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This Is The Calm Before The Storm

By on January 5, 2021 in Awareness with 0 Comments

This Is The Calm Before The Storm

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Right now, we’re in the the calm before the storm!

by Adeana M. Slater,
Contributing writer,


The entire World seems to be on “pins and needles” as they are watching the unfolding of the Presidential Election and what is to transpire from this experience. The presidential election is taking a long time to be determined so that it is absolutely accurate. Maybe this is because there is widespread desire in the accuracy of the election since there has been proof of fraud and foul play.

We also have a current US President who has been brave enough to challenge the results and the wrongdoings of humanity. Clearly, these types of discrepancies have been happening for years upon years. AND we are ALL just waking up to these facts. It is encouraged that you wipe the slumber from your eyes and SEE for possibly the first time ever! ?

It has been mentioned before that those who have not had Humanity’s best interest at heart will be illuminated. The spot light is on, and is illuminating especially the worst of those actors/actresses who have had the “lime light” until now. By the way, any lime light at this time is not a light you want to be caught under. Because it will expose all of your untruths as well as your intentions. So if you are one who is here on Earth not serving of humanity and the interests of humanity, than your ship will surely sink. Likewise, all of the others in this same fleet of lower vibrational desires and outcomes.

We are witnessing this in the mainstream media platforms as their transparency is and has been witnessed globally as not being credible and has been heavily biased. It has proven to be anything but representing true journalism. It may be time to release “the Kraken.”


The calm before the storm

Most of the government has been compromised and bought off as well as most of the judicial systems ?. Honesty, as well as integrity, has clearly fallen to the way-side. I urge those who have the most ill-intentions of humanity, to please evaluate yourselves and prepare for the repercussions that will follow your decisions and actions.

This is the calm before the storm. Please realize that any storm that you experience that seems troubling or over-powering is “nothing” in the grand scheme of things because you have been equipped to handle or overcome all of these obstacles beforehand. You have ALL of the tools within your heart and soul to triumph over everything placed in your path. Please lean on one another and remember why you are here. Humanity is standing together with ONE voice. The energy of Judgement has been called forth and will be pronounced…


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?? ? ❤️


About the Author: Adeana M. Slater is an Empath, Lightworker, and TwinFlame who enjoys writing Spiritual and Inspirational messages to encourage the Collective towards Self-Love, Soul-Empowerment, and Higher Consciousness.

Image: Pixabay

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