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Energy Update – New Gateway Energy

By on November 8, 2017 in Energy Updates

Energy Update - New Gateway Energy

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by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,
Australian Correspondent,

A ‘New Veil’ has been broken through of a New Gateway Energy


We have come through the other side of a ‘veil’ is the message that comes from the Divine over and over. This happened, the breakthrough last night in AEST.

So much was done and healed in ‘dreams’, on the astrals/multi-dimensions, so resting/sleeping and feeling so tired that one ‘couldn’t keep their eyes opened’ was felt strongly.

Yet at the same time a ‘veil’ is in place with those who we are close to – like a barrier or veil that needs to be earned to be broken through to be on this side so-to-speak. Through a New Veil.

Others who have not worked through their energies to raise their vibration, are not able to pass through, to ‘our side’ until they EARN this.

(When I say ‘sides’ it is to form a picture of what I am seeing to explain what I am..there are no sides of the Divine).

This makes it much easier in a way for us here on ‘this side’, this NEW OPENING side


It is like seeing others who we are/were close to in the past behind like a glass pane, where we can see them, and we can hear them faintly but we are not able to ‘cross-over’ back to them as they are not through this ‘veil’ – yet.

These are usually souls that in the past, we have assisted in some way or another, and now this New Veil is in place that we are ‘unable to do so’.

This has been extremely tough and challenging for those who we are very close to, especially a family member or members, that this has now taken place, sort of ‘for us’ energetically of the Divine.

As I was writing this, I was guided to the Ascended Masters cards. And it is for those Masters who are Ascending is what the message from Spirit that came with this.

Those who feel so deeply and strongly of their coming home to themselves of their greater empowerment of owning their Sovereignty in the ‘here and now’.

Those who are ‘ready’ as this does need to be earned ‘make no mis-take about this’, this is very true.

As ‘Ascension cannot be rushed, fooled or cheated’.

As really, Ascension is the ‘action of rising to a higher level’. And not ‘new-age’ bullshit as someone wrote recently.

And it is the ‘action’ of linking our Spirit to our Soul and Through our Emotions that enables one to ascend. This is ‘what Ascension is about’ really.

As one can ‘only go so far’ in their human ascension in ‘only’ linking to their Spirit. Being in spirit alone will not ‘suffice’ or will only ‘take us to a certain point or place’ and then we will feel, we ‘need more than this’.

The Human body/being is the CENTRAL POINT between the Spirit and the Soul (in a way) of that if one is purely operating from the astrals or their Spirit and not feeling and connecting and integrating in the human being, through their emotions then dis-ease ‘comes into play’.

If one is operating from in Spirit and the astrals only, then one becomes ‘top-heavy’ in Spirit and due to their being a disconnection from ones deeper emotions, the body will suffer for this, eventually or now, it depends on each person.

‘Our Body is our Barometer of the Soul (Annette Noontil). As in our emotions are the key.

As our body is like a ship and our emotions are like our ships rudder.


And this is a process and can take time, layer after layer, level after level of peeling off the old masks and emotions that have kept us ‘alive’.

For us to gently let go and to be very real and honest with ourselves in a way, that we may have not done so before.

And if someone jumps in and says ‘I have done this’ then this is a very brave soul that does so. As there is more, always more to this.

As this is not only ‘us here’ this is Ancient and bloodlines, DNA and Generational healing as well. Through us, of healing our masculine and feminine for us ALL.

May you find the peace, love and joy that is within us all. May this reading assist you in coming home to yourself, in feeling and recognising that this is ‘bigger than just us’.

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That it is time to rise and shine, in a way like no other for yourself.

That we do need to lighten the fuck up with this, truly we do.


‘This is a sign of healing. Your DIVINE HEALING POWER HAS AWAKENED and you feel compelled to help others to heal. Just as you’ve been healed, so too do you want others to enjoy health and vitality. You’re supported in making life changes so that you can continue to heal yourself and others. LET GO of any fears or restrictive thinking to fully open the MIRACLES of HEALING.

An illness or injury is healed or healing. You are a healer. It is a good and safe time for you to change to a healing career. Study healing modalities’.


‘This is about learning and teaching. You’ve learned a lot from your experiences and relationships, and now it’s time to pass that knowledge along to others. Your current situation is bringing you opportunities for spiritual growth and teaching you some important life lessons. As soon as you understand and accept these lessons, OLD PATTERNS WILL DROP AWAY and be replaced by WONDERFUL NEW EXPERIENCES.

This person or situation is bringing you important life lessons. As yourself ‘What’s the blessing that this situation has brought to me?”. Your life purpose involves teaching. Forgive a teacher rom your past. You are urged to teach others’.


‘To find your desired outcome, follow the path of joy. Your life’s purpose is supported by the joy and passion you feel when you’re thinking about working on your purpose. The joy that you feel within relationships keeps them alive, exciting and growing. The joy that comes from your hobbies, gives you extra energy. Of all the emotions, joy has the highest energy vibration. Joy (insert your name here) has the power to removal all obstacles and attract all of your needs. Joy reminds us that we needn’t suffer at all. We can fulfill our purpose, help ourselves and others, and heal through the power of joy.

Stay positive and filled with faith to manifest your desires into reality. Find the humour in this situation. Enjoy a good laugh. Develop hobbies that bring you pleasure. To find your life’s purpose, do what brings you joy’.


‘This is is a time for you to say persistent. Give any discouragement to Lugh and the angels, who will buoy your faith and give you signs of your progress. You’re almost there, so keep going. It may help to break large projects to smaller steps so that you’ll feel the thrill of accomplishment with each step that you take. Persistence pays off. Stick with it.

Over come procrastination tendencies and take action today. Stick to your priorities and promises. Chip away at your dreams and desires with daily action steps. Stay positive and visualize your dreams as already manifested. Commit to your dreams for the long haul’.

As always I am right here with you.

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Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

Anastacia Kompos

6D Ascension Pioneer/Trailblazer/WaySeer
Australian Correspondent in5d
Personal 1:1 Divine Guidance/Healings of self are available.

About the author: Anastacia is in Service to humanity and Gaia, as an Ascended Earth Master in 6D human embodiment. Sharing unique energy updates/insights from Spirit to Soul through our emotions = Both – of the Divine – through human embodiment of being in 6D, in real-time experience as a template for humanity.

You are welcome to share this post and others, with full credit given to the author and is kept in original complete content and intact. All rights reserved. Anastacia Kompos 2017. Copyright © 2016-2017

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