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No Hiding From This Energy

By on February 16, 2021 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

No Hiding From This Energy

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by Adeana M. Slater,
Contributing writer,

The energy right now

The mainstream media seems to be more silent overall. Because there is little to report on the “darkness” end of things since the light is continuing to get brighter and brighter. Those individuals or groups rather, who decided to remain hidden in the darkness, cannot stay there much longer.


Remember that there are those who remained behind the curtain for the grand show of illusions. And there are also those puppet masters who instructed others under their “spell” to do this or that. It’s almost as if this magnificent show of illusions, will suddenly pull the curtain back to show someone (*plural*) with “their pants down.”

Like a clown, perhaps the big spot light is going to surprise even those who held sway for eons, off-guard. This spot light will show them in their specific roles. And there is no hiding from this energy. As mentioned before, the Light has the capacity to shine brightly for even those hiding in the cracks and crevices of darkness.

No Hiding From This Energy

Try as they might to hide, but there is no where to go that the limelight and Truth will not highlight. These “quiet” times as humanity thinks it to be, serves its purpose. The darkness and infiltration runs deep and it will take some time for ALL of it to surface as destined. Those brave souls who hold the utmost strength and Truth will NOW be targeted the most.

Remember that those who oppose the Light will continue to attack those who will threaten their positions of power the most. Pay close attention as you all begin to see who has been hiding behind the cloaks of darkness, only to reveal their true colors at the very end. You might be surprised, as you have been and will be as this energy continues to play itself out. Again, as the Light gets brighter and brighter, the “cockroaches” of the night are forced into the daylight for all to see.

This energy may not be easy for all to endure as it continues to release what is no longer serving for humanity in order to prepare for the highest good. However, remember who you are and know that ALL of the answers that you seek are ALREADY inside of you. They are in your heart as your heart-felt intuition. You just need to trust in these messages as the soul sovereign being that you are and gain strength by this awareness day by day.


Truth is a tough pill to swallow given the illusions, indoctrination, and brainwashing that has occurred around the clock for so long. Lightworkers are here to give love, strength, and light to those in need. The gift of awakening is an individual’s choice and more are choosing to do so. These beautiful souls are freshly awakening from their long term slumber to witness Truth and the final battles of the Light VS Dark in the coming days.


Trust this energy moving forward. Continue to have Faith in the Divine Plan.

PS) the Light has WON!! ???

Blessings to you ALL,


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About the Author: Adeana M. Slater is an Empath, Lightworker, and TwinFlame who enjoys writing Spiritual and Inspirational messages to encourage the Collective towards Self-Love, Soul-Empowerment, and Higher Consciousness.

Image: Pixabay

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