Energy Update – The Lions Gate Portal 08.08.18
by Morag,
Guest writer,
888 is the number of ascended beings, angels and Archangels, our higher self, it facilitates third eye activation and heart chakra expansion. Revered by ancient societies as a time of profound spiritual importance, the alignment with Sirius, earth and the sun is believed to activate a cosmic gateway, a portal bathing earth in high energies, higher frequencies of light bringing enlightenment and love. Whilst this has occurred many times, the effect of these portals of light on humanity now is greater than it has ever been. The legends of the Great Awakening, the Age of Aquarius, the Return of the Divine Feminine, going back millennia, across galaxies far and wide, all speak of a profound transition. The transcendence of a planet from lower dimensions to higher realms of existence. Instigated by the goddess Gaia, whose soul currently resides in planet earth, aided by planetary and intergalactic intervention, and driven by technological advancements combine to create a maelstrom of higher wavelengths from above and below. Humanity chooses her path, each individual makes their choice, to ascend with Gaia or remain in the third dimension, plagued by the demons and parasites of the fourth dimension. We are finally here.
Nuclear warfare, the world wide web, CERN, the inevitable birth of AI, genetic and scientific advancements all conspire to propel humanity into a new world. The question is what new world, the new world order or the new earth. The new world order is the agenda of the elite, the puppets of the Anunnaki, who sold their souls for power, fame and fortune. Explicitly stated on the Georgia Stones, the machinations of the Illuminati, the Freemasons and other power player brotherhoods aim to limit the population for the protection and long term security of the very wealthy. Their owners, their demonic possessors have no interest in ascension, no need for spiritual evolution or collective unified consciousness, this is what frightens them most. Their primitive drives demand warfare to retain their power. They seek to divide and conquer, to isolate the individual, to assert personal blame for personal circumstances. They flaunt their wealth, their plastic beauty and their possessions for the world to see, just as the kings and queens, emperors and pharaohs of humanities past did, to ensure their position at the top of the pyramid. The American dream has worked in a similar way to prevalent religious teachings, success is down to us, bench marked as material wealth. We may be in poverty, fear and desolation in our present, we are told great riches await those who obey their masters, in the heaven. Any threat of revolution, of unified demands for fair distribution of the planet’s resources, for peace and harmony are annulled.
The elite ritualized their greed to honor their fourth dimension overlords. They embed these rituals into our daily lives disguised as culture, religion, education and economic circumstance. Conditioning starts young, its our fault we are poor, we are lonely, we are ill, we are lost, unfulfilled, unhappy and unimaginative. Creativity is pushed to the outer edges of our societies. Inquiring minds are forced into little boxes of obedience and we are told from day one conform, conform, conform or there will be negative consequences. How do a people free themselves when they don’t even know they are enslaved?
A lot of different events are conspiring to bring down the Anunnaki control of humanity on earth. Volunteers, starseed, offering to come down to earth and raise the frequencies from ground zero and the rainbow children, the indigos, whose natural light radiates and cannot be extinguished, are pushing up the frequencies every single day, despite derision, abuse and intimidation from the conforming masses. Intergalactic allies are working in multi dimensional realities to raise the vibrations across and around the planet, as are higher realm beings in earth’s oceans and in her core. Adding to this the planets themselves, Gaia’s brothers and sisters, are moving, aligning, working with Gaia. Creating geometric gateways that allow higher wavelengths to flood the planet and her people. All of this has been predicted for millennia.
What does this actually mean for folk on planet earth?
What does awakening look like, feel like, how does it change us?
Who are these other worldly beings, heavenly bodies seeking to draw us into the true age of enlightenment?
Who are our enemies and how do we break free from them?
How can we be part of this change, and if we are what will happen when Gaia takes planet earth to the fifth dimension?
The fifth dimension operates at higher frequencies than the fourth or third realms. Like wavelengths on a radio humanity has been pinned down to lower stations, kept forcibly below the fifth, stifling natural organic evolution of a people and their planet. When the fifth dimension comes knocking on our door three things will happen.
- Our consciousness expands, we ask questions, research and begin to piece together the elite’s hold on the planet and her population.
- We become hyper aware of our body, experiencing increased sensitivity to what we consume and the effect our environment has.
- We become aware of spirit, our spirit, the spirit of the universe and the connectivity of all life.
We have been fed lies, toxins and fear, we break down this programming and replace it with inner peace, outer calm and a commitment to alignment and balance in our mindbodysoul being and on Gaia. Karma is the key. Karma is where our energetic frequencies are determined. We accrue karma in every lifetime, emotional baggage that can harden, rot or poison our mindbodyspirit beings. For many a refusal to make peace with the negatives in our lives prevents us from any kind of karmic clearing, keeping our vibration low, in the third dimension. Revenge, an inability to accept events in our lives, anger and competition will all weigh us down to the third realm. Fear locks us down, greed and jealousy fuel the matrix, self loathing traps us in the third dimension, it is up to use to break down the conditioning, break free form oppression and raise our vibrations to fifth dimension wavelengths.
Ascended beings, individuals who have attained high vibratory fields of light through compassion, love and joy have been visiting this planet for thousands of years, speaking of and sharing their knowledge of what the future holds for Gaia. Their words have been twisted by the demonic elite, parasites who require we believe only in their sovereignty only, never in ours. Relics, wisdom, stories of old, predictions, warnings and visitors from the stars have been enshrined in stone for millennia on the earth’s crust. Pyramids, standing stones, Gobekli Tepe, Stone Henge, ancient texts, artwork, truths and prophesies, meant to withstand the relentless assault on freedom and evolution. Most have been covered up, cut off from the public, carefully controlled for public consumption or simply destroyed. The recent wanton desecration of sacred sites, our ancient past, in the Middle East, documented by the puppets perpetrators, online for anyone to view, is no accident. They destroy our past, they destroy our future. By limiting our understanding of our reality, they are able to control us.
