Emotional Integration
by Tasha Dufrene,
Contributing Writer, In5D.com
So many people run from emotions or react in unhealthy ways because it is not common knowledge to know how to process emotionally charged experienced. Societal conditioning has not taught healthy ways to respond to the emotional body. The emotional body is connected to the spiritual body, the mind, and the heart. Therefore, all three need to work together to generate coherence for the ascension process. However, negative emotional experiences are often stored in the body, generating cellular imprints and habitual patterns.
Over time, one starts to lose touch with one’s authentic self, and instead one generates defense mechanisms that may become problematic. These defense mechanisms serve a purpose of protecting oneself, but sometimes they can inhibit one’s ability to process the charged experience. Examples of defense mechanisms include: blaming others while not looking at one’s own part and taking responsibility for one’s own actions, numbing or blocking out negative emotions by justification or blaming, or internalizing negative emotions and feelings of worthlessness.
The inability to process emotions can manifest into problem areas in one’s life, such as substance abuse, over-eating, addictions, seeking comfort in unhealthy behaviors, and the list goes on. While these defense mechanisms may serve a purpose of protecting the self from further harm, blocking oneself from experiencing one’s emotions also inhibits one’s emotional well-being and spiritual developmental growth. The mind-body-connection is an integral connection that works together.
Moving forward on the spiritual ascension path requires healing the emotional body and processing stuck or blocked emotions so that one can become emotionally integrated. Once the emotional body is in better alignment, there is a heightened sense of awareness and calm neutrality. Healing begins to occur when one releases suffering stored in the body-mind-heart and learns how to synchronize with the body’s innate wisdom.
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There are many psychospiritual tools that teach ways to process charged emotions and stuck emotions. One can clear the emotional body and the energetic charge associated with it so that it is not stored in the body causing more dysfunction by continuing to react with unhealthy habitual patterns. You can learn how to process your emotions with compassion in a healing environment to empower your life. This will allow you to cleanse the emotional body so you can raise your frequency to the next octave.
About the author: Tasha Dufrene, MA is a registered psychotherapist and wellness coach. She received her MA in Counseling Psychology with a specialization in Holistic Studies. She has been on the spiritual ascension path for 8 years and continues to practice spiritual cultivation in her own life. She is passionate about the ascension of the planet and in inspiring others on the their journey to freedom. www.quantumcounseling.org
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