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Current Cosmic Energy Report

By on August 6, 2019 in Energy Updates with 0 Comments

Current Cosmic Energy Report

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by Kim Semetis,
Contributing Writer,

Current Cosmic Energy Report

We are currently being given a gift as the Lions Gate approaches although it may not feel like one. These current light upgrades are going straight for our deepest rooted insecurities. This is all root chakra related as we may have been feeling fearful about money, relationships, safety and security. This is causing great distress and anxiety that has been hard to shake off. This is because we are not only feeling and releasing our own inner matrix programs but also for the collective that also still have these programs running.


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I stayed offline for the last couple of days as I was feeling this collective shift very deeply. I found myself thinking of things that I had long thought that I had forgotten about, yet here they were once again. So I leaned into them to truly feel them and what was going on. I had long ago left a very long marriage yet found myself thinking about my ex and how wonderful it was to feel safe, loved and well cared for.

I found myself drifting into thoughts about my father and how safe I felt when he was still here. Both of these significant men have been out of my life for a very long time, yet here they were, drifting back in. My ex husband and I separated 14 years ago and my dad went home 10 years ago.

They had both been my rock, my safety, my security throughout my life. To be honest, I have been struggling ever since with supporting myself financially. It has been a very long and winding road of working seven days a week with three jobs and at the same time serving in a spiritual church. Those were the long hard days of the 3D / 4D matrix. Some years ago I was led to start my own spiritual business, teaching and doing sessions yet financial success has still evaded me. There is still a block there that I am working through.

I am bringing this up because so many of us on this path to higher consciousness are still working on this very deeply embedded program of unworthiness. There is also another program that for me is interwoven into this block of separation as well, and that is that we cannot make it on our own financially. I grew up in a time when the men made the money and the woman took care of the home. Even if she did work, she made very little, insignificant money.

So from the very beginning if we are divine feminine, we were programmed to believe that we were not worth much. Do you see how they weave together to create this strong bond of not being safe and supported in every way? To be honest, I have been working on this for 14 years and I feel lost, feel as if I may never fully be rid of this program. Yet I know that with each release


I am getting closer and closer to its full release. So for now, I face these fears and anxiety and allow them to surface, to feel them fully, to give them love and allow them to fall away, to dissipate on their own accord. I am no longer terrorized by them as I once was. Just writing about it right now, I feel lighter and more free. This is a gift for us if we allow it. For we really know, deep down that we are worthy, we are all worthy of everything and all the beauty that life has to offer.

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I am, for the most part, living in the fifth dimension, which is beautiful, magical and amazing, and then flowing back into the forth at times, as I fully step into being a sovereign being of the light. And this is where I am at this moment. I am owning my fears, owing my lack programs, owing my unworthiness programs and sharing them with you here so that you may know that you are not alone as we work through our “stuff” together.

I will not pretend that that I don’t still have some deep inner work to do, because I do, just as we all do. I try to be authentic and real so that others do not feel so all alone. I will share my joys and my sorrows, because I know that as I do, others will resonate as I can validate their experiences as the energy often represents for many at a time as we are clearing collectively. We will work through this together, in unity, for we are all one and as we do our very deep inner work and clear these very deep rooted programs, we are assisting all.

Also see: 76 Signs – Take The Spiritual Vibration Test!

I must mention that we have NOT fallen backwards at times of great releasing, we are still very much connected and moving forward, even if it does not feel like it at the moment. Look for the signs from your universe, they are everywhere if we open up and look. This image with this article was taken last night during a time of much duress for me, yet here it was, a magical sign from my beautiful multiverse that I/we are right on track and right on time! We are all true warriors as we face and clear our programs to assist all of humanity with the deepest of love and respect. We are the love warriors of New Earth.

Thank you for all that you do.

We love you.

Kim Semetis

About the author: Kim is the Author of “Divine Warrior Goddess “Step Into Your Power” (link below) , WayShower, GridKeeper, Gatekeeper, Ascended Master of the NEW EARTH. She has studied, practiced and taught spirituality/metaphysics for twenty years and served as a co-founder and ordained minister of a spiritual church for many years.

She has dedicated her life to service of all of humanity. Kim no longer “channels” as she once did as we integrate all of our aspects, we merge those aspects within as all of the universe is held within. High vibe Sessions, Activation’s, Andara’s, Crystals, Sacred Oils, and her book can be found on her website: Her book is also available on Amazon

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