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Oneness With Source

By on November 5, 2017 in Spiritual Awakening

Oneness With Source

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by Angel V. Ornedo Jr.,
Contributing Writer,

The outpourings and flooding of our atmosphere, Earth with Plasma energy and photon light change our whole landscape what we all call the New Earth. The original Earth created by the Elohim, the Light Creator Beings are fully restored.


We all felt the energies flowing to our bodies what we know as mindbodyspirit complex are filled with these energies coupled by the solar and lunar eclipses which further bolstered the energizing of our planet and humanity with the crystalline light energy required for healing and cleansing.

Humanity awakened and darkness have been pushed out of our third and fourth dimension (3D-4D) reality. Awakening/knowing provided us with the wisdom of learning who we really are. It is your time to teach and share. With Source unconditional love and free will, we understand the consolidation of our various personalities, higher self, divine mind and Christ Consciousness, are all within us. These triumvirate of selves are one with mindbodyspirit complex.

We volunteered to come to Earth from the higher vibrational densities to raise the consciousness of Gaia and reintegrate all our spirit entities into our higher selves at the higher dimensions of the fifth and the sixth dimension (5th-6thD), the start of our journey home as the original Earth is restored.


From your crown chakras, expand all your consciousness and let it reach the universe of light and at this moment let all humanities collective consciousness mark the cohesion of New Earth. Let her roost to her original form for unconditional love of Source is within all of us. We are on our journey home.

Praise Source All That Is.

Love and light,


Angel V. Ornedo Jr.

About the author: ANGELCCJR., shares acts of love, light and unity consciousness. With capitalists, created livelihood in Estates in South East Asia-Middle East. Link with him at or connect at Barnes and Noble, Xlibris and ‘Knowing the Infinite Creator.’

Image: Pixabay

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