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Tag: full moon

May 10th Full Moon 2017 – Transformation & Reaching Higher Levels Of Consciousness

May 10th Full Moon 2017 – Transformation & Reaching Higher Levels Of Consciousness

By on May 9, 2017 in Astrology

by Tanaaz, May’s Full Moon falls on the 10th/11th in the watery sign of Scorpio and holds extremely powerful and potent energy. Scorpio energy is all about transformation and reaching higher levels of consciousness. In fact, Scorpio energy has the potential to reach Divine levels of consciousness, but at the same time, it also has […]

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Full Moon Energies  – Expand Into More

Full Moon Energies  – Expand Into More

By on April 12, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

This is a time to FEEL full — full of love, joy, vitality, connection, abundance, peace, serenity. Full, full of unlimited divine opportunities as we allow the full moon to support and assist us to expand into more.

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ENERGY UPDATE – Generational ‘Wounding’ Overflowing/Ego At An Extreme Of Those Not Coming From Their Hearts

ENERGY UPDATE – Generational ‘Wounding’ Overflowing/Ego At An Extreme Of Those Not Coming From Their Hearts

By on February 13, 2017 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, Australian Correspondent, Generational ‘wounding’ has come through for many and is overflowing or ‘spilling out’ on/with others, where close relationships are concerned. Add to that, this is being heightened with the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse energies. Which has resulted in this coming out in full-on ‘bullying’ with those coming from their heads/ego/logic in […]

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5th Dimensional Consciousness – 3D Does Not Change, It Is A Dimension

5th Dimensional Consciousness – 3D Does Not Change, It Is A Dimension

By on December 15, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

3D is a DIMENSION of consciousness and will continue to exist, for those at the level in this Earth SCHOOL, that still need (as part of theirs Souls journey) to go through initiations and experiences, that ONLY exist in 3D.

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Full Super Moon In Gemini, December 13th, 2016 – Sudden Changes

Full Super Moon In Gemini, December 13th, 2016 – Sudden Changes

By on December 11, 2016 in Astrology

This is the Last Super Full Moon for 2016. The Super Full Moon in Gemini at 8:05 pm AST on December 13th, 2016, may be packed with plenty of sudden changes. ALL Frequencies interact with your unique frequencies based on your Soul Blueprint. So what you feel within you, is unique to you.

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What Is A Super Moon And What Is Its Spiritual Meaning?

What Is A Super Moon And What Is Its Spiritual Meaning?

By on November 13, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening

by Melanie Beckler, We’re quickly approaching a Super Full Moon on November 14th. And in case you’re not familiar with the term… A Super Moon is when the Full Moon is in direct alignment with the Sun, and is also at its closest point to Earth due to the Earth’s rotation. The concept of a […]

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Energy Update – Full Moon Of October 16th Was A Very Significant Turning Point

Energy Update – Full Moon Of October 16th Was A Very Significant Turning Point

By on October 18, 2016 in Energy Updates

by Anastacia, When it comes time for me to go away, as I do from time to time to feel and process what is going on, we know something big is going on, Humanity wise. I am on day two of my ‘time away’ and much is going on. I was taken above and saw […]

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Rare Black Moon

Rare Black Moon

By on September 29, 2016 in Astrology with 0 Comments

Friday’s sky on September 30th, 2016 is host to a somewhat unusual lunar event in the Western Hemisphere: a second new moon in a single month, which some people call a “Black Moon.”

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Prepare For The Equinox September 22, 2016 – One Of The Best Transformation Thresholds Of The Year

Prepare For The Equinox September 22, 2016 – One Of The Best Transformation Thresholds Of The Year

By on September 21, 2016 in Astrology, Spiritual Awakening

Equinox arriving Thursday is occurring during a powerful window of time. The Mercury Retrograde, ending Wednesday, has been an excellent time to reassess your life circumstance and decide what you would want to keep or discard going forward.

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Eclipse Energies And The Unified Field Of The New Time

Eclipse Energies And The Unified Field Of The New Time

By on September 14, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The energies of the Sept. 16 full moon eclipse in Pisces are already filtering in, helping anchor and amplify the new time on planet Earth. This is the third in a rare triad of eclipses that began with the Aug. 18 lunar eclipse in Aquarius and amping up with the Sept. 1 solar eclipse in Virgo. These two recent eclipse series set in place a unified field of love, cooperation and peace. Over the next few days, this field will be amplified by the powerful lunar eclipse.

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Full Moon Dragon Energy… It’s BIG

Full Moon Dragon Energy… It’s BIG

By on August 18, 2016 in Astrology

Today is the full moon lunar eclipse leading us into a BIG energetic time.

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26 Questions: Is Ascension Really Happening?

26 Questions: Is Ascension Really Happening?

By on May 7, 2016 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The Earth has evolved to a point where she is ready to move to a higher frequency dimension. This is a normal evolutionary step for all life in the universe. This process is called ascension. The dimension is the 5th. Everyone and everything ascends when their energy vibration reaches a specific frequency of Light.

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The September 2015 Wave X Awakening

The September 2015 Wave X Awakening

By on August 8, 2015 in Awareness, Science

by Dr. Kathy J. Forti, I once had a media and communications professor ask a packed auditorium of journalism students the interesting question: “What is the singular factor that affects all of humanity? A factor that can start or stop wars? That can raise up civilizations or destroy them?” Not one student could come up […]

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Blue Moon Facts And Trivia

Blue Moon Facts And Trivia

By on April 5, 2015 in Awareness with 0 Comments

There are in fact two definitions for a blue moon. According to the more recent definition, a blue moon is the second full moon in a calendar month. For a blue moon to occur, the first of the full moons must appear at or near the beginning of the month so that the second will fall within the same month (the average span between two moons is 29.5 days). The full Moon on July 31, 2015 will be this type of blue moon; it will be the second full moon in one month.

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Earth’s Grids And Portals

Earth’s Grids And Portals

By on February 18, 2015 in Awareness with 0 Comments

The following is an excerpt from the book, Crystals, Gateways of Light and Unity. There are three main Grids that operate through and around Earth; the first we will look at is the Crystalline Grid, which links the Crystals in the Earth.

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