Facing The Shadow Self – Do THIS To Understand Your True Inner Fears
by Ben Stewart,
Contributing Writer, In5D.com
This will be the shift of the ages, a transcendental period of monumental changes to humanity. Those unprepared for this transition, will likely be unable to cope with the rapid changes to our psyche.
The only way to prepare what to come is what we have sought after our entire lives -TRUTH – not the truth about governments, commerce, religions, terrorism, or anything external, but the truth within ourselves, within our psyche and our shadow self and especially in western culture where we are taught that normal means only being happy and never sad, only loving and never angry, only forgiven and never jealous.
This sounds plausible, but it’s not.
We are not meant to repress any negative emotion, because it causes imbalance. To conquer our emotions, we must embrace them, not fight them. We must acknowledge them, and allow them to serve their purpose as we learn from them.
Our relationships with one another, with the Universe, and situations and events are mirrors of parts of our psyche that needs to be cleansed.
It is important to know that when you FEAR loss, FEAR death, FEAR war, FEAR terrorism or FEAR change, your giving others the ability to control you based on those FEARS. When you fight against Poverty or against Racism ~ when you fight for Relationships or for Freedom, you are outwardly attempting to repress that which has been placed before you to conquer inwardly. These situations are mirrors of our fears.
This is why it’s important to LOVE, and only LOVE. Love those who stand with you, but especially those who stand against you. Don’t look at your fears at a threat, rather understand that this material world is only a physical manifestation of either the LOVE or FEAR in your consciousness. It’s as plain as day. All you need to conquer in your life, is in your face.
If you want to understand what your true inner fears are, analyze your ambitions and inhibitions.
Your reality affects you and only you.
When you see your fears for what they are and master your emotions, then and only then will you truly be free.
Understand that it is not a fight to be fought, it is not a war to be waged, no gun rights have to exercised, not a finger has to be lifted.
Most people wonder how one person can make a difference? They ask that if all this is so simple, and all this information is available, why hasn’t someone else conquered their fears and changed the world for everyone else?
This is the most difficult and beautiful conundrum to our lives. Your reality affects you and only you, your curiosity has led you to this genre of information to serve a very specific purpose in your life.
To understand visually how the Universe is truly a hologram, a math professor at Yale University developed a formula that is plugged into a computer program… [it] shows a seemingly disorganized pattern; but no matter how far you zoom into the design, you will always find the same pattern within the whole pattern. Each fractal, broken down infinitely, will always reflect the whole. When one fractal changes its pattern, the sum total of the whole pattern changes along with it.
This exemplifies that the whole world does not need to be awoken, there’s no race to inform the 7 billion people on this planet of this message, it is only important that you personally learn to conquer your innermost fears and learn to love.
In5D Addendum
Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, In5D.com
The above article was taken from one of my favorite videos, Esoteric Agenda by Ben Stewart:
Ben is spot on in so many ways! He stated, “Those unprepared for this transition, will likely be unable to cope with the rapid changes to our psyche.” We are seeing that right now and will continue to see this on higher levels, such as with major television personalities, politicians, religious figures, etc… I wrote an energy update about a month ago that reflects what Ben stated.
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Since writing that energy update, I’ve seen even more people in this genre literally “lose it” while others who have been grounding themselves and maintaining a high vibration remain unaffected.
We’re basically on an astrological timetable for the collapse of money, government, and religion when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and remains there until 2023.
Pluto is known as the DESTROYER and will tear down everything that is not in humanity’s best interests. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in the 1700’s during both the French and American Revolutions. Right on schedule, when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, we saw a collapse of the banking system with the exception of the too big to fail/jail banks. So far, we’ve seen revolutions in numerous countries, currencies crashing, government officials being exposed, and corruption along with crimes against humanity within religion, specifically, the Roman Catholic Church. Pluto exits Capricorn in 2023, so we still have a few years left to watch this all unfold. If you can maintain a high vibration while staying grounded, it will be as if you’re watching as an observer.
I’m very grateful to everyone who is fighting against the cabal, fighting for our health, against chemtrails, or whatever cause or issue they’re fighting for. This is part of the process of finding yourself. While fighting, they’re creating awareness for other people to awaken… to fight the fight… and to eventually find themselves as well.
There is no shortcut to get there and as long as you’re working on yourself in a positive manner, there’s no reason to even find a shortcut because you’ll miss out on all of the wonderful experiences along the way.
Every day… every millisecond, you’re being guided to ultimately find yourself. and to BE love.
The spiritual awakening process brings us through many phases. Many of us have fought against fluoridated water, GMO’s, 9/11, etc… and while truth has a high vibration, in the end you realize you’re only fighting yourself. Ultimately, what you’ll find is love.
Love is the only thing that matters.
Image: Pixabay
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