Energy Update – Healing Another Side Of A Timeline With Those Who Have Already Passed
by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,
Australian Correspondent,
Healing ‘another side of a timeline of/with those who have already passed’
Old abundance ties to the past major ties being CUT/BROKEN
Ancient ancient abundance ties to the past, generational and DNA linked with abundance being BROKEN/CUT AND healed..for NEW ABUNDANCE MANIFESTATION in the Human or our Human Reality – in REAL Time!
Old Forms of abundance this is…which is ‘GOOD’!!!
It is ‘like’ getting ‘off’ an old timeline of OLD ABUNDANCE onto a new one for us heading into 2018 of New Creativity and NEW ABUNDANT MANIFESTATION!
I have spent the last 18hrs in a very intense healing of ‘old’ family abundance ties that I cannot explain at this stage as this is so big and so new…so I will share a little here now, for those that can ‘relate’ or resonate to this for themselves.
I know that ‘old threads’ were ‘wanting to come in’ and I needed to do so much ‘work’ on this for myself and also with two others…removing and clearing family and generational energies to do with this.
This is linked to someone close to us who has passed…it could be recent or it could be many years ago.
There are real ‘dreams’ of ancestors in/with this and again, those close to us that are coming through with this. ‘Real’ healings occurring in the astral/Multidimensions.
Yesterday I was blessed to be part of a Divine healing of someone’s spouse that passed 6 months ago and was able to ‘see where they were at’ in their infinite souls healing with the Divine…now this is not something I usually share as it only arises with certain individuals to do so.
I was able to share where they were at in their healing of their souls journey from what they had experienced ‘here’…and further follow up of this and a new connection from them in Spirit to the spouse here in the human is being formed…that is all I will say and share with this right now.
Assisting in the healing both ‘parties’ of the soul in spirit and the soul still alive in the human…quite amazing actually.
Assisting further in their soul contract and connection, one in the human the other who has ‘crossed over’.
I did not ‘know’ I was going to share this here, yet I am guided to as this is very linked to what I am going through and sharing here and now. And so I will leave this at ‘that’ for now.
All that many are now currently ‘going through’ with a ‘separation’ of energies of especially those closely linked to us with some form of a soul connection/contract is or has now ‘come to light’ that this is linked with OLD ABUNDANCE TIES – that are needing to be cut/broken/severed.
In letting go of souls in the human (and now in Spirit, generational ancestral/DNA linked as well, as this has progressed further now energetically).
Letting go for each soul to ‘be in their own spaces’ of us in our own new spaces for us to then possibly form NEW LINKS with those close to us, just so recently – AND IN A VERY NEW WAY!
Yet, this does depend on where ‘each soul is at’ – as there has been a ‘great divide’ linked with the ‘great fall’ (previous post and others going back to the 28th September)…where souls will find those who they were ‘close to’ recently may not be ‘where you are at’.
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Where souls are now in their own spaces or bubbles of where the Divine came in and ‘did this for us’ in a way as we who have so diligently have been ‘working on ourselves’ in delving deeper and really putting an ‘effort in’ consciously, are MOVING FORWARD…yet those so very close to us who are still at their ‘base camp of climbing their own mountains’ – who are ‘where they are at’ – learning what they are needing to for themselves.
It is a case of ‘it is none of our business’ as to what is ‘going on’ for others…only that this is also part of NO LONGER HAVING TO SELF SACRIFICE ourselves, our energy, our ‘time and space’ our lives basically for others NOW.
As this is part of SELF SURVIVAL that again, has been written and shared about in past posts, and previous post was a mini e-book that covered this as well…That was gifted to be shared NOW and not ‘later on’ this is so vital to our ASCENSION here and now!
Yet for us to do so, as in MOVING AHEAD of SELF SURVIVAL for ourselves – we are NEEDING TO LET GO – of those old spiritual family ties/connections for what ever or in what ever way that may be…as it could be and is many many different variants and versions of this for each and every soul link.
This is layered..this is generational…this is ANCIENT..this is of the GREAT FALL…this is not just a ‘one time will do it’ so-to-speak.
This is now a MAJOR and MASSIVE healing of not only here in the human BUT also in Spirit and with those loved ones that has ‘crossed over’ AS WELL!!
May this find those who have ‘lost loved ones’ in Spirit…knowing we may have ‘lost’ them here in the physical only, as we are able to have links and connections with those in Spirit! In a new and different ‘way’.
This is ‘so much bigger than just us’!
And I will share more soon, as guided.
In linking our Spirit to our Soul in the HUman BEing in being very real, here and now!
So much Divine Love and Blessings to ALL of what each soul is currently experiencing.
‘Miraculous’ times are REAL and HERE and NOW.
As always I am right here with you.
Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty
Anastacia Kompos
6D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer
Australian Correspondent in5d
Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available
About the author: Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both – of the Divine – through human embodiment of being in 6D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity.
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