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Ascension Toolkit #6 – Discernment

By on May 9, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Ascension Toolkit #6 - Discernment

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by Michael H Hallett,
Contributing Writer,

Have you ever been in a situation where you need to make a choice, and while everyone is telling you to make one decision—usually the safe, sensible one—something inside you is screaming to do the opposite?


Let’s say you want to take a course to kick-start your career. There might be a course from a well-known education provider that gives you a recognized and desirable qualification… yet your heart hankers for that slightly quirky course from an offbeat college that no employer has ever heard of.

It’s a tough decision. On the one hand lies a sure-fire path to employment and a steady income. On the other… you do the math. To make matters worse, friends and family may pressure you into following the safer choice—yet every time you look at the website of the quirky college your heart does this chocolate-in-the-sun thing. Welcome to discernment.

Attraction and repulsion

The example above shows how discernment works in relation to attraction. But discernment also works in relation to repulsion. Discernment tells you what—or whom—to stay away from just as much as what to go for. It tells you when to get out of a situation or to avoid someone with a hidden agenda. As with attraction, it may warn you off someone whom everyone else thinks is wonderful.

In these situations it’s very easy to think that we are at fault and how dare we think badly of someone else without any evidence? Yet if we stick around long enough the evidence will arrive and we metaphorically kick ourselves for not listening to our instincts.

Falling off bicycles

Discernment is about learning what is right for you, no matter what it looks like to anyone else. Ascension requires you to make your own choices, for the very simple reason that you are a unique being in the history of space and time. The path you need to navigate to unlock your own Ascension gateway is unique to you.

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Discernment is purely intuitive. It is often experienced as a warm flush around the heart (if something attracts you) or a tightening in the gut (if you are being warned off). Notice when you experience these feelings, notice what choices you make, and notice the outcomes. Learning discernment is like learning to ride a bicycle. If you haven’t fallen off, you haven’t learned the limits. Don’t worry, you will.


Michael H Hallett provides Ascension guidance. He writes on emotional intelligence and the mechanics of Ascension.

Published under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC) licence. Can be freely shared for non-commercial purposes.

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