Feeling And Healing Our Inner Wounded Healer
by Kalayna Colibri,
Contributing Writer,In5D.com
As we move through our own ascension processes, we may feel called to serve others in their own processes too. Actually, it feels like many of us are feeling this calling deeper and deeper and it’s becoming as loud as a roar while things ramp up in our world with collapsing systems and collapsing ways of life. As more and more of the inauthentic, power-over-others based ways of being and doing fall apart around and within us, there is a growing need to help each other sift through the rubble and find a way to keep moving forward through life and upward with ascension on all levels of our being. In addition to this desire to be a part of creating and building a new world, we feel called to be healers because somewhere inside of us, we NEED to be healers, for the sake our own growth and healing too. It becomes a crucible for healing just like any other. The more we open up to serving love with others, the deeper the invitation into our own growth as souls and sacred humans too.
A question I feel to ask today regarding this call to be a healer, is what qualifies someone to become the healer they’re meant to be? After all, for many (if not all) of us who are choosing to expand our consciousness in every moment, becoming a ‘healer’ is more or less a birthright. In my experience of it though, it’s not a role we’re entitled to, nor is it something that we can expect to just sort of ‘happen’. It seems to me that as healers, we tend to have the toughest life crucibles to walk out and also, we tend to have inside of us a deep reticence towards healing and serving others that also needs to move and heal… ‘healing the healer’ involves going deeply into this shadow of the ‘wounded healer’ and in essence our courage to go into this so feels like what qualifies us, above all else, to serve others with sobriety, deep empathic feeling, genuine compassion, and reverential awe for who they are in soul, heart and body. You won’t have authentic access to feel and hold others in this way while parts of you are still feeling very much the opposite. This could be subtle too, so this process of really going into and healing this can be tricky, making it very necessary to have help from those who have been there when venturing into this shadow territory. This is a key piece we offer in SoulFullHeart and one that we hold as critical for being able to truly embody our healership and genuinely serve love.
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It doesn’t seem to ever get to the point where your energy can honestly say to others, “I’m healed so now I can serve you”. Rather, it’s more about getting to the point where you can open-heartedly claim, “I’m vulnerably working some pieces, but I am ahead of you enough on my chosen path of healing that I can serve you and help you find your way to where I am now.” It feels important to note that ‘ahead’ is not ‘above’ and if the healer you’re working with doesn’t feel like they are ahead of you and embodying something you too would like to embody, and is maybe instead posturing as if they are worth more than you are, this is a sure sign of an inauthentic claim of their healership and that they may need to check in with where their own love overflow is at.
Ultimately, what seems to ‘qualify’ us is so not certifications, though of course these initiations can help and can also lead us to the paths we are meant to be on. Instead, life is the ultimate qualifier, as well as humbled self-authority which is also necessary. Yet parts of us claiming authority on something we/they haven’t yet lived out or embodied creates a tinny tone to this claim and our draw of others to serve won’t be what we really want it to be. Push-pulls around people or humanity in general and also around living a healthy lifestyle where there is lots of space to really be with ourselves, our parts and soul aspects, and work on our own healing, are all indications of a need to go back inward to keep feeling that ‘wounded healer’ inside, which could be one or more parts of us grabbing at this role, and use our healing gifts to work with and love THEM first as our number one priority.
It’s a gift to really let ourselves, as healers, collapse into a humble need to continue healing on many levels and doing so can only benefit us and the people we’re called to serve.
About the author: Kalayna is an indigo-crystal bridge, energy healer, writer, poetess, and facilitator/teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. Visit soulfullheartwayoflife.com for more information about sessions, online group calls and circles, community, videos, and more.