Convincing a planetary population that they are the only intelligent life forms in the entire universe, and must submit to the all knowing power of the overlords is only truly possible with a technologically primitive people. The power of conformity ensures the people carry out the elite’s dirty work for them. Any who have stood up and called time on the power plays have been discredited, assassinated or wiped form history. This is how they have done it. Yet now the game has changed. With too many volunteers on the planet, committing to a human lifetime but hailing from higher dimensional frequencies, spreading truth form the front line, the elite are losing their grip. An assault of light frequencies has triggered DNA upgrades in humanity, long overdue, and desperately needed to forcibly jolt as many awake as possible. To break up the dark sticky evil energies cloaking Gaia, every awakened soul on earth brings his or her own higher vibrations to the plight of Gaia. We can see truth spreading like a virus through the matrix.
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The fifth dimension is here, Gaia operates on multiple dimensional realities currently, as do her people. What is the fifth dimension? It is the space on the multi verse frequency spectrum beyond the third and fourth dimensions, beneath the sixth and upper realms. The fifth dimension is where the magic happens. Love, life, laughter, happiness, joy and compassion are the currency of the fifth. Those who have spoken with guides, higher self or communed with ascended beings of light will know those guys laugh all the time! There is a sense of humor that pervades the fifth, a lightness of touch, a gentle, kind and warm love that translates into humor. The matrix needs us to feel downtrodden, fearful and stressed. The matrix programmes us to self doubt or arrogance, ignorance or blindness, fear envy, greed and hate. To begin ascending to the fifth dimension, a transition possible now on planet earth due to profound cosmic interventions, we relinquish the negativity in our hearts, our minds, bodies and soul.
To utilize higher vibratory fields of light inherent in the Lions Gateway to activate our lightbody, we clear karma from our energetic and physical beings, the dark night of soul is faced. It’s not called the dark night for nothing, nor is it just one night (if only!). Releasing karma is like peeling back the layers of an onion, it stings. Even when we think we have released all there is to release, oops there comes more, rising to the surface. You may feel you are going crazy, you may be diagnosed as depressed, bipolar or manic. There may be days when leaving the house is simply not possible and other days where crying is all you can do. Every single step we take, every tear we shed, every memory we relive and release, every moment of understanding and forgiveness, every epiphany, every molecule in our being will experience karmic release. We will feel the pain physically and emotionally as we release, release, release. We will realize slowly, that we are becoming stronger, wiser, more centered, flexible, less vulnerable to manipulation as the process of karmic clearing proceeds. For every hour we howl to the moon in anger, pain, fear or failure, we lighten our energetic load ten fold. The less emotional baggage we carry, the less hate, fear, envy and pain we hold in our hearts, the more room there is for these cosmic beams of light to penetrate our whole beings. If any of this resonates, welcome to the transition, the Shift, the great awakening, your work, your courage and your light is deeply appreciated
When we expand our consciousness with questions and research we awaken to how the matrix operates, how it programs us to lower vibrations. Targeting our self esteem relentlessly the elite will convince us of our inferiority. We will accept the status quo, we will believe we do not deserve better. We will defer to our betters, the landowners, corporate kingpins, lizard politicians, holographic talking heads and fake, shiny celebrities. Sadly the state of enslavement on planet earth for so many thousands of years means that many, many, human souls have become trapped in this engineered karmic wheel of negativity, accruing lifetime upon lifetime of heavy, dense karma. This has led to a spiritual state of emergency on planet earth. Religious doctrine for the purpose of control has replaced individual growth, stunting us instead of aiding our evolution. Humanity has lost itself in the never ending cycle of oppression, deceit and synthetic lowering of our internal vibration. Awakening is waking up to this, it is seeing with our soul, our third eye and our heart. Let go of fear of the dark night of soul. Recognize what it is and why it is happening. Take comfort in the knowledge that the transition to the fifth dimension on earth’s material plane, is well worth the pain of karmic release.
The liberation of a planet and her people from evil oppressors was never going to be easy. The horrors we witness every day, are horrors that were for a long, long time confined to the geographical places they occurred. Written histories have been destroyed or hidden. The elite face their greatest trial, technological advancement. The world wide web has shrunk our world. We now know of atrocities occurring far away from us, and those happening right under our noses. The game has changed. Whether you identify as starseed, indigo, a volunteer or any other type of visitor, know you are not alone. If you are beginning this awakening process, know you are not alone. If you are waaaay down the line of karmic clearing and in need of some respite, know you are not alone. We work together as a collective, we rediscover and embrace our sovereignty and together we reinstate the sovereignty of Gaia and her people. Share love, receive love, be love. Laugh and lighten your vibrations with soul tribe, solitude, meditation and nature.
In love and light cosmic surfers x,
About the author: I am a dedicated café conspirator, lightworker, metaphysical explorer, teacher, writer and earth mother. Born and bred in Glasgow, Scotland, I spent time traveling in Australia and Europe before moving to East London. After 15 years as an English teacher and head of year in comprehensive secondary schools I left teaching to become a stay at home mum. I retrained as a meditation teacher and reiki energy healer, using crystals and starseed tarot cards for healing and channeling. Between night feeds and school runs I have been writing and blogging about life, the universe and everything. You can find me on Facebook, wordpress and youtube at awakening5dhealing. Much love and light beautiful people.
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