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Family Values In 5D – Letting Go Of The Past And Your Loved Ones

By on April 13, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Family Values In 5D - Letting Go Of The Past And Your Loved Ones

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by Alexander Papageorghiou,
Contributing Writer,

Since birth, you have been surrounded by a group of people, your clan, your kin. You have grown to know them as your protectors, as the ultimate circle of love, a deeper belonging than you could understand at an early age. As you have progressed through your journey and gotten to know yourself, you developed your own circle of belonging within your heart. With time, and with your Ascension and awakening, you are increasingly becoming one with yourself and with your spiritual guidance.


For many of us, as we awakened, our spiritual development became enhanced, reaching new heights every year. With time, a gap was created between us and our former clan, a dissonance that has kept on separating and contradicting our new ideals and values, as our loved ones grew to represent our old selves. That side had stopped developing and become stagnant, while we morphed into completely new entities of light. This became more and more difficult for us to accept, that there may be an end to that chapter.

Our New Selves are free of karmic ties, cleansed of the past and the strings that attached us to our former pain and discord, the life we had in 3D. Our physical families had been bound to us by karma, built over many lifetimes, and often unresolved. Being that this is the last incarnation for many light beings, as we are finally ascending, the Karma accompanied us and took form to be released. This has created many difficult nuclear family situations that many of us have felt repeatedly. As we have grown into our new vessels, we have gotten accustomed to knowing ourselves and our new values, what we truly hold dear. We have finally become what we have always been. The layers of society and fear have been shed. We have learned to love ourselves and our truths, personal, and collective, more than ever before.

Those around us that we call family, have often not gone on the same path and have stayed in the old mindsets. The more we have ascended, the more we have felt the void created between the old and the new grow. They were compatible energetically with the old us, but the NEW US is something they can seldom comprehend and accept. Topics of discussion, values, and mores are now completely different. We see ourselves as part of something infinite and loving. It becomes more difficult daily to look at family with the same sanctity as we have in the past. The genetic lineage we share in this lifetime is but a very minute part of the equation. Our Karmic lineage is a story of millennia, of ties between souls, of the need to release and replace with love. All in all, as we look at ourselves now, the concept of family in 5D is completely new. We can meet total strangers through our guidance, and be connected in ways we have never been before, since we removed the blockages of the ego, and allowed ourselves to be nourished by love for the first time. This is not a material 3D love, but a completely new energy. It surpasses all genetic, karmic, and conscious lineage.

Most awakened light beings have been guided by the light in the guise of their spiritual guidance, whether physical or etheric. These beings have played a very important role in our development and taught us valuable lessons we had never learned before. We must accept that they play a paramount role in the definition of our new family values. They are part of our new family. We must also begin to break the mold of the nuclear family and, within our hearts, start to look at the collective on our planet as one entity, spending less time criticizing and differentiating, and more including and embracing. All divisive concepts of the Third Dimension have come to a halt. We can see all of that rising to the surface daily, in more blatant ways than we have seen before. These concepts are void and illusionary today. The longer we embrace them, the longer we delay the inevitable ascension of the collective as a whole.

What should our attitude towards our nuclear families be then, in this new time? We must look inside with total honesty and the absence of fear of letting go. We need to re-evaluate how these relationships make us feel, where there is love, and where lie emotions such as criticism, anger, fear, and control. We need to look at our new values, and how these family members are compatible with them. We need to measure their acceptance with love of what we have become. Some may be so entrenched in their 3D fears that they cannot support this new energy and the dissonance is so great that we feel toxicity when we are in the same room, and there is avoidance that we are not addressing. These are exactly the red flags that we need to discuss with ourselves. Love is all that remains and truth is all that ever was. Incompatibility with that energy is destructive.

We need to look into our hearts and ask ourselves honestly, where this will about, what will happen with this relationship in the future, can this person possibly accept to change and ascend or will they stay where they are? What happens to our love when we are around that? The fear of letting go is completely normal. This is our family, the one that has raised us and an integral part of us, the thought of letting them go is unfathomable. This is the fear talking, the fear of trusting our intuition, our need to love and be loved unconditionally. This is a discussion all ascending beings need to have with themselves at this time.


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What does letting go mean for our families? Energetically, they have been sensing our journey since the beginning, though they have been unaware of it. Their energy has become increasingly incompatible with ours, and we have often felt out of balance when we are with them and afterwards. There is so far a refusal, out of fear to change and let go on their part, and there is a part of us that suffers when trying to help them with their process, an anticipation, and a pain that results when that is met with the same attitude. The only way to help them is to let them ascend by themselves. Only confronted with the physical reality of this gap, this void that has been created, will they understand that there are unaddressed issues within themselves that can go no further. We often see in today’s world, in many extreme displays, the very obvious, sometimes ugly, wake-up calls that society is being given in order to deal with certain issues that are way overdue, and have been conveniently brushed off for decades, even centuries. The same process affects our personal lives and our families. There is a generational gap, which is a given, and an immense energetic gap that is approximately 15 to 20 years old. We feel it more and more, and they succumb to fear and frustration.

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We must help them by loving ourselves as we should, trusting in the Universe and the Creator, and to let go of that does not serve love anymore. The scariest part of the process is the emptiness that follows and the fear that tries to fill it. This is the struggle for most of us. We need to embrace our faith and love in the Ascension and believe in the love at the end of the path. Our guidance loves and supports us and we need not be afraid of what may be as a result, but notice the difference in how we feel, when we replace these heavy emotions, these ties, with love, and the understanding that we have a family all around us, that supports our awakening and wants us to flourish. Family starts from your heart, that is where it lives and always has.

Much Love,


About the author: I am an experienced and passionate spiritual guide, writer, entrepreneur, channeler, past-lifetime regression therapist and healer. I strive for continual evolution of the spirit, embracing my right-brain, love, and working to peel the 3D layers off and reveal my 5D self. As I find myself a decade later, I am thankful, blessed, and reciprocating, happily helping people who come my way, in the same state I was in so many years ago. I love nature and our precious mother Gaia, travelling, and new experiences. I speak 5 languages, have lived in 7 countries so far, and I am thankful for progressive, liberal, and loving mindsets and ideals. Visit Indigo Light’s new website at Contact me via email at

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