Mercury Retrograde – The Planetary Transit We Love To Hate!
by Ellyn Dye,
Contributing Writer,
It’s that time again: Mercury is Retrograde. Three or four times each year, Mercury appears to be moving backwards, away from the sun, for approximately three weeks, and even hardened skeptics run for cover! Every planet goes retrograde periodically, but Mercury is a “personal” planet and affects our everyday lives. Mercury rules communications, mental processes, machinery, electronics, and transportation, among other things, and when Mercury is not in fast-forward, we all tend to feel it, up-close and personal, directly or indirectly!
Mercury Retrograde has a bad reputation, because during these periods we can experience communications and mechanical breakdowns, misunderstandings, crossed wires, and all manner of aggravations and delays. As a result, everyone’s levels of frustration and irritation can be high. Packages get delivered to the wrong address, and checks get lost in the mail. Computer glitches abound. We hit “Reply All” on the one email that absolutely, positively shouldn’t be shared! The most important document on our computer disappears into the ethers. A virus eats the hard drive or an online banking typo wipes out our checking account. Or we spend all day writing a newsletter, only to find out later that none of the “Saves” worked, so we have to start again from scratch! We are well advised to keep our patience intact and our sense of humor at the ready! With Mercury Retrograde, “the dog ate my homework” excuse is probably true! (But you still have to do that homework all over again!)
When Mercury is retrograde, it is not a good time to start something new, make large or important purchases (particularly anything electronic), sign contracts, or accept or start a new job. If we do, we are likely to find out—after Mercury goes direct again—that the project falls apart because we misread the instructions or someone else didn’t do their part, the non-returnable sofa doesn’t fit into the living room (or through the front door!), we misunderstood or missed something crucial in the fine print, the new job is not what we thought it would be, or we end up with a different supervisor who doesn’t like us and really wanted to hire her nephew.
Under the Mercury Retrograde influence, we can also feel like we’ve entered the dementia zone, as our minds don’t seem to function on all cylinders. Our thinking is fuzzy. We get appointment dates wrong, forget to pick up the kids, show up at the wrong restaurant for that important lunch meeting, lose our keys, leave our plane tickets at home in our other purse, get lost on the way to the station, and miss our train.
What can we do? Be aware that Murphy’s Law is likely to be in full effect (“Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong!”) Double-check all important details, early and often. Allow extra time for everything and practice patience. Make sure that you keep track of your keys, your wallet, and other important items. Read the fine print… twice! Back-up your computer work often, and think twice before clicking “Send” or “Delete”. Don’t let yourself do things on auto-pilot, because it will malfunction! Take it slow, pay attention, don’t try to multi-task, and by all means, don’t text and drive! Mercury Retrograde is a time that exemplifies that old adage of home improvement: Measure twice, cut once!
But Mercury Retrograde has a good side, too! There are many activities that flourish under its influence. Mercury Retrograde can remind us that, in fact, for everything there really IS a season! If we let it, Mercury will teach us about the deep rhythm of Life. When Mercury ceases its fast-forward motion and goes back and retraces its steps, it is a time for us, too, to hit the “Pause” button, take a deep breath, and reassess what we’ve done and how far we’ve gotten in the past few months; and to figure out whether we’re going in the right direction and what needs to be tweaked. It truly can be the pause that refreshes.
Mercury Retrograde is the perfect time to review, reflect, rethink, reconsider, revise, rewrite, re-do, renew, reorganize, regroup, reconfigure, reinvent, refinance, recommit or release, and research and plan our next moves. It’s a time to go back over things, retrace our steps, pick up loose ends, complete those unfinished projects, and get everything ready for our next surge forward. Important ideas, information, opportunities, and even items that had been lost, overlooked, or forgotten in the dust may now float back into focus, just at the right time. This can be a time when we can actually let go of the illusion of control, get out of our own way, and let the Magic happen!
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One of the absolute best things about Mercury Retrograde is its apparent fondness for reunion and reconciliation. People from our past can suddenly appear out of the blue, in the most unlikely places. It can be someone we’ve wondered about for years, like a long-lost love or a dear friend who moved away; or it can be a former boss or colleague who offers us a new opportunity. It also can be someone with whom we had a falling-out, giving us an opportunity to resolve it, redress it, and reconcile… or decide to just let it go and move on.

Despite its bad reputation, Mercury Retrograde can, indeed, bring us amazing blessings, if we slow down and allow it to do so!
Mercury Retrograde will be influencing us through July 1, with some residual effects for the following couple of weeks. Be sure to take additional precautions, pay attention to details, allow extra time for everything, and back-up your computer work. But do, also, take advantage of this amazing time for reflection, revision, reorganization, and reunion before Mercury starts us running full throttle again!
Additional In5D Mercury Retrograde Resources
What You Need To Know About MERCURY RETROGRADE!
TOP 10 Things NOT To Do During A Mercury Retrograde!
How To Reprogram A Mercury Retrograde
Why I Love Mercury Retrograde And Why You Could Too!
Mercury Retrograde – The Planetary Transit We Love To Hate!
About the author: Ellyn Dye is an Author, Intuitive Coach, Metaphysical Teacher, and Motivational Speaker. A near-death experience (NDE) in 1985 expanded her psychic abilities and created an ongoing link with some very loving—and humorous—Guardians of humanity and the ancient wisdom. They provided her with a vast array of information about life on earth and the evolution of mankind. Ellyn publishes a free monthly newsletter, Tunnel Vision, about the Great Shift and how to navigate the waves of change. She is author of the metaphysical fantasy novel, The Search for the Crystal Key, and is working on a new book, Creating Heaven on Earth. . . One Soul at a Time; A How-To Manual from the Perspective of a Near-Death Experience. Find out more about Ellyn, her NDE, and her products and services at
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