by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,
Today’s High Pitched Frequencies
F# Major: (Heart, “I love”, Moon, spiritual retreat, peacefulness, bliss) Triumph over difficulty, free sigh of relief uttered when hurdles are surmounted; echo of a soul which has fiercely struggled and finally conquered lies in all uses of this key.
You can find the F Sharp at the 9:00 minute marker of the video below:
LET YOUR HEART SPEAK THE TRUTH! The specific energy of today’s F Sharp high pitched frequency shows us that difficulties that we had previously encountered are being alleviated or resolved through the love frequency. You may also find that some things that had bothered you in the past no longer seem like much of an issue, although current issues may still remain to be worked on, on an individual basis.
F Major: (Heart, “I love”, Moon, emotions, inner world, peacefulness, bliss) Complaisance & Calm.
The heart chakra is the ultimate balance, being located in between the upper 3 higher chakras and bottom 3 lower chakras, thus making it the mediator between both.
The “key of love” is coming in to heal and transmute ALL chakras in this frequency.
“I love” is the mantra of this high pitched frequency, so go within your heart, or simply open your heart, and allow these energies to blossom within you.
G Major: (Throat, “I speak”, Mercury, communication, creativity, expression) Everything rustic, idyllic and lyrical, every calm and satisfied passion, every tender gratitude for true friendship and faithful love,–in a word every gentle and peaceful emotion of the heart is correctly expressed by this key.
Perhaps there is someone you need to call or someone who hasn’t heard from you in a while?
Today is an opportunity to communicate your intentions, thoughts and feelings to yourself and others.
The throat chakra is a reminder to speak ALOUD what we desire and want in our lives.
An imbalanced throat chakra can show up as the need to clear your throat in the middle of a sentence, laryngitis, or tonsillitis. You may have communication insecurities or may simply be afraid to speak your truth. It’s alright for you to say “No” if it means that you’re standing in your truth!
Related Heart Chakra articles:
Do This To Open Your Throat And Heart Chakra
7 Signs Your Chakras Are Imbalanced
7 Brilliant Ways To Work With Citrine
Your Aura And How It Affects Others
Chakras – A Beginner’s Guide To The 7 Energy Centers
Related Throat Chakra Articles:
Gaia Heart And Throat Chakra Activation
Crystals For Healing And Psychic Use
7 Signs Your Chakras Are Imbalanced
Chakra Maintenance 101 – A Simple Guide
Do This To Open Your Throat And Heart Chakra
Chakra Attachments – Possession And Exorcism
All of the great composers knew the importance of each key (frequency). The following is Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto F-sharp minor No. 1
TRIVIA: Sergei Rachmaninoff composed his Piano Concerto No. 1 in F♯ minor, Op. 1, in 1891, at age 18.
Always look at these high pitched frequencies from every perspective because there’s a specific reason why we’re receiving them, which side (if any) is more predominant, the particular key they’re in, which chakra and/or planet is being represented, etc… In other words, it’s much more than just a noise inside your head!
As always, these high pitched frequencies are also working on higher, etheric levels, giving you the galactic downloads you need at this particular time. You don’t necessarily need to physically hear them to know what they’re doing. We’re ALL receiving benefits from these high pitched frequencies whether you hear them or not!
PLEASE NOTE: Some people don’t hear these frequencies but instead, feel them. For example, if the HPF is the 3rd Eye, you may experience headaches. I recently met a person who smells the change in frequency, similar to synesthesia (the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body)!
What is a high pitched frequency
Every day, people are hearing high pitched frequencies that are not associated with tinnitus or a Vitamin D deficiency. Until recently, many of us were not sure what they exactly meant. As a musician, I can easily find the octave of the frequencies I hear on my guitar.
Every note has its own unique frequency. Royal Rife knew this and built a machine that would use frequencies to address terminal illnesses.
These high pitched frequencies that we’re all hearing boil down to energy vibration.
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How to personally read these frequencies
Chances are, these frequencies are helping to transmute both past life and present situations and traumas.
They are also showing us how the collective is picking up empathic stress from global situations that subconsciously affect the collective psyche.
You can also look into how these frequencies are affecting you by noticing which ear you’re predominantly hearing these frequencies. Most of the time, it’s not a predominant ear, but sometimes, is distinctively louder!
In QHHT, the left side represents your past while the right side is the present.
You can also look at it from a different perspective: the left side is the Divine Feminine while the right side is the Divine Masculine.
These high pitched frequencies carry information on a multidimensional level and while these frequencies are helping the collective, they are also helping the individuals who seek further meaning into why they’re hearing these specific frequencies RIGHT NOW!
More than ever, it’s important to STAY GROUNDED, especially through times of despair.
Beyond 3D
There’s a specific reason WHY we’re hearing the high pitched frequencies that we’re hearing. They all contain messages within messages (the root note and the notes that comprise the chord) and each has a corresponding chakra energy center associated with it.
On a higher level, our guides are giving us messages through these frequencies, but we need to be able to decipher what each sound is and how these high pitched frequencies play into our daily lives.
I’ve also been looking at the Hermetic meanings of each chakra. You can use this chart as a reference:
Past life or present life transmutations?
When you’re hearing high pitched frequencies, take note of which side of your head that these frequencies are predominantly louder. In QHHT, the left side of your body represents your past life and your right side is your current life. You may be hearing a louder high pitched frequency in your left ear and are transmuting some past life trauma. OR, you may be hearing louder high pitched frequencies in your right ear and are working on current life issues.
Divine messages
You can also look at the left and right hand side of your body as either the Divine Feminine (left side) and the Divine Masculine (right side). You may be receiving messages from an angel or archangel when you hear a predominant high pitched frequency sound in either ear.
It could also represent either a masculine or feminine energy that is in your past or present life.
Encoded messages
Here is an example of the frequencies that I’m charting:
For three days in a row, the key of D was the predominant high pitched frequency. According to the above chart:
D Major: The key of triumph, of Hallelujahs, of war-cries, of victory-rejoicing. Thus, the inviting symphonies, the marches, holiday songs and heaven-rejoicing choruses are set in this key.
The interpretation of this and how it applies to us right now can be viewed as overcoming a lot of strife, not only here in our 3rd dimensional reality but also in the aethers. As above, so below.
For more on this topic along with the specific meaning of each key, please read High Pitched Frequencies And What They Mean.
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Sending you all infinite LOVE and Light!
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Gregg Prescott, M.S., is the founder and editor of In5D and Zentasia. In 2009, Gregg launched In5D after experiencing what he describes as a “galactic download,” which provided him with the name “In5D” and the guidance to create the website. He co-owns In5D Club with his beautiful wife, Ali. His In5D Facebook page has over 370,000 followers, and his In5D YouTube channel has amassed 146,000 followers. Gregg is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. Follow Gregg and In5D on various social media platforms, including Rumble, YouTube, Gab, Telegram, In5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and TruthSocial to stay updated on his latest content and events./
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