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Orgone Energy

By on April 30, 2015 in Health

Orgone Energy

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by Dave R. Gahan
Waking Times

This term orgonite derives from ‘orgone’, the term provided by Wilhelm Reich for essential energy discovered everywhere throughout nature. Also known as “Chi”, “Prana”, “Ether”, “Élan Vital”, or “fifth element”, this vital energy exists in an organic way within a variety of types. It may be neutral (OR), positive (POR) or damaging (DOR = deadly orgone energy). When positive, it enables living microorganisms to be found in a healthy condition. Reich did a great deal of research and research on the attributes as well as behaviors surrounding this subtle energy.


Reich constructed a powerful orgone accumulator from alternate levels of metal as well as organic material. He built a fabulous cloudbuster with which he could cause it to rain, and he witnessed how orgone radiation was capable of counteract nuclear radiation. He died during his jail, after experiencing his laboratory and much of his written work incinerated by the government bodies, who feared what knowledge of this energy could possibly reveal.

Reich’s ‘Cloud Buster’ir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=ur2&o=1, constructed from a collection of aluminum pipes/tubes of different lengths which were sat on a spinning base. From the actual tubes was an earthing cable which was submerged in running water. When pointed at the heavens, he could create clouds as well as cause it to rain as well as dissolve clouds and establishing a very clear blue sky.

It is essential to realize what DOR is. DOR (Deadly Orgone Energy) is POR, (Postive Orgone Energy) but “armored” as Reich called it. “Armoring” means that the living energy doesn’t circulate freely any further, but has been compromised into a rigid form. Whenever a knight wears his armor, he cannot move that freely any further. The same is applicable with energy when “armored”. Take a look at mother nature. When water flows freely, it’s full of vitality and living in it flourishes. When water turns stagnant, it develops into a stinking pool, and life in it is dissipated. DOR is negative, that is, it suffocates life types.

Orgone Energy in5d in 5d

It generates disease, plus ultimately it will contribute to death. DOR energy is principally human made, simply by technology, such as equipment and microwave transmitters, chemical substance pollution, actual physical break down of the landscape, but also simply by human emotions. A location where a violent death happened, for instance, will retain this DOR imprint on that place for some time. A residence where the inhabitants have a lot of negative emotionally charged reactions will also be filled with DOR. The human body itself can likewise be armored, that is, by long term psychologically and mental complications, man’s creative expression may be blocked or dammed up, leading to contraction of his / her energy, quickly or slowly resulting in disease.

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As people we are open to energy systems. This means that we can’t shield ourselves entirely coming from our environment. We are continually subjected to the actual energies in our environment. They affect us whether we’re conscious of this or even not. Therefore it is important to transform any DOR that surrounds us all into positive POR.



Image: Pixabay

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