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How To Appreciate The TRUE MAGIC Of Christmas!

By on December 25, 2018 in Awareness

How To Appreciate The TRUE MAGIC Of Christmas!

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by Michelle Walling, CHLC,
Contributing Writer,

Full circle with Christmas- I’m celebrating magic this year!


I recently watched a Netflix movie called The Christmas Chronicles. I don’t remember how I ended up watching this movie, but I want to share where it took me and where I am with Christmas this year.

I have been down the rabbit hole with the understanding of the material programming of Christmas and with Santa being an anagram of Satan. I quit buying my family presents and have sat around like the Grinch for 4 years now, refusing to give my energy to the system. In my past, Christmas has been remembered as a dysfunctional family gathering where we drown our sorrows with food and alcohol. The magic had left Christmas even before my awakening in 2010.

The Christmas Chronicles, starring Kurt Russell, brought a gift to me this year. There’s no violence or Armageddon in the movie, which is rare in most all recent movies. My inner child connected with the movie. The explanation of the way Santa could possibly deliver all of the toys to the good boys and girls across the world in one night was really creative. Santa has a magic sleigh that has technology that opens up wormholes! Santa can unmanifest his body into red and green energy waves and move faster than the speed of light down the chimney and then can re-manifest his body and the presents to put under the tree. Santa gets put in jail and livens up the energy with a blues concert. Santa’s magic hat allows him to fly and when he loses it in a wormhole, he needs the help of a “believer” and her brother, a “non believer” to save Christmas.

All of this fantasy just brought a warm feeling to my heart. Forget about Hollywood trying to program me and deceive me. I felt so wonderful after this movie. I have come full circle of being so fearful of what’s available in my reality to program me to appreciating the fantasy and magic in life that bring out my inner child and imagination.

I am enjoying the colorful Christmas lights around the neighborhood. I am creating a new feeling in my solar plexus when I think of shape shifting in and out of the body and stargate travel. I am imagining a calm and loving reunion with my family this year and understand that it will be what I make of it for my own experience. I am unlimited in my excitement of what is to come in our near future for multidimensional travel and energy manipulation or infinite arrangement.

I feel like I deserve to celebrate my own inner version of Christmas this year in my own way. I am no longer shunning everyone else’s celebrations out of judgment or fear that they are falling into a program. I am learning a lesson on how to find the beauty in what is in front of me. I am not advocating Christmas in it’s old sense and programming. I’m saying that my clearing work within me has brought the freedom to make things in my current reality what I want them to be. It feels clean and magical, and brings the true meaning of joy into my life. I’m still only buying a few gifts this year for the young at heart that look forward to opening presents. But my celebration will be of how hard I have worked to appreciate everything this extreme polarity has shown me about myself and how I have come so far. I deserve it.


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About the author: Michelle Walling, CHLC is a Holistic Life Coach specializing in starseed support. She is an international public speaker, writer, webmaster, and radio show host. In 2013, Michelle started writing spiritual, metaphysical, and esoteric articles for Michelle is the webmaster for  and Michelle is the host of the Cosmic Awakening Show and hosts conferences and workshops in the U.S. and Europe. Michelle’s personal Facebook page can be found here. To contact Michelle or to book a session, please visit
Image: Pixabay

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