Death And Rebirth During This Great Shift
by Jelelle Awen,
Contributing Writer,
As Gaia ascends and raises the vibrational frequency of Her grids from 3D to transitional 4D and into 5D and higher, we are invited to ‘come along’ with Her during this Great Shift. Our capacity is LIT up at our most leading edges of BEing and the seed of our sacred human is watered by PURE love and light waves. At this leading edge of BEing, we have the potential to respond to these frequencies from Gaia with open hearts, minds, and souls. This embracement guides us into unknown and Infinite Possibilities of access to extrasensory perceptions and expressions of our ‘super human’ selves…becoming like the super heroes that we watch in movies.
Yet, the Great Shift is a death and rebirth process and is not meant to be smooth and easy. To bring in the NEW, the old must be let go of. The ‘space’ taken up by the current needs to be vacated to allow the NEW to arise. There are labor pains that PUSH OUT the birthing of NEW. For Gaia, there is the often tumultuous adjustment of raising Her frequency WHILE being occupied by seven billion humans, who are all in their own varying degrees of awakening. She receives support for this conversion through many Star BEings who seem to live underground and also stay in Her orbit, waiting to assist when needed. Ethereal BEings, such as angels and archangels, are flooding Her with light and support too.
It feels like the expressions of extreme weather patterns, global warming, ice caps melting…these manifestations actually represent the Great Shift out of 3D disconnected and polluting and abusive relationship to Gaia. There is a way that this is an environmental collapse, yet one that doesn’t have to lead to mass chaos and collapse of all our current industrial systems at one time. As more souls awaken, their relationship with Gaia changes to more consciousness, love, respect, and mutual reverence. These tones from us allow collaborative solutions to come forward to respond to the energy resource and environmental issues in 3D.
Again, Star BEings are ready with many very technologically advanced solutions to our energy woes, many that seem to be available in the Now for us to use immediately once collective consciousness is more ready for them and to embrace Star BEings in their everyday world. Star BEings have already intervened MANY times in our modern era to prevent nuclear war, mass killings by fear-based groups (called Cabal, Illuminati, the Elite, etc.). An aspect of the current transition is the public disclosure of this group AND of the collaboration with benevolent Star BEings to move this group out of power. You can learn more about this disclosure process through David Wilcock, who provides MUCH evidence and information from inside sources around it. Learning more about this disclosure process as it relates to 3D life can help give a sense of how this all might continue to unfold.
You are probably feeling a parallel process of transition as Gaia’s. Even as you can perhaps see, taste, and feel in moments what your NEW higher vibrational life IS, you are still in transition to BEing this more. This, again, is not an easy changeover with much more ‘ash in the air’ than confetti. Your world has been connected into the 3D matrix and conditioning of your culture, of your birth family, of your friends, of your schools, of your jobs. Your body’s every cell holds the cellular memory of 3D living and your DNA vibrates to this frequency as well for most of your life. There is MUCH toxicity taken in through polluted water, chemicals in food, fear-based energies dominant in so many people.
Similar to Gaia you are ‘switched on’ when your ‘time has come.’ Your soul awakens in a very dramatic way with a one-time surge of Kundalini or Nondual or Oneness energies OR in a gradual, walking out experiences over time. Your soul and Higher Self energies flood your inner space, bringing new desires to learn and grow, to lift the veils, and to shed the ‘skin’ and ‘suit’ of 3D life that your 3D self has HAD to create in order to survive incarnation here. Some areas of your life fit this soul frequency right away and others are more difficult to transition.
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This changeover from 3D to 4D transitional and higher can have ups and downs, ebbs and flows for you. There are relationships that you discover are more about your 3D self or personas, masks, or ego (what we call ‘parts’ in SoulFullHeart) that are most prevalent. You feel then an ache to just ‘be yourself’ more in relationships and if others around you are not awakening and shifting too, it becomes an intense and often painful ground of letting go, taking space, and completing WHILE love remains in your heart for them.
At some point in the process, settling and shrinking your frequency to fit in with others, conform to 3D expectations or reality…it just isn’t possible anymore. The previous 3D life runs out of ground and what you could formerly ‘tolerate’, you no longer can anymore. Even your 3D self is ‘done’ with it. This doneness allows ALL the areas of your life to more reflect your soul self. In SoulFullHeart, we see the seven key areas of life that are meant to be in balance of vibrational expression as: emotional, spiritual, mental, social, physical, financial, and environmental. We provide support through private sessions to connect with aspects of yourself, usually starting with your Inner Protector, so that negotiation can happen allowing for more change and transition into the life that you are really wanting. Conscious negotiation with the parts of you that are resistant and afraid to embrace change in ALL areas of your life opens up the possibilities that it can happen, and at a much faster rate as well. This writing describes the 3D, 4D, and 5D selves and their expression and relationship to each of these areas, plus journaling questions for you to feel into related to each area:
The parallels to Gaia’s process of ascension and your own may provide illumination for you to gain a new context around what is happening to you AND in the world. Gaia will be ‘done’ with 3D reality too and maybe already is, with those souls who still need to experience it going into other timelines on other planets. There are times where the current world can seem a ‘mess’ and IS one in some ways. Yet, out of that mess comes the NEW. Out of your experience at times of emotional chaos and mess can you feel on the other side of it a clearing inside for the NEW.
Going into the chaos inside, holding space for the death and rebirth, connecting with the parts of you that resist feeling it, and understanding WHY it exists, allows it to move. Gaia and EACH one of us is being held with SO MUCH love to undergo this VERY brave conversion and birthing process. The support is there from so many sources and can be found by going within, becoming open then to drawing what you most need to continue this LIFE altering, death and rebirth shift into the NEW.
About the author: Jelelle Awen is an Emoto-Spiritual Teacher, Sacred Feminine and Sacred Union Facilitator, Soul Scribe, WaySHOWer, and Co-creator and Teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is author of Sacred Human, Arising Wonder: Ascension Through Integration Of Your Emotional Body And Your Spiritual Awakenings
and Keep Waking Up!: Awakening Journeys To Avalon And Beyond
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