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Believing Your Dreams Into Reality

By on August 1, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Believing Your Dreams Into Reality

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by Lisa Transcendence Brown,

Can you feel the amount of magic in the air? Are you waking up inspired, happy and embracing everything that comes forth during your day? Are you activating your dreams and desires, creating that which has already occurred and clearing at record speed? Are you IN-TUNE with the Energy of All and moving slow, with precision and processing at the speed of light? Is your heart open, fully? Are you LIVING YOUR DREAMS and ALLOWING your dreams to come forth in every moment for you?


The linear human aspect can’t dream, for it doesn’t believe that things come easy, that we can literally exist and thrive abundantly on magic, gifts and love…. Ohhhhhhh, SO the opposite of TRUE! It will stay miserable, in a “job or life” that it hates/or is not happy in, out of survival/fear and non-belief that things can be different in an amazing way. They will actually not even try, for this is their safe place…

The heart-driven human aspect sees and dreams through desire, but doesn’t know how or have the drive/inner power/knowledge to implement and bring all into fruition in the physical. It KNOWS there’s a way, yet is not quite sure “how”….. It actually doesn’t care, just wants to be happy, float and live in bliss and experience the freedom of the heart….. 🙂

The higher self KNOWS how all occurs, has already occurred and holds all of the dreams, desires, knowledge for all. Activating, integrating, listening to, honoring, doing in accordance with all of this information, this is what the human aspect has to REMEMBER how to do. Letting go of “the need to know”, control and resistance to that which doesn’t make logical sense or have proof ,up front, this is the human aspects job….

Trust and faith in what is not yet tangible, has no physical proof and is usually the opposite of all things believed, goes against what the physical world “shows” deeply ingrained beliefs, tests where you come from/what you listen to….. and requires that you completely open up and expose yourself…. which triggers every hidden fear inside.

The higher dimensional realities are all energetic at first. Your physical realities materialize vibrationally in response to the vibrations that you hold inside. In the beginning, everything is very subtle. The human aspect will give when proof doesn’t show up quick enough…. we KNOW and we keep focused, creating, calling forth, allowing, raising our vibrational frequency and stop worrying about “the how and the when”, for this is the human’s need to try to control that which does not materialize linearly, but instead vibrationally. How and when actually interferes with the vibration, creates a distortion in the transmission and takes longer for things to occur.

Unification of all bodies/aspects at a higher vibration collapses timelines, removing the how & the when. These bypass all of those. We do not exist in time, we exist in vibration.


NEW Earth/Heaven on Earth is a materialization of higher frequency realities in physical form. It is all of one’s purest deepest desires, heart expanding focus and commitment to your self as love. It’s pure, no distortions of the old limited programs anymore. Love is your driving force, consciousness fills your body & your world and you no longer desire to play in the drama or games of the old anymore. You clean up your act and you start somewhere, anywhere to find any dream inside and you do whatever it takes, by listening to your higher self.

These frequencies obliterate the fears, the mis-perceptions of lack and not enough. They show each what is truly important and it won’t be that physical world thing first….


Here everything is the opposite. When you truly desire, you focus your energy and allow things to come forth in response. You embrace your gifts, you open your heart, you listen to your own thoughts and determine which ones are really true for you. You open up to higher consciousness guidance in every moment and you do in the physical what is in alignment with this.

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You are here to be fully and completely abundant and live in magic and bliss. You are here to become love again and to live your dream here. You are here to be free, experience complete joy and peace and anchor your higher self inside. You are here to exist from the depths of your own soul and be pure and continually upgrade your Crystalline LightBody form. You are here to be in-service by that which you ARE… for the things you most desire, will come forth as you open up to share and step into your own inner power and hold the frequency of PURE SOURCE LIGHT inside. It’s the little things you do that make a difference at first, then you do the big things as they arrive. You will have to let go of the things that don’t make you happy and feed your spirit/soul anymore and start doing the things that do. You will also have to pull away from everything to connect to your higher self/soul… For your soul/higher self comes forth in the silence, when you are alone (or sometime to show you not to do things). It becomes your new best friend, you form a relationship with your “imaginary friend”. learn to trust, listen and follow instructions… you “prove” that you hold the integrity to embody your higher selves/spirit/whole soul in your physical form here. You don’t get the full range of power and gifts until you do. These come all along the way, as you open your heart, transcend your ego and expand your consciousness fully again.

This is a process, one that occurs over your entire existence here. You have always been trying to awaken fully, yet it was not time back then. Now it is…. ♥ ♥ ♥

About the author: Lisa Transcendence Brown is an Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Author, Teacher/Guide, Transformational Speaker on Multi-Dimensional Consciousness/Mastery & The Embodiment of Light

Image: Pixabay

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