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Brace Yourself For This Wild Ride!

By on October 14, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Brace Yourself For This Wild Ride!

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by Adeana M. Slater,
Contributing Writer,

We are transitioning ourselves for the New Earth. Our safe arrival is destined and momentary as we navigate our last steps carefully. In the meantime, we are continuing to transmute and clear our heart and soul from past traumas and pain that is both hereditary and collective. Please be patient with yourself and others as we make this magnificent transition and transformation collectively. We are not only healing an immense amount of damage and dysfunctional attributes, but are healing and transmuting this damage simultaneously. This will be painful to navigate through. As unity consciousness has arrived, please reach out to those around you experiencing similar. You can help one another as we are are all here together to join hands and triumph.


It is well known that there has been catastrophic events and weather circulating the globe lately. Please be aware that as the collective heart and soul consciousness that we have become, we acknowledge our soul brothers and sisters who have suffered greatly. Please. Send them love, Light, and universal support. We also have become aware that the news and media is not always truthful. The attacks on humanity both directly and indirectly are the last stitch efforts of the Darkside holding on to the same old fear-based tactics they have always done, but it’s not working anymore.

Unfortunately this may only increase further attacks as they begin to lose their grip. This is not for us to revert backwards though dear hearts. We can band together in unity consciousness as we have arrived at, and support each other with peace, compassion, understanding, and love. Our combined efforts as Lightworkers has changed and have shifted major catastrophes. The news and media is focused on fear and fear has been the main theme to gain control and energy from the masses.

For those opposing the Light, the energies permeating Earth at this time is and has served its purpose. We have elevated passed their ability to control humanity any longer. As a result of frustration and anger, they will lash out. They have lashed out against humanity as assault and it won’t be long before they will ALL be held accountable. Their time is ticking. They know this. So brace yourself humanity. More “catastrophic” events may occur, AS PUBLISHED BY THE MEDIA. Get it yet?? WE collectively will do like we always have. Send love, Light, and Support as ONE unity.

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The Darkside is losing their grip on humanity. Fear based tactics and assaults aren’t working and they aren’t going to work. We have elevated out of their control and reach now. Safely arriving into 5D consciousness. However, they are going to “create” more crimes and more assaults that will be publicized on the media. They are grasping at straws, but they have already lost the war. They just won’t give up and surrender yet. So be it. We will just answer that we are stronger and have elevated passed their grip.

If you feel the need or desire to watch the news, please do! You will see how fake and contradictory it is. You have elevated passed this now and will find it repulsive and negative to watch or actively participate in. That’s when you know you have elevated in safety from the grips of fear based media and tactics that have been used for eons of time!!

Congratulations to you dear souls for remembering your strength and divinity. You are here to fight for the Light collectively and we are here to do this in unity with peace and love in our heart. Fear is NO longer a factor. Try as they might, allow the Darkness to exhaust themselves.


So be it. <3

I Love you all.

~Adeana M. Slater

About the author: Adeana M. Slater is an Empath, Lightworker, and Twin Flame who enjoys to write spiritual and inspirational articles in her free time to encourage the collective towards self love, soul empowerment, and higher consciousness.

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