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Full Super Moon In Gemini, December 13th, 2016 – Sudden Changes

By on December 11, 2016 in Astrology

Full Super Moon In Gemini, December 13th, 2016 - Sudden Changes

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by L’Aura Pleiadian,

Full Super Moon In Gemini, December 13th, 2016 – Sudden Changes

This is the Last Super Full Moon for 2016. The Super Full Moon in Gemini at 8:05 pm AST on December 13th, 2016, may be packed with plenty of sudden changes. ALL Frequencies interact with your unique frequencies based on your Soul Blueprint. So what you feel within you, is unique to you.


Mercury goes Retrograde December 19th till January 8th, 2017. So plan when possible, to take time to slow down and reevaluate, before Christmas, when this Mercury Retrograde begins. Take care of any repairs now, if possible.

December 21st is the Winter Solstice at 6:44 am AST. Celebrate the Light. The Light within. (more soon on the Solstice)

This Super Full Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius, is Trine Mars in Aquarius which is Sextile Uranus in Aries and Trine Jupiter in Libra. This Full Moon also makes an Opposition to Saturn and a Square to Chiron in Pisces.

Again all of this impacts YOUR Frequency Uniquely.

Surprises, sudden relationship changes, things arising to be healed, loved. All this and more is possible, as YOU SHIFT within.

Communicate WITHIN yourself, with the Symbology of your Soul. With the LIGHT within.


Your consciousness, where you are at in the level of your awareness and frequency, and how tuned in you are to WITHIN yourself. What is going on in your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies. In Harmony the changes and shift may feel positive. When in disharmony what you experience, even for your benefit, may feel negative. IT is all within you.

The experiences you go through, activated and initiate you into learning, completing, certain aspects of consciousness, that may have been left undone, so to speak, in other lifetimes.

The Where and why is not so important, as BEING PRESENT with your experiences. As you acknowledge and awaken to what is actually going on within you, and apply 5th dimensional love and compassion, you see clearly, where you are in your consciousness.

This Full Moon, Super Moon, HELPS to surface within you, both the emotional aspects and mental aspects within you, that you may be consciously unaware of.

Frequencies impact frequencies. Each experience is unique.

During this busy time of year, during this Full Moon Super Moon in Gemini and with Mercury Retrograde starting December 19th, before the New Moon (and Christmas) in Capricorn, December 29th. BEFORE and DURING the Winter Solstice, December 21st TAKE the time to slow down.

Feel your Light.

Be Your Light.

Be the CHANGE within.

Open and receive all that arises, the positive, the negative, within.

Love yourself. Love your Light. FEEL Your Light.

Start NOW this moment.

No need to wait for the Full Moon, or the Solstice, or Mercury Retrograde. To be more introspective. To focus more within. To TRULY develop the relationship you have with yourself. With the True YOU. The Inner You. The parts of you desiring to be LOVED FULLY once and for all.

All NOW.

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Much love for your kind donation,

Blessings of GREAT MIRACLES. For You and your Transformation. Every Hour. Every moment. Activating the GLORIOUS Being of Light that you Are. Now, During the Full Moon, During the Solstice and Christmas. ALL NOW for YOU. Beloved Beings of LIGHT.

I AM with YOU! And So it is! NOW!

Additional In5D Mercury Retrograde Resources

What You Need To Know About MERCURY RETROGRADE!


TOP 10 Things NOT To Do During A Mercury Retrograde!

How To Reprogram A Mercury Retrograde

Why I Love Mercury Retrograde And Why You Could Too!

Mercury Retrograde – The Planetary Transit We Love To Hate!

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In5D Quantum Tie Dye

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