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Scientists Predict Time Will Stop COMPLETELY!

By on February 12, 2015 in Enlightening Articles, Science

by Donna Bowater

Time might feel like it is running away from us as the pace of life increases but according to scientists, the future will stop completely.

The theory of time running out was devised by researchers from two Spanish universities trying to explain why the universe appeared to be spreading continuously and accelerating.


Observations of supernovae, or exploding stars, found the movement of light indicated they were moving faster than those nearer to the center of the universe.

But the scientists claimed the accepted theory of an opposite force to gravity, known as dark energy, was wrong, and said the reality was that the growth of the universe was slowing.

Professor Jose Senovilla, Marc Mars and Raul Vera from the University of the Basque Country and the University of Salamanca said the deceleration of time was so gradual, it was imperceptible to humans.

Scientists Predict Time Will Stop Completely

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Their proposal, published in the journal Physical Review D, claimed dark energy does not exist and that time was winding down to the point when it would finally grind to a halt long after the planet ceased to exist.

The slowing down of time will eventually mean everything will appear to take place faster and faster until it eventually disappears.


Professor Senovilla told the New Scientist: “Then everything will be frozen, like a snapshot of one instant, for ever.”

Gary Gibbons, a cosmologist the University of Cambridge, told the news website RT that the idea was not as absurd as it sounded.

“We believe that time emerged during the Big Bang and if time can emerge, may disappear as well as the opposite effect,” he said.


In5D Addendum

Gregg Prescott, M.S.

In my opinion, we are nearing the point where time no longer exists.  In an article called, “9 Tips On How To Escape Artificial Time,” I list a number of ways to escape artificial time.

It’s become abundantly clear that time, itself, is changing and we’re seeing evidence of this from various sources:

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  • When the late Jose Arguelles explored Lord Pacal’s tomb, the most important information he discovered was that we all need to live without time.
  • Another time variation was provided by the late Terence McKenna who believed that we are spiraling toward the singularity as time speeds up.
  • Dannion Brinkley, who experienced several near death experiences, stated that the time speeding up premise is caused by our consciousness speeding up.
  • The late Ian Lungold believed that we have more to do in less time.
  • A current feature film called Jupiter Ascending shows how extraterrestrials have the ability to literally freeze time.

What many of us are experiencing is some sort of time distortion as the awakening gains momentum.

Has your perception of time changed?  Tell us about it below!

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