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Higher Ascension Energies

By on December 9, 2018 in Spiritual Awakening
Higher Ascension Energies
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by Adeana M. Slater,
Contributing writer,

I’ve been writing about all of these soul changes and choices all of us have had to make. I’ve often stated that it is a choice to evolve. There is no one twisting your arm to behave or react in certain ways. These are all choices, decisions, actions, reactions that you will continue to make day by day as your moment of Now presents itself to you. You always have the choice and the chance to react to whatever energy that is presented to you. This is part of your Soul-empowerment in progress. You have the option to think for yourself, be who you want to be, and move yourself in any direction that you wish to go.

This energy is also simultaneously influencing you. This higher energy that is infusing your very being at this time is your encouragement or “cheering-section.” This is letting you know that YOU CAN DO IT. There is nothing stopping you but the fear of change and the hesitation to move yourself forward. The illusions of barriers or obstacles WILL no-doubt be in your face all the while you are making this magnificent transition into your heart and soul guidance. That is just it. They are just illusions and do not hold any Truth or value.


You have the absolute capability to become the best possible version of yourself at all times and in all ways. There are no limitations or restrictions to your ability or desires. You hold the key in your heart. You only have to choose to open this “box of opportunities” with that key, and then stand back!! There is so much wonder, magic, and excitement when that choice has been made and that key begins unlocking your beautiful and majestic heart that is just waiting for you to do so. Your heart holds so much Divine energy that is waiting to be felt and rediscovered once again.

You will not need a specific map to dictate to you where you are going. It’s also not required that you follow others either. Believe it or not, it’s actually encouraged that you make your own way, in your own time, as it best fits you! When you dial into this higher Ascension energy, it will guide you in the best possible way that is for your highest and best good. You only need to listen to your soul-intuition and heart-felt guidance. That Internal GPS is always with you and ever-ready to guide you with your permission and desire to do so. Similar to “voice-command,” your intention and ambition to reach higher will activate these gifts within yourself that have sat dormant for far too long.

I know that there is fear energy that can initially surround you with the desire to open up your soul gifts and abilities. The moment you decide to take your power back as the Sovereign being that you are, this fear energy might encompass you and attempt to stop you in your tracks of moving yourself forward. This too is an illusion as this energy is “old” from past lifetimes and all that you need to do, is move through this energy with the desire and intention to heal it with love and finally transmute it. You have the ability to move swiftly through any and all lower/denser energies. This Ascension process that we are all experiencing is allowing for transition to higher consciousness occur faster but smoother. The only hardships any individual will face is when they are not truly following their heart and soul guidance.

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Again, this is a choice to follow your heart and soul. However, to reiterate, this energy is pushing the collective to do this more. It was the Collective’s choice to move forward and to bring about these necessary changes. If you are here during this magnificent shift, you are a pivotal soul needed and was chosen to be here. Any reluctance or “dragging of the feet” is fear-based energy and is becoming unsupported as your expression of “time” continues on.

Collectively we are moving out of this fearful energy very quickly. This is nudging you along the same way. Yes, it is your choice to act/react however you please to all situations. However, to go against the energy tide will just make your own life more difficult because reacting in ways that is lower vibrational and not from a place of love, is not for your highest good or for the betterment of ALL. All of these lower energies NOW have the Divine Light shone on it. You can bet there is no where for the darkness to remain as being in the dark when these soul beacons of the Divine Light choose to shine their brightest yet! And the more souls who decide to do just that, are reaching ALL of the nooks and crannies that have been in shadows up until this point.

So continue to shine your bright light beautiful souls!! You are literally lighting up this World we live in, and then SOME. ?


Love and Blessings to ALL as we head into our new calendar year of ‘2019. ❤️


About the AuthorAdeana M. Slater is an Empathic Lightworker who enjoys writing Spiritual and Inspirational messages to encourage the Collective towards Self-Love, Soul-Empowerment, and Higher Consciousness.

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