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Expect Major Physical Changes With Incoming Energies

By on September 18, 2019 in Spiritual Awakening with 0 Comments

Expect Major Physical Changes With Incoming Energies

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by Rosie Neal,
Contributing Writer,

Expect Major Physical Changes With Incoming Energies

There is so much that is happening to most everyone on a physical level. We are in a process of changing on a cellular, molecular and atomic and sub-atomic levels. It will influence the neutron electron and proton all the way down to the ratio of the spin cycle of the nucleus.


As you begin to change, each person will be affected differently. You may not feel as hungry as often as you once did and may will eat less, sleep patterns will change and some will require less sleep and for others having going though big changes with the mitochondria, RNA, DNA they will need more sleep.

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There will be times the body will need rest for days to recoup and energize. Try to get into the sun as much as possible it will help. Drink water.

For those not aware of the evolution, it will still be happening.

You will have great difficulties digesting food. It will become very difficult on many levels. It’s happening whether you’re aware of it or not.

It will not be uncommon for the body to have symptoms that will be in alignment with (ms) multiple sclerosis. Google the symptoms, they will run in alignment what you find.


Fibromyalgia, muscle and severe joint pain. Chronic fatigue, ibs, ulcerative colitis, digestive issues, spine and back pain. Some will have a few of them others will have great difficulty with mobility and balance. Some days will be better than others.

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Sometimes, others will have more bladder issues.

Your body is and will change. You may put on more weight even though you aren’t eating, so the body has more space to retain more light.

There will be a great deal of migraines and sinus issues.

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Your hearing will be greatly influenced. It will get to such a state you will hear the music of the celestial realms.

Your sleep patterns will change. The way you dream will change as well as dream cycles.

Time will become very slippery. You will have issues with concentration and processing a thought.

There will be memory issues to deal with some will be affected with short-term memory issues and others with long-term.

Everyone will be affected with losing time from moment to moment and not remembering why they entered a room, or where they’re even going in that moment.

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You will begin to question yourself to see if you’re having Alzheimer’s. In many cases, there will be dizziness and vertigo to deal with.

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You will become chronically fatigued for no reason in a blink of an eye in the middle of the day.

You will eat something and may have to lay down just to digest it.

Much is happening in the process of evolution and it can feel uncomfortable. Change is happening and each will experience exactly what is needed for each individual.

Doctors will not have the answers but there will be many labels such as autoimmune disease, arthritis, lupus and the list of labels will go on.

There will be much that will manifest on a physical level. You will begin to feel pain that you’ve never felt before on levels that you never felt before.

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For the most part, there will be a very limited understanding to offer you the assistance and help you are looking for.

This is evolution taking place on a mass scale. We are changing as a species on a physical level. Go slow and do only what you can do. Rest when needed.

Even your eyes will be affected.

Your job it to maintain a balance state no matter what is being reflected on the outside. Breathe, deep belly breaths. Swim, epsom salt baths, infrared biomats will do you wonders. Stress will make things worse.

When you are up, go slow, be up. When you are down, be okay with being down, and rest. Try to understand that change is happening to your body that has never ever taken place before. You are becoming light.

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There will come a time you will physically become semi-quasi. Part etheric and part physical.

Know that evolution is in process of taking place and everybody is in for a ride we have never ever been on before.

Don’t have any expectations just live in this now moment!

~ Rosie Neal

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