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Pluto In Leo Generation Born Between 1939-1957

By on August 2, 2016 in Astrology


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by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Founder, Webmaster, & Editor,

If you were born between 1939 through 1957, or have a parent(s), friends or relatives born during this period, then this article is for you! If you are interested in spirituality, metaphysics and esoteric material, then you can thank the Pluto in Leo generation because they are the ones who paved the road for the rest of us.


Related: Which Pluto Generation Are You?

Which Pluto Generation Are You? //

The Baby Boomer Generation

This particular generation are the “Baby Boomers” who incarnated here around the end of World War II, when the first atomic bomb was dropped during Pluto in Leo. Approximately 76 million children were born after soldiers returned home from their call of duty.  Many of these soldiers got married and started families of their own, thus resulting in the massive population expansion during this period. It is no coincidence that, “Hey baby, what’s your sign?” was a common phrase for this generation!

Positive attributes of the Pluto In Leo generation

The Pluto In Leo generation is known for their creativity, love, warmth, self-expression and leadership.  They are also confident, self-expressive, sincere, loyal, honorable, affectionate, truthful, protective, artistic, romantic and spiritual.

Don’t mistake their easygoing demeanor as a weakness, because you never want to upset the Lion of Leo.  Those born with Pluto in Leo will attest that that power is not something that someone gives you, it is something you take.  This is what inspired so many peaceful protests during time period.

Many people of this generation were able to freely express themselves through music, dance, art, clothing, etc… without any fear of public ridicule amongst their peers.  Those who born in previous generations, however, would ridicule this generation of “hippies”.


From a psychological perspective, when we ridicule others, it really means there is something that we fear within ourselves.  For example, if Person A called Person B ugly, then most likely, Person A fears being ugly.  The older generations, perhaps, were envious of the freedoms and civil liberties that this generations were expressing because they were not allowed to do the same.

Negative attributes of the Pluto in Leo generation

As with all Pluto generations, there are negative attributes which include vanity, selfishness, arrogance, self-centeredness, lust, deception, extravagance, superficiality, snobbery and destruction.  Many of these attributes did not fully surface until this generation became the leaders of today’s technologies, which have ultimately polluted our air, water and food supplies.

As tensions mount with many world leaders who were born with Pluto in Leo, we are seeing a battle of power and none of these leaders will want to back down.

Leo rules the child archetype, so it’s not surprising to see many single parents in this generation, in comparison to the previous Pluto generations.  Additionally, people born with Pluto in Leo may utterly despise the aging process moreso than any other generation because, once again, Pluto rules youth. They tend to be playful and have a child-like innocence.  Just imagine some lion cubs playing with one another!

Even though there was a lack of organizational structure to create positive political and socioeconomic change within the Pluto in Leo generation, the subsequent generations were able to learn from the baby boomers and we are now seeing activism at an all time high!

The lack of organizational structure most likely stemmed from the need for self-awareness on one level versus a feeling of community on another level, creating cognitive dissonance.

Fortunately, there are many Pluto in Leo generation people who have held on to the peaceful and loving aspects of this generation and are the ones responsible for lighting the torch of the current mass awakening that we are all experiencing.

Even those who eventually conformed to society still remember and feel the energy during this time period.  All it takes is a song from the ’60’s to feel that energy once again.

Flower Children

The Pluto in Leo generation were the flower children of the 1960’s whose motto was, “Make Love, Not War”.  They were peaceful activists who drastically opposed war, tyranny and oppression and many used illicit substances as a way to escape political and social issues.

“Free Love” was a common expression, as Leo is a highly sexual sign in the zodiac.

The Rock n’ Roll generation!

We can thank the Pluto in Leo generation for virtually every form of rock n’ roll music that we hear today.  This particular generation shocked the world with music that can only be described as rebellious during this period yet has endured the test of time.

Because of the heavy use of psychedelic drugs such as LSD and mushrooms, a new genre of psychedelic music appeared on the scene, leading to one of the most epic concerts ever, Woodstock.

Turned on, tuned in, dropped out

During the Summer of Love in 1967,  Tim Leary spoke at the Human Be-In, which was a gathering of 30,000 hippies at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco and stated the infamous phrase, “Turn on, tune in, drop out”.  The phrase was first used by Leary in a speech he delivered in New York City on September 19, 1966 at the opening of a press conference. The catchphrase urged people to adopt cultural changes through the use of psychedelic drugs and by detaching themselves from the current conventions and hierarchies in society.

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Because of their experimentation of psychedelics, many of the Pluto in Leo generation looked within and found spirituality.  Many of this generation practiced meditation at some point in their lives and taught the world how to look within for answers.

They were social rebels. When confronted with issues of subservience, control and conformity, they desired not to follow current societal expectations, but rather lead with blind faith and impunity. As a result, this generation stood out from all other previous Pluto generations as the ones who dared to be different, regardless of what other people may have thought of them.

The challenges for the Pluto in Leo generation

Every Pluto generation has their own, unique challenges in respect to that particular generation’s planetary energies and configurations.

The weaknesses of Pluto in Leo generation include their sense of pride, ego and the overwhelming need to be recognized and loved.

The biggest hurdle for those born with Pluto in Leo will be finding a balance between what is in your own best interests versus what is in the best interests of any particular group, including families, workspace, communities and nations.

Another obstacle will involve the expression of emotions honestly, at the risk of the disapproval of others.  In other words, the lion’s pride may need to learn humbleness through humility.


As a member of the following Pluto in Virgo generation, I cannot thoroughly express, in words, my gratitude to the Pluto in Leo generation for being those who lit the candle for the current global mass awakening.  You showed us how to look within for the answers and that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience.  You changed all of our lives through style, music, art and political reform.  You encouraged others to question everything while looking outside the box for answers, or to simply look within.

While many of the Pluto in Leo generation are either retired or approaching retirement, they still have that desire to change the world in whatever way possible.  May you always stay true to yourself!

Sending you all infinite Love & Light,


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Gregg Prescott, M.S.Gregg Prescott, M.S., is the founder and editor of  In5D and Zentasia. In 2009, Gregg launched In5D after experiencing what he describes as a “galactic download,” which provided him with the name “In5D” and the guidance to create the website. He co-owns In5D Club  with his beautiful wife, Ali. His In5D Facebook page has over 370,000 followers, and his In5D YouTube channel has amassed 146,000 followers. Gregg is a visionary, author, a transformational speaker, and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents.  Follow Gregg and In5D on various social media platforms, including Rumble, YouTube, Gab, TelegramIn5D Bitchute, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and TruthSocial to stay updated on his latest content and events./

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