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New Earth – Your Creative Potential

By on August 27, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

New Earth - Your Creative Potential

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by Zoe Davenport,
Contributing Writer,

Together we are creating the new paradigm and we are being called into a deep knowing that this is already here. It’s a trust in our dimensional timelines and since the Lion’s Gateway opening I have been receiving many downloads of New Earth. Residing inter-dimensional with other attuned realms of existence. Floating pyramid structures, expanded forests with abundance of elementals playing, trees talking and rich foods to eat. I’ve tuned into past timelines of creation and am told as we continue on our expanded paths of knowing the karmic debt of humanity clears.


We are able to re-write our stories to create new time codes — including past experiences, freeing observer into the expanded potential of now to create from this open heart and grounded place.

It is not a matter of navigating our way through in the hopes things will create for us any longer. It’s tuning into the deep inner knowing of our being that it has already been created, and now we have to align our being to that creation.

The way in which we will manifest is upgrading, much like as the veils have thinned to gain a deeper knowing our our ascended selves/higher selves we are able to think and feel in total free form, no longer limited by the karmic debris of humanities masculine lesson.

Our divine feminine energy is here to truly receive her riches of abundant joy, love, peace and harmony. This allows us to align to “thought” to these truths and the more release occurs on a personal and collective scale. Surrender into that place within the soul, the place that holds all the codes, the keys, the healing, the creative passions. Go deep within and see once more through the newly awakened eye.

Each day we wake up to a choice — a choice to focus on the grey, on what is NOT here yet, on the “work” we perceive we have to do. Or we focus on the light, the colours, the energy, the abundance to love that flows freely through space and time. We have a choice to step into our knowing and move from this aligned space to expand and share our lights with the world.

The more we step into our roles — our lights — our creative potential the more our universe responds with loving and opening arms.


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Feel your divine feminine energy as her sweet embrace wants to gently guide you into alignment at this time with New Earth, with the heart of Gaia and with all ascended creative beings that reside here to support and love you unconditionally.

The question is are you truly ready?, are you ready to step into your ascended role — no more procrastinations?, no more fears and self-doubt?, no more waiting for something to shift — YOU are the shift my friend. We are ALL the shift, we are ALL here to create in harmony, love, sharing, compassion and joy.

No one is left behind — we are ALL one, we are all on our own journeys of existence but also co-creatively.

We ALL have a choice to focus on this alignment, to go within, explore the journey and continue letting go of the old matrix, the fears, the self-doubt.

Step into your knowing and expand into your divine truth — This aligns your reality, this helps to manifest, this helps to bring in all that your soul called for you at this time.

The new paradigm is an experience in the joys of NOW as you surrender your ego to the light and step into the knowing of your creative and expressive divine being. Expand into your gifts and share, share and share more.

So let us truly embody all we have come to know to date, let us truly step into that knowing and expand our hearts from that grounded truth. Take a moment each day and ask spirit to show you Gaia, her ascended form. Ask spirit to show and align you to this energy, ground into her heart and ascend and ground your being into the Crystalline Grid.

The more we remember to place focus on what is truly here for us, the more we let go of the old matrix. Our awareness aligns to each dimensional experience — expect “self” to already be residing in the new paradigm and these experiences will open for you.

YOU have so much love to share, we all do, so let us create from this deep knowing of infinite and abundant truth.

It’s time for YOU, your world has been waiting.

All my love

Zoe Davenport

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About the author: Zoe Davenport is a channel, master ascension guide & crystalline grid activator. Her multi-dimensional connection helps to expand her vibration to support those on the ascension path. Her next program “Awakened Mastermind” starts September 2017 click here to find out more

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