This will be a great time for all prepared, or not, for all will be lifted up no matter what.

How it goes and what follows will depend on preparation, ability in mindfulness and what you’ve packed to go with you and what you’re leaving behind parted with.

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There is no fear needed here for anyone, we just want to reassure you All will be taken care of by the many who did prepare or by other means It is crucial to trust this and all will be okay. Otherwise, it will feel like panic.

Go now be in peace and remember, we are all always with you Beings of Light.

If you feel unprepared or wish to check in to prepare more Sherry Mosley offers personal Akashic Record readings for this coming change. Please email her to book your reading: Looking forward to the adventure and assisting you in your process.

Sherry Mosley, MSOM, CSP
Chinese & Japanese Medicine, Shamanic Practitioner & Counselor,
Akashic Record Reader, Akashic Enlightenment Teacher
Body, Mind, Spirit, Soul Wellness

Image: Pixabay

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