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Anastacia’s Personal Experience – Healing With Dragon Energy

By on June 28, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Anastacia's Personal Experience - Healing With Dragon Energy

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by Anastacia,
Australian Correspondent,

Around 3 yrs ago, after a ‘time’ of doing healings with dragons (that I am sharing a little of below), I was told that this was ‘over’, that my ‘traineeship’ with them, the smaller dragons, in doing those healings was over. I just know that is the message and that it was some form of training for them and myself and we were ‘done’ – for those who may ask, ‘what do you mean by traineeship’.


I then saw a large central Ancient Golden Dragon energy come through and I felt so blessed.

Since then, nothing else with these energies for say 2-3 years and then around two months ago the Dragon energy ‘came back’ and has been with me ever since.

The Ancient Dragons now let me know when I have completed a healing or have received information by the humming as in conformation and comfort.

I now have 12 large Ancient Dragons above and with me in a circle…and very recently they are now being accompanied with a baby dragon each coming in…this is still in process. They are colours of the Rainbow.

More recently a baby dragon was placed in each of my chakras..after my false twin flame foetus/placenta removal healing.

Again recently, in the last week, I received a Rainbow Dragon within myself as well, during an energy exchange with another Trailblazer Indigo Master Soul. As this was previously a red Dragon. As in, I could feel and knew that this Dragon is within as in, I can see myself as a Dragon silhouette, within my human shape.


And that this inner strength can be called on in ’emergency situations’…as to have ones Dragon roar, for myself, is not common and I do not want it to be, as it is quite fierce and protective.

I am sharing this as I am seeing more people share about Dragon energy now.

I originally started healing with dragons around 10years ago.

As I shared this in a smaller group recently, someone shared how they found a Dragon pendant and then read this post..and also, more and more recently people have been sharing about seeing Dragon shapes in clouds.

The Dragon elemental energy is here with us, to help us. I know this from personal experience, as is so much (most) of what comes of the Divine with/for myself over the years. Anything one may want to know further on/with this, please research and read what resonates for yourself.

Here is what I wrote a few years ago:

The Dragons I see and heal are above people, I see one to the persons right and it is usually a red one and then I see one above their head and it is usually blue, (yet this is changing as well). I also see a figure to their left and this is the bit that is very unique and different for each soul.

As I tune into the one on the right hand side, I may see many varied things, depending on what is going on in the elemental realms and multi-dimensions for that soul. As the Dragon is like an extension of that soul, working with them, with the energies and what they are going through.

The Dragon shows me so much from childhood abuse, to happiness to despair and being broken…or even energies that have surrounded them and that they need to be healed as they have been taking the energies off the person, for them.

Sometimes when a person has done all the healing they can and are desperate as what else to do, they come to me and there has been a split energy within the Dragon that the person came into this life with that needed healing, there is so much and it is varied.

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The Dragon above the persons head is usually at a desk and shows me another side of that soul (I know it sounds funny lol but that is how they show me), it shows me how they are going with work of focusing heavily and if they need to pull back or what ever the message is.

The Dragons like very much to be communicated with and heard and for me to share with the souls as to what is going on as they need to get the message through to that soul.

I do see a figure to the left of the soul as well….it is different for each person. It is more of an Angel or a Goddess or a Warrior, depends again on that soul.

After I heal each Dragon I then bring that healing energy down into that souls crown chakra. The results are instant and quite amazing and life changing.

I have a Golden Dragon within me now and was given my own protection symbol to use in the last two months as there is no symbol around that was strong enough for what I do multidimensionally and in it is a Golden Dragon with the infinity symbol at it’s feet.

I have created a Dragon protection dome that I put around people after I do a multi-dimensional cutting of cords healing and it is very powerful and feels so wonderful and safe.

Here are a couple of Dragon healings I did and documented:

Your first Dragon had two part of you at odds with yourself so I joined them together (balance again) and you have a new dragon there now a golden one – how exciting for you!

Your second dragon was rushing, so I slowed it down and then there was an older dragon sitting with a younger one and blended them in together to form a medium calmer dragon.

Your third one had brought spanish dancers energy in and blended it with another past life energy you brought in to form a new one that had like Mother Mary energy as I get the word ‘maternal’ for you.

and this one:

Your first dragon had shredded skin, and I brought in a cocoon of energy in to wrap and heal it, it took a bit to bring through you all the way to your feet. Your Dragon hummed at end.

The Second was paralyzed and was so rigid – the old way of doing things and another larger golden one came in a lay it on a table and was healing its chakras.

Your third figure,(the one linked to who you were in a past life), I brought pure divine white light in and removed like a worn out old jacket or coat off it and again took a while.

So much old old stuff of many lifetimes of helping others, has shared/shred so much of you and now its time to receive healing energy back from all that you have given.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty


Ascended Earth Master
In6D human embodiment/8D in Spirit

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About the author: Anastacia is a Rainbow Bridge as a Trailblazer and WaySeer in linking our Soul to our Spirit, through our emotions.All she shares is by experiencing first hand and then sharing Energy Real-Time Updates of Humanities Ascension as it occurs. Linking 3D and 5D and Beyond, guiding and teaching in Service to Humanity and Gaia. She had a vision as a child when Christ came to her and lifted her up…and more recently was gifted her Spiritual Soul, when Christ came to her again as their palms touched with Rainbow energy….so she is able to see all that occurs in the Astrals and Multi-Dimensions in having two souls, double the information and insights. Having cleared her vessel from Spirit to Soul by going through the Abyss and back to be a clear vessel of Pure Divine Light, coming from Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty and Realness. Anastacia is Australian and was ‘tasked’ by Spirit to be part of teaching and leading Australia’s Ascension in linking our Spirit to our Soul, through our Emotions, as part of her role here as well. She has written many articles over the years and has been going within for 20 years, so much of what humanity is feeling and going through, she has already been through, while still experiencing her and Humanities Ascension as an Ascended Master.

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