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Galactic Assistance

By on December 22, 2020 in Extraterrestrials, Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Galactic Assistance Is humanity receiving galactic assistance?

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Is humanity receiving galactic assistance?

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,


In a trendy move of groupthink channeling, numerous reports stated that on this current Winter Solstice, we would receive galactic assistance.

I’ve heard reports covering everything from an immediate shift in consciousness to being moved off planet so that this planet can be terraformed for benevolent extraterrestrials (by September 2021).

In 2008, I heard about the Mayan Prophecies but naturally, most of what was being written about was fear propaganda, many times showing an end of the world type prediction.  I thought, “Dang!  My daughter will only be 18 years old!”

This led me to do some deep researching to find out the REAL truth behind December 21, 2012.

I researched people such as the late Jose Arguelles, the late John Major Jenkins, the late Dolores cannon, Daniel Pinchbeck, David Wilcock, David Icke. Michael, Tsarion, etc…

My final conclusion: December 21, 2012 has NOTHING to do with a catastrophic ending.  That’s what motivated me to make “2012 The Online Movie”, a nearly 3 hour production which received over 15 million views on YouTube:


Galactic assistance

Now, with all of this being said, there most certainly IS galactic assistance in various forms. Some assistance, you simply cannot tangibly prove but you know it’s there.  For example, our planet has been long overdue for a physical and magnetic pole shift.  The South Seas anomaly has been acting up as well as the movement of the physical North Pole. Yet, all is fine here on Planet earth.

In recent years, there have been exponential rises in UFO sightings, showing us our Galactic neighbors and friends are here watching over us, and truly afre giving us galactic assistance. We are certainly not alone!

And honestly, I don’t think we’re looking as much for galactic assistance as we are bringing The Event to us.

I’ve often wondered if The Event is being delayed for as long as possible, thus allowing us to overcome karma and issues we need to face in this incarnation?

It truly is a blessing to be here at this point in space and time, but with the “global pandemic” it’s making life much more difficult for more people than ever before. This is not the way it was supposed to be.  We’re not supposed to be tackling our karmic issues while being forced to live in conditions of squalor.   Humanity needs a break and I think we’d all be open for benevolent galactic assistance!

I’ve been shown what will happen during The Event: White light will flood the planet instantaneously.  The only thing that you’ll feel is unconditional love at a magnitude never experienced before on this planet. The only way I can describe this feeling is to imagine the person or people you love the most. Then, magnify that by a million times (and I’m underestimating this amount). Every 3rd dimensional worry is eradicated, including money, government, and religion. Do you work for a boss that’s an idiot at a job that you hate? That’s alright because it will be the last thing on your mind, if it’s even there at all at this point.

I was never given a date as to when this will happen, but if I has to GUESS, I’d say by the end of Pluto in Capricorn in 2023.

I saw my body filled with light. At this point, we will recognize each other by our unique energy signatures.

Perhaps out bodies will fill with light as in this Star Trek episode called, “Transfigurations”?

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There are massive changes coming, on the horizon.  You sense them.  You feel them.  Do they involve galactic assistance?  Probably.  Have we been receiving galactic assistance?  In my opinion, yes. It’s just not very tangible, such as in the form of medbeds, replicators, or “First Contact”.

Sending you all infinite LOVE and Light!


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Gregg Prescott, M.S.Gregg Prescott, M.S., is the founder and editor of  In5D and Zentasia. In 2009, Gregg launched In5D after experiencing what he describes as a “galactic download,” which provided him with the name “In5D” and the guidance to create the website. He co-owns In5D Club  with his beautiful wife, Ali. His In5D Facebook page has over 370,000 followers, and his In5D YouTube channel has amassed 146,000 followers. Gregg is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents.  Follow Gregg and In5D on various social media platforms, including Rumble, YouTube, Gab, TelegramIn5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and TruthSocial to stay updated on his latest content and events./

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