Aquarius New Moon
by Hillory Skott,
Contributing writer,
Aquarius New Moon February 4, 2019- Now is our chance to to reset. This is an opportunity to let go with effortless ease. Watch for sudden lucky opportunities that expand your life to include fortunate adventures with like minded companions. Venus, ruler of what we value, moves to committed Capricorn: What do you need to do to get where you need to go? Now is the perfect time to plan. It is a perfect time to begin as you intend to go on.
There is a lovely connection between Venus in Sagittarius and Uranus in Aries on February second that sets us up to tap into our authentic selves. Sagittarius is meant to seek and share the truth and Aries is a courageous hot head. This is a nice little boost to your inner know-it-all. It will give you just the dash of charisma you need to make a fantastic impression. The leader in you has something to say. It wants to show them the way. Own it. Your life is a twinkling example.
Through all this lifting energy Chiron is making difficult aspects to Venus right before it moves into Capricorn on the 3rd. Chiron is our wounded self. The compassionate part of our character born of deep wounds hard to heal. It’s where we learn what is broken cannot always be fixed. Look for wounds around truthful self-expression. Anxieties arise when the need to express yourself comes up. Be open to healing for healing to come.
Venus in Capricorn for the rest of February is on point. Like a grand Saguaro Cactus. It knows how to stand dignified in its own authority. We can see what we want for seven generations. Manage your life. Make a morning routine to reaffirm daily what your priorities are. Consider emotional, physical, spiritual realms of life. Consider your legacy when making any and all choices.
Be clear, follow the plan that will lead to your goal. This is powerful human magic in action. The ten year instant success is a thing. Have you been at it for ten years? Well keep going grasshopper. The little blessings of improvement affirm your progress. Climb mountain little goat, you will get there, one carefully considered step at a time.
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This New moon in Aquarius will bring a crackling new energy that feels like fresh oxygen.We now have access to our inner rebel to fight for our sovereignty. It is with our clear will and intention that life is transformed one imperfect action at a time. Be grounded and strong. Trust in Self. You know the way. Follow you Vision. Lead with your heart.
This weeks everyday Astrology Podcast
About the author: I get such lovely feedback and attract very Light conscious people, feel blessed. I was told in 2005 while at a group channeling session, that I was one of the early indigo Children, at the time I was only vaguely aware of what that meant.I was 32 and it was true. Such a gift to find that out and begin to understand my differences were common among people with similar wiring. I have been studying astrology for 21 years, teaching and practicing professionally for 14 and speaking and writing for the last 6. I am also a Mum of a 14 year old unschooled daughter and the life partner to her Dad. It’s a grand little life and I want to help other people exit the matrix and live a life of Love and Light too. My offering is the connection to the energies of the planets and the understanding of our birth charts, our blueprint for our life plans. Please visit Hillory Skott International Holistic Astrologer.
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