Ascension Symptoms – Spring 2018
by Kim Hutchinson,
Contributing Writer,
Everyone on Planet Earth is being upgraded energetically. Some of us are being prepared for ascension and life on the New Earth, as per our soul readiness and desire; others are being lifted to the level that best suits their soul’s journey.
The energy that is transforming us came from the Galactic Central Sun, and is now radiating from our Sun. It affects all life on the planet (and in), as well as the Earth herself.
One way we can measure these incoming waves of ascension energy is by looking at graphs that show huge spikes in the Schumann Resonances, a.k.a. Gaia’s heartbeat. Another way is to monitor one’s body for symptoms. For example, as those incoming solar waves of blissful, high vibrational energy wash over us, they can make us feel very sleepy.
Ascension Manifestations
The following are some more examples of ascension ‘symptoms’.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have any of these symptoms, consult with your Physician in order to rule out non-ascension related causes.
- Peripheral visions: Objects and beings appearing in the corner of your eye
- Geometry: Seeing the Flower of Life pattern or other sacred geometric forms, especially upon awakening
- Color: Perceiving more colors or an increased color intensity
- Acuity: Picking up on subtle background noise (i.e. hum/buzz of electronics)
- Music: Hearing music in everyday sounds
- Clairalience: Physic smell (i.e. smelling roses while looking at a garden video)
- Sensitivity: Noticing subtle odors in a big way
- Awareness: Feeling non-corporeal beings (i.e. angels, spirit guides, departed loved ones) touching you, especially during healings
Sparkling Skin
- Glitter: While sitting in the Sun, skin appears to be covered in glitter or pixie dust (tiny specs of white or rainbow colored light)
- Glow: Radiating light in the dark
Increased Vibration
- Vibrational Downloads: Energy entering the crown, slowly moving down the body accompanied by a “whomp whomp” sound; increased pressure; heat, and temporary muscle weakness
- Body: Vibrating head-to-toe while falling asleep or upon awakening
Heart Clearing and Expansion
- Palpitations: Racing, irregular heartbeat during heightened Sun activity (i.e. CMEs – Coronal Mass Ejections
- Rear Heart Chakra Purging: Waves of cold energy rippling through the upper back and shoulder area
- Heart Opening: Warm, powerful, radiant energy filling the chest, arms and hands
Altered Sleep Patterns
- Nap Attacks: The sudden, pressing need for a midday nap
- More Sleep: Needing, on average, two extra hours of sleep per night
- Altered Schedule: Going to bed much earlier (i.e. 8 pm) or later than usual (i.e. midnight)
- Interrupted Sleep: Waking at frequent intervals throughout the night (i.e. every two hours)
- Exhaustion: Lacking energy, despite increased sleep
- Headaches: Bouts of head pain (i.e. pulsating energy drilling into the crown)
- Aches and Pain: Stiff, aching joints, especially knees and lower back interspersed with good days when the body feels lighter and more limber
Respiratory / Throat Issues
- Sinus Congestion: Blocked nasal passages and sinuses
- Hoarseness: Throat blockages
Weight and Diet Changes
- Weight Fluctuations: Inadvertently gaining or losing weight
- Increased Metabolism: Burning calories quickly; feeling famished; stomach growing loudly in between meals; needing to eat something every two hours
- Lack of Appetite: Feeling bloated and full despite not having eaten
- Virulent Flu or Cold: Intense physical purging; falling ill despite usually being healthy and immune
- Living in the Now: Truly being present with no past regrets or future fears
- Zoning Out: Easily and rapidly slipping into a relaxed, almost meditative, state
- Bliss: Feeling totally contented
Mental Silence
- Quiet Brain: Lack of random thoughts; ruminations on the past, or anxiety about the future
- Muted Ego: Absence of running commentary; comparisons, and fears
Memory Loss
- Short-Term: Difficulty with short-term memory recall
- Long-Term: Temporary gaps in long-term memory (i.e. forgetting how to spell common words); altered memories (due to merging timelines)
Lack of Focus
- Unable to Concentration: Inability to focus on work
- Single Tasking: No longer able to multi-task
Emotional Purges
- Fear: Moments of intense fear (i.e. lack of money; fear of losing a loved one)
- Anger: Periods of intense purges of anger; feeling irrationally upset; vocalizing displeasure in a new way; embodying the anger of a mal-treated group
Oneness with Wildlife
- Tameness: Wild animals approaching high vibrational humans without trepidation
- Communication: Understanding animal language, both verbal and telepathic
Time Shifts
- Acceleration: Time speeding up; feeling overwhelmed by the lack of time
- Slow Down: Intermittent periods when it feels like time almost stops
Becoming Your Own Guru
- Loss of Gurus: Spiritual teachers disavowing themselves of their former teachings; strange behaviour from people in the spiritual community
- Loss of Guides: Former spiritual guides not being as responsive
- Soul Connection: Increased reliance on one’s soul in lieu of other people or spiritual beings
Heightened Intuition
- Telepathy: Knowing what your partner is about to say
- Premonition: Knowing what is going to happen, especially 10 second prior to the event
Spiritual Recall
- Past Lives: Spontaneously remembering prior incarnations and abilities
- Light Language: Intuitively understanding light language and/or channeling light language
Multidimensional Consciousness
- Mandala Effect: Ability to recognize when timelines converge; awareness of other realities
- Alternate Realities: Soul journeys to other dimensions and densities
How to Deal with Ascension Symptoms
The energetic upgrades can be intense at times, and it’s beneficial to do the following:
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Rest / Relax
- If possible, take time off work to relax.
- Intersperse work with regular breaks
- Get lots of sleep
- Go outside (i.e. go to the beach; sit in the Sun; sit with a tree; garden, go camping)
- Ground yourself (especially to 5D Earth)
Have Fun
- Laugh
- Play games
- Dance and sing
- Find an enjoyable hobby
- Be social
Need More Help?
I’m an Ascension Guide. I provide Distance Multidimensional Energy Healing, coupled with Intuitive Soul Guidance, to help to alleviate ascension symptoms and to help you better understand the process. I have been healing and guiding people for over 10 years. I work with angels, Source and pure intention. My philosophy is, “All healing comes from Love”. To learn more about my healing services, or to book a healing, please visit:
Kim Hutchinson of is a Mystical Guiding Star whose soul journeys through time, space and dimensions to offer healing to people worldwide.
Image: Pixabay
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