Transformative Angel Message For The Week #40
by Elise Cantrell,
Contributing Writer,
Transformative Angel Message For The Week
Dear ones, we wish to clarify the angelic role as it relates to humanity. We hear your pleas and cries, but are not allowed to intervene in ways that “magically fix” eradicate or erase your challenges in the human realm. We do not give any human an unfair advantage, and we would not interfere in any way that would not serve your soul’s own natural advancement, growth and learning.
We are not allowed to stop the natural consequences of your actions or interfere with natural laws. (Only God/Creator/Source can do this.) We too are subject to the laws of cause and effect and all laws of this particular universe. We cannot take your pain and suffering from you, but we can bear it with you, so you do not have to bear it alone. It breaks our hearts to see you in pain as we are highly empathic beings and your pain becomes our pain.
We are permitted to place signs and symbols on your path. We can lead you to the tools that help you heal yourself, overcome your struggles, and meet your challenges in new ways. We spark ideas, insights, and creative ways of looking at situations that allow you to get unstuck from where you are and help you move in a better direction. We are allowed to give you a push, to give you guidance, to show you signs when you are o the right path, and signs when you are not. The rest is up to you. You have free will to choose your way forward. Many of you heed our advice, and many others ignore it. Oftentimes you second guess what you are receiving from us and overthink it! We become frustrated and disappointed ourselves by your resistance to our help! We cannot enable you. We cannot do the work for you. We cannot give you the answers, but we can show you where to look to find them for yourselves. We can point you in the right direction, but it is you who must climb the mountain.
We cannot give you the lottery numbers (we get this request a lot), we never predict or foretell the future, because your future is of your own making by the decisions and choices that you yourself make, and we are not to interfere with the pace and path of your own progress. We do all we can to guide you, to cheer you on, and to surround you with love and light wherever you go. We give you encouragement and helpful hints along the way to keep you moving forward. We drop the “breadcrumbs” on your path, but it is you who chose to follow or to find your own way. You never walk alone.
We never judge you. Judgment is purely a human thinking process that tends to slow down the momentum of grace in this reality. At our level of being, we bypass this primitive line of thinking. We are not subject to the many human thinking errors that have distorted the way you see the world you live in. We see beyond all mistakes, all judgments, all fears. We behold all before us through the clarity of the lens of love, and we reside and exist within the purest vibration of that love. There is nothing there to fear, judge or question here from our perspective. All is perfect just as it is.
It is difficult to watch you judge yourselves so harshly, and punish yourselves with your own actions, emotions and choices. We acknowledge how difficult it is to live in such a complex reality and we admire you greatly, for you chose this. You chose to come here to learn and to grow. We chose to come here as your watchers, guides and protectors, for as we witness you within this framework, we too learn and grow. We pick you up and dust you off when you fall as a mother holds and nurtures her injured child, until it is ready to return to the playground and be a part of the game again. And this, dear ones, is a game of your choosing. You can step out temporarily for a rest, and then jump right back in and resume when you are ready!
Our role has been widely misinterpreted and misunderstood. We hope you now have better understanding of how we engage with you, beloveds. We cannot change what you face, encounter, or choose, but we assist you from the sidelines as much as we possibly can without taking over for you. We wish we could do more, but this is your journey, and at the end you will feel such a sense of accomplishment to have made it through one of the toughest reality frameworks that exist in the time-space matrix and beyond. Think of this as a marathon, and we are the crowd cheering you on. We are the first aid station. We are the water stops. You can quit or give up if you choose, but the satisfaction of seeing it through, and completing what you started, is the sweet reward! You would not have chosen this, if you didn’t know you were fully capable of reaching the finish line! We wait for your arrival with open arms!
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About the author: Elise Cantrell is an author, teacher, healer, wife and mother. She has authored 6 books in the mind, body, spirit wellness genre including her award winning book 40 Days to Enlightened Eating. Elise has a master’s degree in education, is a ERYT 500 yoga instructor, Ayurveda Practitioner, and owner of Shining Lotus Yoga and Wellness in Kohler, WI. Elise has communicated with angels telepathically and through automatic writing since she was a child. She passionately strives to inspire everyone towards their best and highest self through living and teaching a variety of lifestyle and healing practices.

Now available on Amazon: Angel Thoughts: Inspiration Peace by Peace
“Life is meant to be lived “peace by peace.” Artist, author and angels have joined together to create a masterPEACE of heavenly proportions! You will be uplifted and inspired by the angelic wisdom, images and transmissions that fill the pages. You too were divinely designed open your wings and soar!”
Image: Pixabay
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In5D Addendum
Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,
Angel messages are a powerful tool for those seeking guidance and spiritual enlightenment. These messages come to us in various forms, such as repetitive numbers, synchronicities, or even through direct communication with angels. The messages can be interpreted as signs of love, protection, and encouragement. By paying attention to the signs and messages, we can open ourselves up to the divine guidance and support that surrounds us.
To receive these messages, it’s important to quiet the mind and tune in to our intuition. One way to do this is through meditation, which allows us to connect with our angels and receive their guidance. Angel messages can also be received through divination tools such as angel cards, which provide specific messages and guidance. Whatever form the message comes in, it is important to trust in the guidance we receive and allow it to guide us on our spiritual path.