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Quantum Process To Slow Time And Savor The Moment

By on November 22, 2014 in Spiritual Awakening

Quantum Process To Slow Time And Savor The Moment

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by Kim Caldwell
guest writer for

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
~ Henry Stanley Haskins


There is a simple way to direct the flow of energy that will slow time and takes less than a minute to do.

I was blessed to attend a workshop with the world-renowned Genevieve Paulsonir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=ur2&o=1. Genevieve has written enlightening books such as Kundalini & the Chakras and Tumo: The Fire in the Bellyir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=as2&o=1&a=1450788394. She is an expert on the chakras, past lives and energy healing.

During our workshop Genevieve casually mentioned an exercise she uses to slow time. She showed us how to do this exercise and we all practiced it together once or twice. Imagine my surprise when I started noticing I seemed to have more hours in my day.

This is when I realized that we have much more control over time in our lives than we realize. I must admit this feels magical to have the ability I am about to share with you.

The process for slowing time is as follows. Set the intention to have more hours you enjoy in your day. See the time energy in your minds eye, this energy flows in the back chest area out through the front. Visualize this energy flowing through now. Instead of allowing this energy to flow out the front heart area, slow and let it flow out the sides of the chest, about 3 inches under the arm pits. Visualize a T shape. The video below will help you master this process.

I would also suggest if one feels stuck in a situation they do not like they could flow the time energy straight out the front chest area with the intention of speeding up time. Examples might include getting stuck in a boring class, meeting or line. Play with both processes with an open mind and let the magic happen. We are moving into uncharted territory and our abilities to create are becoming fine tuned now.


Genevieve also mentioned a quote that I loved by Fritz Perlsir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=ur2&o=1, “Anxiety is excitement without breathing.” Remember to take deep healing breaths and enjoy this exciting time.

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Kim Caldwell author of Activate Your Abundanceir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=as2&o=1&a=0615426530 Book and audio program, How Green Smoothies Saved My Lifeir?t=bcp11wh33 20&l=as2&o=1&a=0615302904 and the Solfeggio Switchwords Meditation Programs. Learn More at

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