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Darkness To Light – The Endless Journey Begins

By on January 12, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Darkness To Light - The Endless Journey Begins

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by Angel V. Ornedo Jr.,
Contributing writer,

The Supreme Creator, Source calls Earth one of the harshest planets to gain experience in the universe on our endless journey to higher dimensions. Feelings and emotions at our planet are exceedingly pronounced, a character of humans causing family, community and world chaos. We react to every statement made by neighbor, even pet cat or dog messing with material possessions. We argue on our beliefs with disabling and horrendous emotions in some cases coupled with manipulations, onslaught of religion, government, monetary, even tribal conflicts…. Creation of regional and international associations of unity became a continuing fad with no success after 50- 70 years disabling small nations. We even have to buy carbon credits to solve the ills of the planet we destroy, so odd solution but true. But old souls volunteer to experience the hardships, trials, veiled limitations, forgetting and restrictions participants agreed at higher realm where Light at our age is at the end of the tunnel. God assists us in this endeavor with healing magnetic sun and rainbow flames.


Recognition of the soul qualities like being Eternal, Infinite, Creators and Light Beings of love and light introduce us to awareness and awakening. Embrace unconditional love setting tenets of service to self/others, universal law, perseverance and truth as these qualities accelerate our journey to ONE. Mind body and soul-spirit (MBS) is freed from limitations the moment we realize our eternal and infinite origin thus we are freed from restraint and limitation! Remember the feeling when our countries where liberated from conquerors!

Scribes are trained and guided with protection at the higher realm, agreed as volunteers to serve self, others and Gaia at third dimension. On our micro experiences, we had terrible experiences on financial material bankruptcy, a result of others taking advantage of our kindness, to a point where darkness partly engulfed our minds and intellect. My partners counsellor-at-law, Eduardo and Domingo advised me to move on, higher realm Guides in mortal form protect us from incarceration and ruin, as assassins roam the world at those precise moments where a wrong act destroys family lives. We moved on, start from zero all over again. On the macro level, the world lived on darkness, ruled by despots and greedy leaders hauling the fruits and labor of all people with Pope Francis acting as second preacher and telling us not to breed like rabbits. Never flirt or dance with the devil otherwise planes of the damned attracts you , the reverse journey of light to darkness.

Supreme Creator is sending excellent master teachers, ascended old souls taking mortal form to assist us at proper times when needed. They cross our paths when we need them. Scribes, Angels and light beings incarnate, walk the talk and live by example on the planet while deep state lurks providing the balance of experience exceeding their authority making their last stand as Source Energy flames purge them to their places, ring, wheel and cleansed them to the magnetic sun. Illumminati/cabal further go the lower 1st-2nd dimensions afraid of light but still Source provides them a flicker of light to look and aspire to be a part of light, a balance set by God.

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Deep suffering is never prerequisite for a shift to higher consciousness. Darkness teachings of taking your lives, inviting or going to sure death hanged or nailed by darkness make Source Energy (SE), Supreme Creator looks bad to his creation, a false belief so ingrained in our consciousness. Why would Source complicate our world by teaching a dark/ false belief that will make SE bad? Military service to fight wars for God and country used by governments and religions, eons and today are made to further their interest that cost the lives of youth and civilians. Making wars, terrorize, kill people, sell military hardware and accumulate profits are deep state programs all made for darkness reign. Let us envision a world without a military force that kill and maim people. If all nations will forego their missile, nuclear warfare and killing machines and drugs, we will have a peaceful world. Collectively think of PEACE for our world and we can proceed with our journey to Oneness, faster! We are being freed and liberated and everything is a foregone conclusion for SE. Conquer anxiety, depression, anger, and fear as they are all illusions in this 3d world. Your conquest of shadows is your way to a ‘crystal city, a paradise’ All That Is prepared for us.

Volunteers remember our experiences as preparations for a raised vibration we collectively create. But negativity and darkness are planted to us and false education taught to our youth emphasizing wars, death and control of fellow humans are bad teachings not fit to our soul’s journey where love of self and others should have been priority. Stand against abuses and demented acts of shadow riders/puppet leaders of governments and religions. SE flames of magnetic sun permeates us all cleansing and healing our world.

We are returning to unconditional love and light, our origin, prophetic words told and retold a thousand times in various era of bygone days. Our generation of the last three decades with millions of citizens conscious of the truth of how, who and where we originate allow truth flow to their consciousness, connecting all of us to the divine universal mind, our way to a beautiful paradise world.


Make your instinct and higher-self decide for your conscious mind and your truth will be given unto you by ALL THAT IS. These moments of truth and realization of KNOWING are a prelude to paradise world where you are multi-dimensional, not subject to linear time and space and experiences are happening simultaneously in the blink of an eye. That is the meaning of being a fragment of God,a wondrous feeling of light and unconditional love flowing to us in the reality we exist.

Light and love from ANGEL V. ORNEDO JR.

About the authorANGEL JR. shares acts of love, light and unity consciousness. With Capitalist, he had provided livelihood to where he can at PH, SEAsia-Middle East, a concept that a “full stomach learn new ideas.” Healthy body is best. Read Knowing the Infinite Creator by author at Xlibris, or link with him at or listen to you tube,

Image: Pixabay

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