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Tag: consciousness

Beyond Death: 12 Eye-Opening Lessons From Near-Death Experiences

Beyond Death: 12 Eye-Opening Lessons From Near-Death Experiences

By on February 17, 2023 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The near death experience is a powerful reminder of the fragility of life and the strength of the human spirit. For many, it is an event that can forever alter their perspective on life and offer invaluable insight into the power of resilience, the importance of cherishing life, and the potential for personal growth.

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The Ancient Language of the Soul: Reconnecting with the Energies Beyond Our World

The Ancient Language of the Soul: Reconnecting with the Energies Beyond Our World

By on February 16, 2023 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

In a time long ago, communication were not limited to making noises with your mouth. Souls could communicate through telepathy, energy, emotion, symbology, and intent with effortless and instantaneous exchange. However, this form of communication was hijacked and compressed by some, lacking in compassion and empathy.

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SUPERPOWERS ULNEASHED! – The Ultimate Guide To 77 Mind-Blowing Superpowers!

SUPERPOWERS ULNEASHED! – The Ultimate Guide To 77 Mind-Blowing Superpowers!

By on February 14, 2023 in Enlightening Articles with 0 Comments

Which of the 77 mind-blowing superpowers would you like to have?  Keep in mind that each superability carries huge responsibilities and consequences, so be careful what you wish for!

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33 Surprising Facts About the World of Dreams

33 Surprising Facts About the World of Dreams

By on February 12, 2023 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Welcome to the world of dreams, where the mind takes flight and the imagination runs wild. This mysterious realm is filled with endless possibilities, and holds within its depths secrets waiting to be unlocked. As we delve deeper into the world of sleep, we uncover a wealth of astonishing facts about the dream state, from […]

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Consciousness, Gravity, And Creation

Consciousness, Gravity, And Creation

By on April 24, 2020 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Consciousness, Gravity, And Creation With these new energies, these higher frequencies that are coming in that are responsible for this Grand Awakening that the human race is currently experiencing are creating not only the expansion of our consciousness but the expansion everything in the Universe. Everything around us is getting an upgrade, everything is expanding.

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Is Death An Illusion? Study Suggests YES!

Is Death An Illusion? Study Suggests YES!

By on October 25, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

New evidence continues to suggest that Einstein was right – death is an illusion. Our classical way of thinking is based on the belief that the world has an objective observer-independent existence, but a long list of experiments shows just the opposite.

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Arcturian Transmission – Event Update

Arcturian Transmission – Event Update

By on July 4, 2019 in Extraterrestrials with 0 Comments

Traveler teams assemble. Links are being made. Cybernet communication lines established in a chaotic, crumbling matrix. Your gag has been lifted. You are starfish in their stormy seas of dark troubles. As the dimensions slip and slide, tracking teams becomes harder. Theirs is the illusion of force, not the reality. They use technology, shadows and algorithms to monitor. Hosts record like never ending CCTV, strangers not in command of their own consciousness.

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Why There Were Recent Holes Discovered In The Milky Way Galaxy

Why There Were Recent Holes Discovered In The Milky Way Galaxy

By on June 14, 2019 in Science with 0 Comments

Why There Were Recent Holes Discovered In The Milky Way Galaxy – There was some very powerful activity discovered recently by scientists who study cosmological activity in the universe. It was theorized that these “bullet like” holes that ripped through the Milky Way galaxy could have been the result of dark matter.

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Backdrop People: The Role of Non-Source Players or Soulless Ones

Backdrop People: The Role of Non-Source Players or Soulless Ones

By on June 11, 2019 in Exiting The Matrix, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Dolores Cannon popularized the idea of backdrop people as, essentially, “extras” within the Earth experience. The notion that some people aren’t “real” might be a sensitive idea for some, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t reality. I should preface by also mentioning that, on some level, it kind of doesn’t matter — you should always treat everyone as you’d want to be treated, with love and kindness. That being said, this article will explore my evolving understanding about extras in the matrix.

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Transformative Angel Message For The Week #66

Transformative Angel Message For The Week #66

By on June 10, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Transformative Angel Message For The Week – 5D is an individual path of consciousness. You alone create YOUR 5D matrix, in your own timeline and in your own unique way. You might say that your reality is a reflection off your “own image and likeness.”

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The Physical And Spiritual Aspects Of Yoga

The Physical And Spiritual Aspects Of Yoga

By on June 7, 2019 in Meditation with 0 Comments

The Physical And Spiritual Aspects Of Yoga – YOGA: to join together as in the yoke that joins two ox together to pull a wagon; union; the joining of the physical and spiritual aspects of our being.

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Ascension Gateway Opens

Ascension Gateway Opens

By on April 24, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Profound energetics are being received to GAIA right Now, from our Sun. This also means a Gateway for humanity.

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144,000 The Language of Light

144,000 The Language of Light

By on March 18, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

The following is an excerpt from Barbara Marciniak: The avatars and masters have now permeated the gridwork of the world, bringing with them their own tools for teaching. The tools that are being utilized on this planet are artifacts that are not of your dimension, symbolic forms that literally have a life of their own. They make up what is known as the Language of Light.

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Ascension Rollercoaster Tips

Ascension Rollercoaster Tips

By on October 24, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Your specific Ascension Rollercoaster experience has been intense indeed and this does not mean you have the green light for this ride of your life to stop and for you to receive the message that all is completed, well, and finalized. ALL IS WELL.

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What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?

What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?

By on October 22, 2018 in Awareness

There is a war going on right now and it doesn’t involve guns or the military industrial complex. It’s a war on consciousness and most people are clueless that it even exists.

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