Transformative Angel Message Of The Week #87 New Year Message
by Elise Cantrell,
Contributing Writer,
Transformative Angel Message For The Week
Sometimes you can’t see what you’re learning until you get to the other side of it… 2020 was about “2020 vision” (clarity), 2021 is about transcendence.
2020 was not really about a virus, it was about healing. It gave you the opportunity to do the deep inner work on yourself for the healing of personal wounds, traumas and tragedies. By allowing yourself to see them, be with them, own them, you began to heal them.
As 2020 was about healing, 2021 will be about revealing. Get ready to see what is “behind the mask.” Learn to differentiate the True Self from the “artificial self” that shows up as a “knee jerk reaction” to life. Life is the screen upon which you view yourself. Discern the difference between living from the ego and the soul. This changes everything and rewrites the entire script.
2020 was about becoming aware of your shadow (your doubts, fears, shame, blame, anger, judgment, guilt, etc). (Your ego self) 2021 is going to be about facing your light. Do you have the courage it takes to see your and be your true light? (Your True Self: You are LOVE in a clever disguise.) Often you are more frightened of your light than of your shadow. But you must recognize the shadows first, in order to uncover your light. Get prepared to be astonished by your shine!
2020 was about facing your fears, especially the fear of death. 2021 is all about falling in love with being alive again. Learn to seek and find the beauty in life. Follow the path of beauty wherever it may lead, one beautiful step at a time. Beautiful stepping stones will lead you in a beautiful new direction.
2020 showed you what happens when you allow your reality, be created for you by an outside source (The news media, Big tech, Social media, government, mass consciousness, etc. to name a few…). 2021, is about taking the upper hand in this psychological game, and refusing to let your mental and emotional energy be hijacked and used for someone else’s creation, purpose or agenda. In 2021, you shall reclaim your mental power and energy to create the world, life and reality the way YOU want it. You are invited to step into your sovereignty and power now. Unplug from sources that funnel your energy into a negative paradigm that you wouldn’t choose to be a part of or participate in. Harness your mental energy to create the world as you want it. After all, nightmares and daydreams are both created by your very own mind. Don’t stay in the nightmare. Wake up and deliberately create a paradise filled with love, connection, community, peace, prosperity, purpose, joy and abundance. You can continue to choose suffering, or you can choose liberation.
2020 was about confusion, 2021 is about intention. The more conscious you are, your lessons come with greater ease. When you are unconscious and lack awareness, living blindly, lessons can smack you over the head. Either way, life delivers the lessons you came to learn. You choose how they come through by your level of intention and awareness. You have permission to stop learning from suffering and pain, and to learn with effortless ease and blissful joy. Don’t keep falling into the same hole. If you watch carefully where you are walking, you don’t step into poo!
In 2020 you were told what to believe whether it made sense or not. Ask the question, is seeing believing or is believing seeing?! 2021 is about trusting yourself, your own knowing and your own internal guidance system, realizing that the truth is inside of you. It has always been there. Feel into your own beliefs, your own truths. Tap into your inner knowledge. Let false beliefs and half-truths that are working against you fall away, for the truth always stands firm. What is not true, cannot remain in the vibration of 2021.
2020 found you caught off guard, blindsided, gobsmacked. 2021 is about trusting in the FLOW, even through surprises, knowing that when something appears to not be working out, it is only because something even better is coming to take its place. Learn not to react, but to trust the flow of life and let life rise up to support you. Trust that everything is working out in your favor.
2020 was full of twists and turns and swings in all directions. 2021 is all about balance. The universe is self-correcting. Life always rebalances itself. The world always rebalances itself. Look for the balance and you will find it in new, unexpected and enjoyable ways. Stop fixing the old and adjust your balance and things will be steady and smooth.
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2021 is about getting to know yourself as love. You are love in a clever disguise. Love takes courage. Be in your love. There is no death when you are love everlasting. Love is life; life is love. See if you can see and project love in all the places where it appears to be missing. Everything responds to the light of love.(Your light) To all your fears, doubts and judgements say: “Thank you for showing me how much I love. I choose love now.”
“Rise and Shine!”
Elise Cantrell

Now available on Amazon: Angel Thoughts: Inspiration Peace by Peace
“Life is meant to be lived “peace by peace.” Artist, author and angels have joined together to create a masterPEACE of heavenly proportions! You will be uplifted and inspired by the angelic wisdom, images and transmissions that fill the pages. You too were divinely designed open your wings and soar!”
Image: Pixabay
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In5D Addendum
Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,
Angel messages are a powerful tool for those seeking guidance and spiritual enlightenment. These messages come to us in various forms, such as repetitive numbers, synchronicities, or even through direct communication with angels. The messages can be interpreted as signs of love, protection, and encouragement. By paying attention to the signs and messages, we can open ourselves up to the divine guidance and support that surrounds us.
To receive these messages, it’s important to quiet the mind and tune in to our intuition. One way to do this is through meditation, which allows us to connect with our angels and receive their guidance. Angel messages can also be received through divination tools such as angel cards, which provide specific messages and guidance. Whatever form the message comes in, it is important to trust in the guidance we receive and allow it to guide us on our spiritual path.