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Low Integrity “Spiritual” People & Websites

By on August 27, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Low Integrity “Spiritual” People & Websites

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by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

I’ve mentioned numerous times in the past the importance of grounding yourself. By now, we’ve all seen “spiritual” people completely “lose it”. In every case, I would be willing to bet that they’re not grounded.


Recently, I’ve been blown away by the numerous websites who basically steal just about everything you post. Some websites even take credit for the articles you write.

Here’s an example of an article I wrote, 3rd Eye Mirror Meditation – What Faces Will You See?

Low Integrity “Spiritual” People & Websites

Then there are the numerous trolls who are paid by the government to start BS with anyone who’s working in humanity’s best interests as part of the Divide & Conquer premise.

While I’ve been tempted to call these people out, I will continue to remain silent. The only two I’ve officially called out are Santos Bonacci and Lilly Earthling, both of whom have spammed my personal FB pages.


Low Integrity “Spiritual” People & Websites

Low Integrity “Spiritual” People & Websites

I also have a much longer version of Santos’ rant where he calls me every name under the sun for not buying into the Flat Earth distraction.

There are MANY more “spiritual” individuals. You could probably put the pieces of the puzzle together on who WAS on IN5D and who is NO LONGER mentioned ANYWHERE on In5D.

Here’s a good example. At the 1st In5D Conference, there were 2 speakers there picked out by my cohost, Helane Lipson. One speaker sent me a box of materials she wanted to sell at the conference. The UPS driver dropped them off to my condo but I couldn’t bring them inside my house because the energy felt incredibly negative. They sat there in between my outside door and my front door (there was a small hallway in between for shoes, coats, etc…) until the day of the conference.

At the same conference, the other speaker in question was psychically attacking our guests one by one by essentially sticking tentacles into them. We had a group of High Priestesses bind him while he was speaking and one of our conference’s emcee’s basically spoke for him the rest of the time.

That night, we had a Galactic Beach Party. We protected the area and stated that only those of the highest vibration of truth, love, and light were welcome within that area. Only 2 speakers didn’t enter that area… the ones I just mentioned.

Here’s another example: There was a “healer” who used a dowsing rod to help people. I interviewed him several times and even gave him a free advertising spot on In5D. It got back to me that he was swearing at the clients, telling them to get on their “goddam knees and ask Jesus for forgiveness”. He called several woman “dumb c*nts” and I received numerous complaints from others. I confronted him when it initially happened and he denied it, but when it happened again and again, I pulled everything of his from In5D. He threatened me several times and wrote incessant texts and emails to me. One time, he sent 28 text messages in a row. He’s friggin CRAZY!

I recently spoke with Anna LeMind who owns the website, Learning Mind. We discovered that one particular website who takes many of our articles used a “nofollow” in the URL. Up until last week, I had no clue what this meant but basically, it tells Google not to give credit to the original website and/or author of the article.

I had to contact another website who claimed that many In5D articles were theirs. In their “Contact Us” section, they stated, “We always give the link from the original site (source) but please contact us if we forgot to link it.”

Low Integrity “Spiritual” People & Websites

I found a number of In5D articles that stated they were written by them. Additionally, on the rare occasion that they DO give credit to the author/website, they hide it below two layers of ads BELOW the article.

Low Integrity “Spiritual” People & Websites

When I looked at other articles they claimed to write, in EVERY situation I found, they were written by someone else. This is very shady.

Here’s one of many examples:

Low Integrity “Spiritual” People & Websites

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I can understand when something like this happens once, but numerous times is malicious.

There was another website (no longer up and running) called The Limitless Minds (PLEASE DO NOT try to search for the link… you WILL be spammed!) The owner, “Jade” basically took everything off of In5D and a number of other websites. They still have a Facebook page and are posting a lot of articles from Conscious Reminder… and they’re doing the exact same thing. From what I was told, the The Limitless Minds website was taken down for numerous DCMA violations, although I cannot verify this. If the website they’re currently pimping is the same person, I’m sure the same will follow.

Another popular website that mentions LOVE in their URL basically takes most In5D articles as well.

I was alerted by one of our In5D Facebook followers about a Meme going around FB called, “Facebook is infested with parasites. Paranormal web sites creating and exploiting fake news for profit” and lists In5D as one of the websites. I edited his meme to show the appropriate message:

Low Integrity “Spiritual” People & Websites

In some cases, YouTube channels such as The Event Is Coming Soon, share articles from a number of websites on their channel using a computer voice to read the article in video format which, in my opinion, is fine because they always give the full URL source in their more info section of the video.

Ideally, most websites want their material shared.  I personally don’t mind when several In5D articles are shared on any given website but when and where does one draw the line?  I know of quite a few websites that have over 100 articles from In5D…and NO original material of their own.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I work at least 8-10+ hours every day of the year and haven’t had a day off since 2009. I truly love doing what I do but it’s disheartening to see other people in this genre exploiting the work of others. It’s equally disheartening to place your trust in numerous people, only to have it betrayed by them.

Also, I don’t like to call ANYONE out. It’s not my style.  This article is just  small sample. I always encourage people to take the high road but sometimes you have to do what’s best for yourself and the interests of others by alerting them of the fakers, posers, copycats, and people who are pretending to be spiritual while hiding under the guise of being the exact opposite.  If there was no such thing as money, most (if not all) of these websites would fall off the face of the Earth.  If they relied on original content, they’d have nothing.  In the meanwhile, I’d still be doing this because it’s my passion.

In the end, the cream always rises to the top. That’s where you’ll find In5D.

The message I keep getting over and over again from my guides still stands:

  • Keep high vibration
  • Stay grounded
  • Love
  • Express gratitude
  • Forgive

I love you all, even the haters.

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Gregg Prescott, M.S.Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and Zentasia.  He co-owns In5D Club with his beautiful wife, Ali. You can find every episode of “The BIGGER Picture with Gregg Prescott” on Bitchute while all of his In5D Radio shows are on the In5D Youtube channel. He is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents.  Please like and follow In5D on GabIn5D Telegram, In5D Bitchute, and  In5D on Facebook!

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