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Full Moon Energies  – Expand Into More

By on April 12, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Full Moon Energies  - Expand Into More

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by Zoe Davenport,
Contributing Writer,

This is a time to FEEL full — full of love, joy, vitality, connection, abundance, peace, serenity. Full, full of unlimited divine opportunities as we allow the full moon to support and assist us to expand into more.


Expand, expand, expand, expand, expand, expand, expand, expand!!

More — expand into more of who we are, expand more into the vibration of our multi-dimensional beings, expand into more love, more joy, more compassion for where we are in ascension.

Expand into all we have been holding back from — this really is the time to feel the fullness of our hearts, our beautiful lights. Feel the fullness of our being when we are expanding into what is, we let go of what isn’t — the stories, the victim, the drama, the shame, the envy, the guilt, the fear.

The full moon energies allows and supports this to expand into truth — which is light, which is love.


We need to allow ourselves to expand in energy so freely that our cups are overflowed with what we need to co-create the new Earth — Expansion opens us back up to the unlimited potential of divine creation.


When we are expanding out — we no longer constrict ourselves from staying in the small I AM. We no longer hold back from our divine birthrights of manifestation from zero point — free from limitations and fear. For what was is no longer, what was is no longer in alignment for what is — which is who we are — expanded multi-dimensional beings.

Expansion of our truths, sovereignty, expansion of space free to create as we allow our connection of the divine feminine to FEEL into what it is we truly desire and open up to receive as we honor the divine masculine within to create divine thought — free thought expanding in energy to create form — the physical manifestations, the physical reality of expansion for us to experience this world — co-created from a place of expanded divine LOVE.

The more we share our hearts we empower self in authenticity.

Authenticity is about trusting we are enough.

We ALL have the ability to expand our authenticity when we let go of restricted energy — stagnated energy caught up in emotional attachments to to the stories of judgment.

NOW is the time we are called to stay expanded in our truths — allow the emotion of expanded creation to flow freely from our expanded and open hearts. Then we begin from the place of purity — the inner child is honored- the divine balance with the masculine and feminine starts to restore and work in alignment.

Use the full moon energies to expand into more of what we need — self-care is not optional if we want to expand through 3D and feel alignment with 5D and above.

Let go of the need to fight — to force — to stay stuck — to stay small — to stay hidden.

EXPAND OUT — allow FEEL the energy of who we truly are.

What areas of our lives are we not FEELING expanded or supporting self right now?

What areas of our lives do we FEEL restricted and energetically bound up?

What areas of our lives are we wanting to see remarkable improvements — through manifesting?

The expansion of our beings— the expansion of our truths, the expansion of our hearts will move through the “blocks” with ease as we expand bigger than the fear that was holding us back.

We are here to evolve — we are here to co-create from the zero point of expansion — of unlimited divine manifesting — that is alignment for all.

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Use the full moon to expand our hearts, our ability to love, our ability to heal, our ability to forgive, our ability to surrender, our ability to let go, our ability to be in total multi-dimensional expansion.

Expand into JOY

Expand into LOVE

Expand into YOU

Breathe in and allow the heart to expand, breathe out resistance, breathe in light for the heart to open and expand, breathe out limitations through thoughts, breathe in energy to connect, breathe out the fear of staying small — stuck or overwhelmed.

The full moon is about allowing — allowing to FEEL the expansion of who we are — open — expand and allow this to come up — alignment is found in the heart through expansion.

Breathe and allow the self to FEEL the energy that is ready to flow in through the heart space in abundance — allow the heart to fill up with more of who we are and allow to receive.

Breathe and expand, breathe and expand.

I love you all

Zoe Davenport
Ascension Guide

Zoe Davenport About the author: Zoe Davenport is a channel, master ascension guide and crystalline grid activator. Her multi-dimensional connection helps to expand her vibration to support those on the ascension path. Your current reality holds the potential vibration for you to ascend into ascension mastery. Zoe assists you to master your pure creative potential by guiding you through your ascension awakening in order to gain access to all that you set out to achieve in this incarnation.​

Image: Pixabay

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