Cosmic Light Gateway
by Morag,
Contributing writer,
Cosmic Light Gateway
We are on a path of intensive karmic manifestation. A gateway, a Corridor of divinely fuelled Dreamweaving, Cosmic Light Activation. We are in a portal to our lives in 2020. We resist manufactured depressions.
We knew this was never going to be easy. We salute all who got us this far, seed sowing, fighting the good fight. We meet fear with love head on, every single time. The Gateway will expand 22.12.19 in fiery, new beginnings, transformative Solstice energies.
The Solstice is our ancient springboard to release everything we don’t need, clear a pathway to embody all that we wish to fulfil in our lives. Our mission over the next few days is stubbornly refuse to lower our vibraaaattttiiiiionnns. To stay in spaces of hope. To know karma walks her own path and we are surfing her waves.
Aligning to what feels good will help us release stress, manage anxiety, connect to happiness. Self care, self care, self care with a whole lot of VISION thrown as we move through this cosmic Corridor of divine light Activation energies. We gather our dreamweaving thoughts for Solstice manifestation magic.
Source light permeates the multi verse. Duality, points of tension, trigger growth and evolution. We are playing out a dance of light and dark, fire and ice, to resuscitate the divine masculine and rescue the divine feminine. To help us, source, the angels, who knows… aligned us with a Cosmic Bonus Card, a mega booster during this 12.12 – 22.12 Corridor of Manifestation. 222 we got the TWIN FLAME archetype frequencies in our atmosphere folks. We can reach heights of bliss, ecstasy, spiritual soaring, tantric, psychedelic, lotus flower blossoming, astral surfing hiiiiiiiiiiiggghhhhs cosmic surfers. We go inwards. We meditate. We dance. We share time and love and laughter with good folks. We enjoy mindful play, we imagine, we manifest. We Dreamweave.
To proceed we release and we embrace. We consciously identify what it is that holds us back, what we don’t want in our lives in 2020. The energies we are ready to ditch, dissolve, get rid of, exhale out of our realities. We take the baggage off and put it down. We journal our souls, let tears flow, say goodbye. We heal our hearts by healing our minds and bodies. Fire, we burn everything that holds us back, cleansing our auric fields, our chakras, clearing, refreshing, resetting.
We look forward. What do we SEE? Winter Solstice. Who do we want to Be as we transition to 2020? We are transforming, we are returning to Self. Death and Rebirth. Release and embrace. Eject old running programs, delete outdated thinking, make low self esteem coding obsolete.
Welcome upgrades. Ask for downloads. Be woke to higher self gifts, sponsorships, help and angelic protection whilst we navigate the Games. We step up a gear. The work that’s been done has brought us to spaces of blossoming individual freedom, self awareness and growth. We capitalize on this now. We expand into cosmic light rays, this corridor, by focusing our intentions to harness the energies and funnel them into our lives, into stoking the fires of SELF.
Speak DREAMS out loud. Little ones, and the big, could-never-happen-but-just-might whoppers. Say them out loud and proud. Mantra them in our heart spaces, on repeat. I Am. Journal, pinterest, meditate, ritualise, ceremonies, beeelieeeve. Fill in the blanks, the details, dot the i’s and cross the t’s, be specific. Abundaaaaaance.
We are in the magical manifestation dance of abundance. Surrender to inner dreams, our secret vision board, delve into the crevices, the corners, the core of hopes and goals. Our dreams, our energies can be harnessed to manifest our collective timelines, we are creative beings of light. We create our own realities here.
Key code words for this Cosmic Light Gateway ABUNDANCE SOULMATE MANIFESTATION. Keep vibrations high cosmic friends.
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The numbers are telling us what’s really going on everything else is smokescreen and mirrors. 12.12.19 ~ 22.12.19 aligned with our 1111 1112 quantum transition. Its astoundingly beautiful and brilliant. The numbers are the signatures of cosmic celestial frequencies we are experiencing.
1 the number of VISION, Manifestation, Self, BEing, focused intention, new beginnings, leadership, ownership of truth, stepping into our power.
2 duality, polarity, twins, extremes, balance, harmony, relationships, masculine and feminine.
9 is Karma, the number of TRUTH, dark to light, blue pill or red pill, soul path, can’t fool anyone, what we’re made of, authenticity.
December 22 2019 Solstice is our opportunity to ceremonies, ritualize, anchor our intentions, burn our fears, surrender to the path of alignment. We can anchor Corridor of Light manifestation in the immense energies of Gaia Solstice. It’s all so cosmic, sacred, divine, circular and fluid, metaphysical magic. We are integral in this great and glorious tapestry of life.
We are players in a momentous showdown of light and dark energies, and we are here, doing our bit. Each of us knows the truth in our hearts. We know the system is rigged. We know its operating on deviant algorithms, we know truths are coming out no matter what pantomimes they make us watch or play in.
We hold space for Self. We Dreamweave. Rainbow light floods the material plane. The crystal children are here. Grounded, spiritualized tribes nurture them in woke healing earthed love. Travelers from all over the multiverse walk the material plane, knowing who they are, memory loops dissolving in cosmic 333 portals of light. Its all happening. We are Visionaries. WE create the bigger picture. We contribute by being happy. By being grateful. Mindful. Present. Focused. Determined and truthful. We heal ourselves we heal the world. One step, one cosmic light ray, one 1111 quantum leap at time.
Wishing you cosmic and joyful dreamweaving beautiful people.
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