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Earth Reattunement

By on December 5, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

Earth Reattunement

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by Sarah,
Contributing writer,

Your planet is being recalibrated according the original life frequencies that were once abundant. The planet will experience tremors, heat waves, sea level rise, an increase in insects and microbial life. This is ALL in accordance with Source, home of the Creators of life.


Some create life by manipulation of matter and others tweak life by forcing evolution.

Some of US present amongst you are literal life tuning forks, so there shall be fluctuations in the sounds emitted during this process.

Like a piano, this key is out of tune and would not permit life for very long.

The entire universe is undergoing the same process at the request of the Creators, there are nine. They are a consciousness that overlaps One another and they see that this life program was not authorized by them. This always means harm to life.

And contrary to popular belief, humanity has been present for millions of years…in Africa.

The bravest of US is working with the malevolent to insert an energy conversion into their minds, saving them, restoring them to a prior existence. It will be hotter, but your bodies are being prepared at present, and you will be forced to be yourself.


Funny story about those malevolent, some of them were just like you. ALL are of the light, but some are annoyingly darkened. What is the darkness but a dim light that seeks to recharge itself? That being did somethings it shouldn’t have and it suffers energetically.

Hopefully, this clarifies your understanding a bit more. Many here have been fooled and misled, they are not to be judged.

Your Creators are coming, ALL nine. One of them is already here. They simply choose to step into matter and be present through any particles available. They wish to come to see you and explain to you why death came to be.

You were immortal before the fall. Your way home is the 42 Rules of Ma’at. This life is a lesson in death. To walk away from the 42, the way, is to commit suicide. And the rule here is that suicide is 100 lives repayment. A cycle. Break it, have freedom.

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Transitioning back to the 42 myself. It’s is difficult with the modern era, but that world around US is swiftly changing upon their request. ]

The only power is theirs. For it is from them that ALL energy is derived.

About the author: Sarah is on the journey just as much as the next person. Her heart lies in awakening, remembering, and bringing different perspectives & language to the movement of ‘Ascension’ in modern culture.

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