Tag: winter solstice

Full Moon In Leo – Letting Yourself Shine!
Happy Full Moon in Leo! This Full Moon at almost 17 degrees of Leo became exact at 1:28 PM EST/New York Time (18:28 GMT) today, Sunday, February 5, 2023.

Winter Solstice
by Ostariena, Guest writers, In5D.com The energetic pathway of this Sacred Journey of reaching the culmination point, that is the Winter Solstice, had started during the Gateway of 12/12. This Gateway had acted as a foundation, like we said in our previous article, which helped us make space for the new to be seeded before […]

Winter Solstice, Maya Calendar & The Shift in Consciousness: How They’re All Connected
by Luke Miller, There has been a real buildup to today in the last few months. So much has been going on numerologically and astrologically that I have missed a chunk of it on the conscious level. However, I have certainly been feeling it, and chances are if you are reading this, you have too. […]

12:21 Portal – The December 21st Diamond Grid Merkaba Activations!
Each year on the Winter Solstice a portal opens and the Diamond Merkaba Grid Activates! This activates the diamond grid within each, connected with cosmic influences that line up on this particular day.

Full Super Moon In Gemini, December 13th, 2016 – Sudden Changes
This is the Last Super Full Moon for 2016. The Super Full Moon in Gemini at 8:05 pm AST on December 13th, 2016, may be packed with plenty of sudden changes. ALL Frequencies interact with your unique frequencies based on your Soul Blueprint. So what you feel within you, is unique to you.

Bill Donahue – Origin Of Christianity
Bill Donahue irrefutably lays out the origins of Christianity, which includes the surprising story behind why all churches have steeples.

A Return To The 1960’s Love Revolution?
Astrology plays an important role in learning from the cycles of time. In 2010, Pluto was close to the winter solstice degree of zero Capricorn, Pluto was squared off by Uranus at 1 degree of Aries and Saturn at 1 degree of Libra at the equinox points. This is very, very powerful stuff! What was seeded in the ’60’s Love Generation will be impelled to act between 2010-2012.