Our Higher Selves And The Cosmic Cycles
by Daniel Mitel
OM Times
Drunvalo Melchizedek explains to humanity in his last book, The Mayan Ouroboros, how the cosmic cycles come full circle and how this relates to our higher selves. Melchizedek’s book is a continuation of Serpent of Light, and recounts the spiritual guidance our native Mayan ancestors share with us.
I have received many questions from people all over the world regarding what is going to happen on January 2016 and the months or years after that. It seems the whole world is asking what is going to happen from the Mayan perspective.
Well the Mayans themselves do not know exactly what is going to happen; or when, exactly. We have learned from Drunvalo about a ‘window’ that opened in 2009 and remained open until 2016. Anytime after this period of time, we might have a massive change of energy and vibrations. But the question is not when, why, or what. The question is how we will go through this process.
In this period of time, the most important thing is the connection with our ‘higher selves.’
What is the higher self? The higher self is the fragment of God which dwells within humans. It is the absolute and unqualified assurance that humans can find God. Every human who is consciously or unconsciously following the lead of the higher self is living in accordance with the will of God. Consciousness of the higher self is consciousness of God’s presence.
The higher self is the absolute essence of an infinite being imprisoned within the mind and soul of a finite creature. It is the humans’ infallible compass through the cosmic cycles, always and unerringly pointing the soul God-ward:
- Our higher selves are possessed with unlimited ability to communicate with us and they are doing it each moment. They are our spirits, pure spirits; presumably, absolute spirits. They are also pure energy. God is the source of pure energy and pure spirit, so his fragments would be both.
- Our higher selves are helping us each moment to transform our human nature and temporal, creature selves into the divine nature of an eternal being. Our higher selves are particularly interested not just in our intellectual capacity but more in our spiritual perception. What is the potential of our souls and the spiritual capacity of receptivity.
- Our higher selves understand our difficult assignments to live here in the third dimension. However, communication with the higher self does not automatically bestow ease of living and freedom from strenuous thinking. Although, such a divine gift could confer a sublime peace of mind and a superb tranquility of spirit.
In the coming months and years, when the energy of our Mother Earth will change, we need to connect with our higher selves. We need to go in our hearts and listen. Our higher selves will change our feelings of fear to unconditional love and peace. But they cannot do it mechanically; this is our task. Knowing how to go into the heart and stay there will make the difference when Mother Earth changes vibration to a higher level.
When it comes to marking the difference between what is really right or wrong (not merely what you may call right and wrong), you can be sure that your higher self will always participate in a definite and active manner in such experiences.
And remember that our higher selves are concerned not just for this life but for our future lives, too. They are interested in helping you here, and to also see you progress to the higher level of consciousness. As you may be a human parent, so your higher self the divine parent of the real you–your advancing self, your better spiritual self.
They are the unceasing urge that leads humans to attempt the mastery of the material and present existence in the light of the spiritual and future cosmic cycles. Our higher selves are interested in, and concerned with, our daily doings and the details of our lives, to the extent that these are influential in the determination of our significant, temporal choices and vital spiritual decisions, Hence, higher selves are factors in the solution of our problems related to soul survival and eternal progress.
The connection with the higher self is affected by our unsteady and rapidly shifting mental attitudes. The work of the higher self is greatly retarded by our own preconceived opinions, settled ideas, and long-standing prejudices. Because of these handicaps, we may have a slow connection with our higher selves, so confusion of concepts is inevitable. Therefore, safety lies only in prompt recognition of each and every thought and experience for what it actually and fundamentally is, without regard for our fear of what it might have been.
The higher self is not devoted to influencing our human thoughts. This is our exclusive personality prerogative. They cannot interfere with our believe patterns. They are dedicated to communicating with us and helping to improve, modify, adjust, and co-ordinate our thinking process. They are devoted to the work of building up spiritual counterparts of our career, of our true advancing selves.
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Regardless of the year we are in the cosmic cycles or the change in the energy ,we must have faith and remember the difference between faith and belief. Belief fixates, faith liberates. Belief may become group possessions, but faith must be personal. Theological beliefs can be shared with a group, but faith can rise up only in the heart of the individual. Living faith does not foster bigotry, persecution or intolerance. The energy and vigor of faith is according to our knowledge and its striving is the preludes to sublime peace.
About the Author: Daniel Mitel is a world-class master of meditation, helping people understand the intimate connection to their inner selves, utilizing the ancient system of Heart Imagery. Interviewed and published around the world, Daniel’s books, This Now is Eternity: 21 Ancient Meditations for Awakening to Whom You Really Are and Heart Imagery: A Path to Enlightenment
, are highly regarded as some of the best meditation and spiritual guide books. Connect with him on Facebook and Twitter, and discover more at: http://danielmitel.com, http://heartimagery.org, and http://motivate-yourself.org.
Image: Pixabay
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