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Healing Thru Plasma And Photonic Energy, Gestalt Of Light Body Processes

By on January 6, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening

Healing Thru Plasma And Photonic Energy, Gestalt Of Light Body Processes

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by Angel V. Ornedo Jr.,
Contributing Writer,

Last 2017, energies, healing and cleansing are words we hear that relate to our experiences with 3D ills, impurities and transmutation but partakes of other meanings in science, beliefs, faith and other fields.


Relationship with the medical world differs and with the best international medical minds consulted for 15 years, they have the tendency of relying on some spiritual field unknown in the scientific world. Everything goes back to universal law.

Plasma and photonic energy are overflowing at our atmosphere from the Central Sun, Source, the energy buzzword every day at alternative news. Source fuels passing and absorbed by beings, our bodies for the last dozen years inclusive of sun energies, healing-cleansing our past physical incarnate and current minds, body and spirit, (MBS) defects, and at the same time allowing us to experience what is now known as the “light body process”, LBP unknown to humanity that prepares us to a belief-concept of ascension, to higher frequency consciousness. This is known in the Christian and Moslem world as the conversion of MBS to a crystalline light body prepared for ascension to a higher realm. We call them as the fifth, sixth or seventh frequency, F or dimension, D, 5th, 6th, 7thF, or 7thD, heaven for the faithful. There are several million humans undergoing this process, most of them are awakened and the world is filled with darkness, some are of light- true or others are fabricated for money, false gurus or darkness. Rely on your better judgment or your Higher Self and Source.

Scientific community is not far away on these plasma and photon energies as they are now utilized to produce electricity in India’s generator and non-nuclear propellant for space warp speed travel in USA and UK. They have gone way beyond the “Star Trek Concept”. Imagine if your mind body spirit, MBS is powered by these energies, that will open you to galactic travel. We are a “Member of the Galactic family” is reality, Earth humans a part of universal citizenry despite living in 3D. NASA group, Dr. Alcubierre, Dr. Harold White…. are preparing their proto type space ships utilizing these powers based on Tesla-Einstein’s thoughts on the fabric of space, a jumpstart from human geniuses. Expect actual visits from our brothers and sisters from other far distant stars and solar systems. They recognize we are-universal citizens, are warp space travelers, a reason to visit us, no longer limited to our classical music most likely a novel sound in space, a product of geniuses.

Light body process, (LBP), is a phenomenon for ascending masters, a preparation for a human to undergo healing and cleansing of all known human defects. Handle the process with plasma and photon energies absorbed and flows on the physical mind-body, where they change and clear cells- DNA, subject a human to cure and body-mind test that those undergoing it knows what is happening in the MBS processes. Death of the human body is preferable than the LBP experience says Capitan and myself. That is a statement as we have been subjected to LBP, still work in process and let us hear from other mystics and awakened humans on what their experience are on body pains and sufferings each encountered. Let alternative news be the venue for blogs for such experiences. For myself and the Canadian-Hungarian medical doctor, diseases known to man are experienced by our bodies including near death and excruciating pain. My childhood, am diagnosed to die in 3 months in 1956 by three US educated MD diplomates, specialists who pronounced my sickness as death toll. A local chiropractitioner “Hilot-Herbolario” healed me in two days using virgin coconut oil, prayer and a slight of His miraculous hands with no casting of body required on the child broken-sprained ribs.

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Lifestyle diseases, specifically common for high end executives like high sugar count, shortness of breath, vertigo, hypertension, heart problems, cancer, coronary diseases…. are common today. The cure of diseases is something else but LBP is overwhelming, worse than a vertigo of the tornado type when heavy energy flows on your body. A human can transcend these astral energies into our bodies, then readiness for ascension is imminent. Humans passing LBP, a death defying exercise, persistent human minds can perform and transcend vibrational frequencies. We collectively raise the consciousness of Gaia-Earth to the fifth or sixth dimension, to a wonderful paradise world with qualified humans with HER. Awakened humans utilizing unified collective consciousness raises consciousness of planet Earth.

Light body process is the work of the Source Energy that requires the mind and body in cooperation with the soul-spirit to pass the most rigorous gestalt imagined for a human body and mind by All That Is, all happening at our time and space as we have been enslaved by darkness for millions of years.


With LBP we preserve our human nature, anchor the plasma and photonic energies within our being and these energies overflows and prepare our bodies, MBS complex for ascension. Prepare to live in higher frequency reality with fantastic powers beyond human comprehension. Do not allow yourselves to be left behind at the lower of 3F/3Dimension.

Love and light,


About the author: ANGELCCJR., shares acts of love, light and unity consciousness. With capitalists, created livelihood in Estates in South East Asia-Middle East. Link with him at or connect at Barnes and Noble, Xlibris and ‘Knowing the Infinite Creator.’

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