Energy Report – Pineal And Hippocampus Activations Gifted From The Eclipse Corridor
by Kim Semetis,
Contributing Writer,
For about a month before the full moon eclipse we were in a state of complete and total bliss. I call it “blissed out”. This is a state of total euphoria- happy and peaceful, just because. This truly is our natural state, yet we had forgotten.
This lasted until July 30th, linear time. This may have felt like a drop/let down of energy. It may have felt as if the bliss was suddenly gone, but this is not so. The energy still felt very peaceful but the euphoria felt like it was gone. It has not, as these past two days we are in integration mode and this is an integral part of the ascension journey. Walking and waking may seem so difficult. Honor this and rest, lay down, lay around as these upgrades occur. Know that when this integration, for now, are complete, we will jump back up and start rocking and rolling “quantum style” once again. Wherever you are in the process, honor it.
You may notice that your pineal gland is further activated and you begin to “see” more through your third eye than you do with your physical eyes. Last weeks blurry eyes assisted with this activation to acclimate our new found vision further enabling us to see a multidimensional being. We may begin to see vividly into other dimensions and timelines, if we are not already. If this is new for you then know that we are remembering and activating our true essence as source where all is possible, we had just forgotten.
As the crystals in our body are activating we become a pure channel, enabling us to experience miraculous journeys and restore self to perfect health in the blink of an eye. All is possible instantaneously as we know that we are capable to do so.
Miracles become commonplace as we vibrate higher and higher, restoring us to our natural state. Magic and miracles are not reserved for a mere few souls, they are available to all. We are here to assist all in remembering the immensity that we are truly capable of. There are no limits as we raise our frequency, ever expanding our heart. Opening our heart more and more gives us access to all that was previously hidden. We begin to see the beauty in each moment. Joy fills our being as never before. Opportunities present as doors open that we never even knew were there. These doors swing open, never to be closed again. Peace becomes our natural state as we release more and more programs, density and emotions that we now see were never us at all.
When we do experience some intense emotion, we now know that they are simply coming up for release. We no longer believe them, we bring our awareness to these emotions, sit with them, honor them in our own way and then release them. As we move further on our journey to higher consciousness and we release with awareness, we begin to move through these releases faster each time. It becomes effortless as we come to a place when we can release as we move about our day. Sometimes doing mundane physical work will assist with this process. When we reach this point, it brings us excitement when something comes up, it is no longer dreaded, instead it is welcomed as we notice how free we will feel after release.
We know that some souls are in the intense, rough phase of release and they may also be unaware of their light and the powerful activations taking place at this time. We hold space for these souls, yet know that all are exactly where they are meant to be.
Just yesterday during an impromptu session a very concerned mother wanted to know about her son. He is a star seed that is unaware and what we call the consciously unconscious. He appears lost in pain, sensitive to the energies, DNA upgrades and activations. He experiences powerful releases of anger that he projects to those closest to him. During this session the Arcturians came flying in quite quickly and strongly. They were all smiling with the biggest grin, so very happy that I could feel their joy. They showed me them observing this star seed going those these strong emotions that not only scare him, but his family as well. The Arcturians were nodding in approval as they delivered the message that all is well and he is doing beautifully, doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing. He is right on time on his ascension journey, even if it may not appear so.
This is commonplace for starseeds in their 20’s and 30’s that appear lost, they appear stuck, yet they are not. All will awaken in perfect timing. They see how the generations before mistreated Giai, the animal kingdom and all of mother nature. Destroying all for personal gain. They see right through the politicians and political system and the misuse of power and money. They are the gamechangers that have not been called to duty in full service yet. They see it all very clearly and seem stuck in their anger, yet all is perfect and they will awaken at just the right time to step into their mission at the perfect moment. All is well and we will rejoice with love when the puzzle pieces begin to fit perfectly together for them.
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This morning the words were Hippocampus Activations in progress. This is the center of emotion, memory and Autonomic Nervous System. It is part of the limbic system which is associated with feeling and reacting and is associated primarily with memory. This is HUGE, as it it an important and amazing part of ascension, allowing us to “remember” who we really are as light beings, star beings and angelic beings. These activations came in this morning right on the heels of pineal gland activations to further assist “seeing” with the third eye instead of our human eyes. Allowing us to further access to other dimensions as never before. All of these activations are assisting us further and further down the rabbit hole into self awareness. This is a time to let go, just as we let the Autonomic Nervous System do its thing(we have no choice in this) as it controls the bodily functions such as breathing, heartbeat and digestive systems.
These activations will be affecting:
- Breathing – We may experience shallow breathing
- Heartbeat – We may experience heart palpitations
- Digestive System issues such as gurgling stomach, gas, increased elimination and bloating
- Extreme fatigue and body aches- It is important to allow rest to occur when it is needed
- Foggy eyes as these activations occur
- Feelings of foggy brain, inability to do anything linear as what humans call “thinking” goes out the window
- Headaches as the brain is being rewired/reworked
- Waves of heat as old programs are being burned off to assist us to “see” and remember who we truly are
- Nausea as we shift dimensions quite quickly
During this time it is recommended to drink more clean water and sleep or rest/lay down to assist with the process. It will be easier if we flow with these energies rather than against them. If you feel it is appropriate, seek medical attention. Otherwise use natural ways to work with these activations to assist instead of hinder. I personally do not use much of anything and flow with it as I do not wish to hinder this process in any way but you must follow your own intuition as always and do what is best for you and your body. Always trust yourself first for knowing what is right for you.
Open up to see the magic and miracles unfolding all around you and in your life. The more you notice, the more you will see!
Love, Kim
Kim Semetis ~ Divine Warrior Goddess
New Earth Emissary
About the author: Kim is a WayShower, GridKeeper, Gatekeeper of the NEW EARTH. She has dedicated her life to service of all of humanity. She offers private sessions by phone or in person. Dubbed as the Divine Warrior Goddess by her guides in 2016 because she intuitively gets to the heart of the matter not only in herself but with her clients to get in there and identify the root cause of their pain and suffering so that it can be faced, healed and then finally released once and for all. This will also in turn, heal issues from past-lives as well and will affect all timelines of the individual in a very positive and profound way! She takes much joy and delight to see her clients learn, grow and heal! Kim also holds workshops to assist souls to move forward on their souls journey in this human incarnation as she guides and assists them in too many ways to list here. If you would like to book a session or be notified of upcoming classes and or online courses please go to her website: Quantum Transformational Sessions. | Website home page | Watch our facebook page for discounted sessions to assist all on this journey | For latest videos and activations, go to my YouTube Channel: Divine Warrior Goddess
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