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Former NFL Star Larry Johnson Is A TRUTHER!

By on December 8, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Former NFL Star Larry Johnson Is A TRUTHER!

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by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,

Former NFL Star Larry Johnson Is A TRUTHER!

It’s refreshing to see people of prominence using their platforms to educate a sleeping society. That’s exactly what former Kansas City Chief’s running back Larry Johnson is doing.


What we are typically seeing in these “end days” are Hollywood notables using their platforms as “false prophets” trying to dissuade public opinion from the inevitable truth of the corruption in Hollywood, where virtually every A List actor or actress has some sort of dark secret hidden by his or her handler. It is believed that many of these secrets involve child pedophilia and Satanism.

On a rare occasion, you will find a person of higher public stature who is the antithesis of what Hollywood is promoting. One of those people goes by the name of Larry Johnson.

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If you go to Larry Johnson’s Twitter feed, you’ll find a number of interesting topics that he speaks about:

“Waking up someone spiritually comes with a much better return on your investment than always whining, tweeting about politics in a foreign country that neither you or anyone on here has control over…. …it’s an illusion and an overrated system of control.”

Here is a truth that many people have a hard time swallowing.

Christmas was co-opted by the Christians as it was originally a Pagan holiday called Saturnalia. As we’ve learned, ALL Christian holidays have Pagan origins. You can read more in an article called, “Esoteric Meaning Of Christmas And The Winter Solstice”.

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Johnson is well aware that politicians, athletes, Hollywood, and the music industries are corrupt and has no qualms about exposing their debauchery.

…and controversy is right up his alley:

Here is our little climate change sweetheart, Greta Thunberg, showing her true colors:

Here is a Tweet where “LJ” is questioning a meteor:

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Many of us remember when Larry Johnson made the pyramid symbol upon scoring touchdowns for the Kansas City Chiefs:


LJ had a friendship with Jay-Z but the two had a falling out:

LJ talks about how he got started with Jay-Z at the 5:00 marker:

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While there are issues that I may not agree with Larry’s opinions, I definitely support his (and ANYONE”S) right to question the truth. Sometimes the answers aren’t what we expected but when we get a hunch about something, it will usually bring us to the truth, one way or another. That hunch is called discernment, listen to it.

Sending you all infinite LOVE and Light!


Gregg Prescott, M.S.Gregg Prescott, M.S., is the founder and editor of  In5D and Zentasia. In 2009, Gregg launched In5D after experiencing what he describes as a “galactic download,” which provided him with the name “In5D” and the guidance to create the website. He co-owns In5D Club  with his beautiful wife, Ali. His In5D Facebook page has over 370,000 followers, and his In5D YouTube channel has amassed 146,000 followers. Gregg is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents.  Follow Gregg and In5D on various social media platforms, including Rumble, YouTube, Gab, TelegramIn5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and TruthSocial to stay updated on his latest content and events./

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