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Here’s What The Rockefeller Family Knew About UFO’s

By on July 12, 2016 in Awareness, Extraterrestrials

Here's What The Rockefeller Family Knew About UFO's

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by Joe,

What evidence is available suggesting that the Rockefeller family had information regarding UFOs and possible extraterrestrials?

What evidence is available suggesting that the Rockefeller family had information regarding UFOs and possible extraterrestrials?


We can start with the fact that we now know that Laurance Rockefeller, the prominent third-generation member of the Rockefeller family and the fourth child of John D. Rockefeller, encouraged UFO research.

How do we know this?

He heavily supported the work of Harvard University professor, psychologist, and Pulitzer prize winner Dr. John Mack, who had a great interest in UFOs and those who have had supposed contact with extraterrestrials. You can learn more about Mack in an article we published earlier this year where he dealt with 60 school children who all witnessed non-human beings and a large craft landing. According to the US National Library of Medicine, Mack’s “disparate personas—from esteemed professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School to social activist and believer in alien abductions—were as incongruent as the extraordinary assemblage of his supporters, who included venture capitalist Laurance Rockefeller. . . .” (source) The John E. Mack Institute website also states that Rockefeller funded Mack.

Here's What The Rockefeller Family Knew About UFO's

Peter Sturrock, an Emeritus Professor of Physics, gathered a group of other world renowned scientists in 1997 to stress the fact that the UFO topic deserves serious attention and is accompanied by physical evidence. The scientists met at the Pocantico Conference Center near Tarrytown, New York, and the conference was financially supported by Laurance Rockefeller. (sourceir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=am2&o=1&a=0312648340) ir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=am2&o=1&a=0312648340 (source)

Laurance Rockefeller initiated an effort alongside Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton encouraging the U.S. government to officially disclose the existence of extraterrestrials and UFOs. It’s what’s known today as the “Rockefeller Initiative,” and you can view all of the documents to and from Laurance Rockefeller to various people regarding this initiative here. They were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act by various researchers, including the Paradigm Research group, who was responsible for the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, an event that brought together researchers and high ranking military and political personnel to testify about the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials in front of several former United States congresspeople. (source) Laurance has also supported the work of Dr. Steve Greer, head of the disclosure project.


Here is a picture with Hillary Clinton meeting with Laurance Rockefeller, holding a book believed to be written by Paul Davies titled, “Are We Alone?”:

Here's What The Rockefeller Family Knew About UFO's

You can see from the information above why it’s not unreasonable to assume this, and we published an article earlier this year explaining how we determined the identity of the book. You can read that here. What’s interesting about this point is the fact that John Podesta, Former White House Chief of Staff under the Clinton Administration, councilor to Barack Obama, and current head of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, has gone on the record stating that:

“I’m skeptical about many things, including the notion that government always knows best, and that the people can’t be trusted with the truth. The time to pull the curtain back on this subject is long overdue. We have statements from the most credible sources – those in a position to know – about a fascinating phenomenon, the nature of which is yet to be determined.” (taken from Leslie Kean’s 2010 New York Times bestseller, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Recordir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=am2&o=1&a=0307717089, for which Podesta wrote the forward)

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Podesta also made a live appearance at the National Press Club years before this, stating that “it’s time to open the books on questions that’ve remained in the dark” regarding “government investigations of UFOs.”(source)

Here's What The Rockefeller Family Knew About UFO's

So What Exactly Does The Rockefeller Family Know About UFOs?

As stated earlier, based on my research, I believe that the secrecy surrounding this subject has been dictated by a small group of elite who sit atop the global financial system. I believe this same international group has heavy influence inside the military industrial complex/black budget, and I believe they are responsible for what President Eisenhower warned us about many years ago — “the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.”

I also believe that information regarding this subject could lie in the hands of people above those who control our global economy/financial systems — with a group that’s completely, one hundred percent clandestine, even possibly beyond the big banks… but who really knows?

That being said, it’s only possible to find information linking Laurance Rockefeller to UFOs; we don’t have much evidence to suggest his other family members have been involved, but it’s not illogical to assume that given the fact that Anne Bartley, the stepdaughter of Winthorp Rockefeller, was also involved We know he has shown a clear interest in the subject, and, as illustrated above, financed a few prominent people who were studying the subject.

It’s clear that Laurance had a heavy interest in this subject and certainly encouraged the disclosure of classified information, as the above information demonstrates. Whether he was doing this out of pure interest or because he and his family were already involved in the cover-up is unclear. Who knows what information he was privy to? Or what the other members of his family knew about the subject? Laurance was the only one to openly take interest in it, but other members of his family could have been working behind the scenes.

What are your thoughts?

Reference: UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realitiesir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=am2&o=1&a=0312648340


Image: Pixabay

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