Chiron Moves To Aries: February 2019- April 2027
by Hillory Skott,
Contributing writer,
Chiron Moves to Aries: February 2019- April 2027. We are now doing the work of expressing our identity. Whatever stands in the way of who we came here to be must go.
We are moving fast with Purpose now. When you discover your wounds and give them a voice you become aware, awake. Activating your potential takes courage, and certainty. With Chiron in Aries we begin a new adventure. One where we don’t have to apologize for being who we are. We can heal and grow and know. And we do know! We know we do!
Chiron in Aries is Trine Jupiter in Sagittarius. That’s good stuff. OUr healing has great purpose. Our wounds transform into the gifts we give. Our superpowers come on board and life opens up ways for us to share more of who we are.
Tricky stuff is happening while Jupiter is squaring Neptune. No one knows for sure. Nothing is as it seems. Glimpses of infinity can rock the boat of your safe and sound understanding. This is very destabilizing. Dreams can crack wide open.
The consequences of our energetic offering will be more and less obvious. Strive for the realization of dreams. Strive to stay conscious and clear. Trust your deep inner knowing about all else.
The veil is thin and our perception exponential. Chiron in our chart represents the part of us that connects the physical world to the spiritual. Like a bridge giving access to higher reasoning, galactic perceptions and fantastic synchronicity. We need to be willing to feel to heal.
With Chiron in Aries we can expect to feel impatient with the process. We can move fast with little thought toward our goals. Clarify your goals so you don’t go rushing your way to the top only to find out you have been promoted to the level of your own incompetence.
Know that when you are feeling frustrated and angry the energy becomes unpredictable. Use your agitated state as a signal to stop and breath, slow down. Connect your core to the core of the earth. Our whole self functions more comfortably when are grounded, secure.
Be ready to move forward and be willing to do it feeling the full extent of your wounds. Humiliation, shame, grief, loss of power, worthlessness. Life can be painful.
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We all come in with a wound to heal. Its part of the program. Now is our chance to dazzle our very own self with a level a deep understanding that allows us to move past self defeating subconscious behaviour. Go Big!
You are now given the keys to the way forward. Through the door of your pain lies your super power. What is your super power? You have the next 8 years to find out. May your quest be lit by love.
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About the author: I get such lovely feedback and attract very Light conscious people, feel blessed. I was told in 2005 while at a group channeling session, that I was one of the early indigo Children, at the time I was only vaguely aware of what that meant.I was 32 and it was true. Such a gift to find that out and begin to understand my differences were common among people with similar wiring. I have been studying astrology for 21 years, teaching and practicing professionally for 14 and speaking and writing for the last 6. I am also a Mum of a 14 year old unschooled daughter and the life partner to her Dad. It’s a grand little life and I want to help other people exit the matrix and live a life of Love and Light too. My offering is the connection to the energies of the planets and the understanding of our birth charts, our blueprint for our life plans. Please visit Hillory Skott International Holistic Astrologer.
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